A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Cajun, that is fantastic news! :high-five: I think you are really starting to hit the sweet spot of your true calling. you have such amazing knowledge to share... it's really great that you are getting the chance to share that wealth on a full time basis!

You should start giving seminars or multi-day retreats on cannabis and cancer. I'd love the opportunity to learn from you directly.

I've been a guest lecture this semester for a cannabinoid class at the University. I've also been part of a group giving seminars at local/state cannabis & medical summits.
The one that pulled the trigger was at the University, but was for continuing education credit for nurses & other healthcare professionals.
That's how I got all the Green Summit videos the next day. Some of the nurses on the videos had just attended one of my/our seminars.
The latest group I've been with had now been asked to join a group of medical professionals to travel around the country; Nevada, California, Michigan, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, NewYork are some I know for sure.
When the tour is over later this year, I'm opening up my own clinic with 3 others and will be supplied in inventory from my current job! I just get blown away by life & the connectedness of "stuff".

SlowToke beat me to the punch!!! I am thrilled for you!!! You have found your true calling!!! Now you will be able to help people on a larger scale. If you are ever speaking in the NYC area, we will have to get together!!!! Hope to see you here some day!!!:circle-of-love::peace:

My friend, we will be in New York later this year. I don't have specific dates yet but I promise I'll reach out to you when it gets closer. I'm so stoked.
Everything is connected. I just love it when something seems to happen out of the blue and then I realize what connections led up to the moment... it just feels like magic.

Partly why we should be aware of our 'karmic balance', the amount of good that we have done, compared to the good received. I like to run life heavier on the giving side, so when it becomes necessary to withdraw, that there is a balance remaining.

Regarding the science behind cannabis oil, I love to hear what people who have seen cancer knocked aside by the oil have to say about the most exciting case that they have seen. Mentally, I always try to pick apart the story, no matter how compelling the case, looking for some detail that confirms my bias that there is no way that we could have missed this "cure" while developing chemo drugs and radiation techniques. I am still looking for that story, while taking my daily cannabis oil dose.
Expecting great things from you now.
The biggest congrats to you Cajun. Well done and absolutely well deserved.

I believe that the energy you put out there comes back in all these amazing "inter-connected" ways. You're obviously a kind and positive person and the Universe is rewarding you. May it be nothing short of amazing for you and your team. My dream is to see you bring these conferences and clinics to this part of the world.

I had come on here today to say thank you - just over a week of following your advice and the difference in how things are going for me now is just incredible - such a huge improvement already. This is probably making the difference between life & death for me. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I'm continuing as you directed me and will continue until my ultimate result is archieved. And then I'll probably badger you for advice on maintenance :)
The biggest congrats to you Cajun. Well done and absolutely well deserved.

I believe that the energy you put out there comes back in all these amazing "inter-connected" ways. You're obviously a kind and positive person and the Universe is rewarding you. May it be nothing short of amazing for you and your team. My dream is to see you bring these conferences and clinics to this part of the world.

I had come on here today to say thank you - just over a week of following your advice and the difference in how things are going for me now is just incredible - such a huge improvement already. This is probably making the difference between life & death for me. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I'm continuing as you directed me and will continue until my ultimate result is archieved. And then I'll probably badger you for advice on maintenance :)

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. This is what it is all about. Learning and passing it on!!! I thrilled to hear about your success!!! :peace:
Shazzy.... Great news. :hug: :love:
Thanks Supergroomer & SweetSue.

Well I won't jinx myself by saying success yet (touch wood) but I can definitely feel the oil working better since following Cajun's advice. In terms of obvious easing of symptoms.

Awesome Shazzy!
We gotta keep ya around for that lil one.

On the the same subject, I spoke with GreenLiv today & his wife is doing great too.
3 of 5 tumors have "disappeared", her tumor count is 8 (was in the triple digits) & she is doing yoga now. Lol.
Today is the type of day you just want to put in a bottle & keep.
Ahhhhh............. I know what you mean mon ami. :love:
Cajun, I came across a chart listing the food sources for polyphenols and dried peppermint came in second to cloves. Would peppermint tea be considered an acceptable demethylating agent, and if not, why so?
Studies have shown the items in the picture below keep the genes of our immune system from being silenced, aka "abberant methylation." To keep the needed signalling neurotransmitters (AEA and 2-AG) and their receptors at optimum levels, the easiest solution is.... exercise, exercise, exercise!

Name: 82c4f059094c81899d3d522f32bd068a.jpg Views: 1 Size: 139.0 KB A page I found on demethylating foods. Here is the webpage link below in case the pic does not open. https://flutrackers.com/forum/forum...ntions/144504-dietary-dna-demethylating-foods
Studies have shown the items in the picture below keep the genes of our immune system from being silenced, aka "abberant methylation." To keep the needed signalling neurotransmitters (AEA and 2-AG) and their receptors at optimum levels, the easiest solution is.... exercise, exercise, exercise!

Name: 82c4f059094c81899d3d522f32bd068a.jpg Views: 1 Size: 139.0 KB A page I found on demethylating foods. Here is the webpage link below in case the pic does not open. https://flutrackers.com/forum/forum...ntions/144504-dietary-dna-demethylating-foods

Thank you panacea. See why we need you here? :hug:

Not on that list, but every bit as important is olive oil. From Mauro Maccarone, a scientist at the University of Teramo, Italy.

Maccarone hypothesized that olive oil might counter some of the adverse effects of methylation.

"We found that olive oil, in particular the phenolic components of olive oil, can reactivate CB-1 expression. By adding olive oil to an animal's diet, we can restore a normal CB-1 receptor level that will protect cells against cancer," Maccarone explained.

"This is very interesting and very promising because it suggests that the normal daily impact of the right amount of olive oil could be protective and could give you a better chance of a healthy life."

I read that and smiled at the thought of that olive oil being heavily infused with cannabis goodness. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Since I have permission to post this let me drop it here where it really belongs.

This is from a white paper at Green House Labs.

So what happens in your body when you take cannabis or cannabinoids?

This primarily depends on which cannabinoids were taken and how they were taken/the route of administration.

Route of administration

Cannabis or cannabinoids are often smoked but can also be ingested (oil, cake, tea etc.), injected or absorbed through the skin (patch) or mucous membranes (tongue, cheek, rectum). The chosen route of administration has a major impact on the actual effect.

For instance, smoking inevitably heats up cannabinoids causing decarboxylation and a shift from acidic to neutral compounds, which tend to be more biologically active. In addition, the incineration process will render part of the cannabinoids biologically inactive.

However, inhaled cannabinoids enter the bloodstream through the lungs and therefore reach the rest of the body before it passes the liver. This first-pass liver effect can seriously reduce the amount of available cannabinoids. Similarly, ingesting cannabinoids can reduce the amount of available cannabinoids through degradation in the gut/digestive tract.

Heat, chemical degradation or biological degradation/metabolism can dramatically change the amount of cannabinoids that is biologically active: bioavailability. Injected substances are considered 100% bioavailable. Any reduction is ascribed to the route of administration.

Smoked, or inhaled cannabinoids have reported bioavailabilities ranging from 2-56%(Huestis, 2007) with an average of about 30% (McGilveray, 2005). This variability is mainly due to differences in smoking dynamics (how deeply does one inhale, how long does one hold it in). Compared to oral application, the effects of smoking cannabinoids are relatively fast in on- and offset.

Cannabinoids that are absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth (buccomucosal application) have bioavailabilities of around 13% (Karschner et al., 2011). Application via the mucous membranes of tongue and cheek or rectal application bypasses degradation in the gut and improves bioavailability.



Cannabinoids (and their metabolites/breakdown products) are very lipophilic and are preferentially distributed to fatty tissues such as brain, spleen and body fat rather than aquaeous/water-rich tissues such as blood.

Distribution of THC (other cannabinoids will have similar but not identical distributions based on their respective biochemical properties):

About 1% of biologically available THC reaches the brain.

THC (and metabolites) accumulates in testicular/epididymal fat where it may affect sperm production.

THC crosses the placenta far more efficiently than its metabolites. From 15% (late pregnancy) to 30% (early pregnancy) of maternal plasma THC can be detected in fetal plasma.

THC also accumulates in breast milk (levels 8.4 times higher than plasma). About 10% of maternally consumed THC can be passed on to breast milk.

THC levels peak around 10 minutes after onset of smoking and rapidly go down to ~ 60% of peak after 15 minutes, 20% of peak after 30 minutes and 3% of peak after 2 hours.

THC is degraded to 11-OH-THC, which is also psychoactive, and subsequently to THC-COOH which is not psychoactive. THC-COOH is relatively stabile and can remain detectable for weeks (and is therefore used for drug screening). Most cannabinoid metabolites are excreted with urine (~1/3) or feces (~2/3).

The image below shows the distribution of CB1 receptor ligand 18F-FMPEP after injection into the blood circulation (this distribution can be expected to be similar but not identical to that of THC).



CB1 can be detected in human tissues throughout development (Mato et al., 2003). Comparison of CB1 distribution in the human brain at difference developmental stages shows:
-CB1 expression is relatively low in fetuses, intermediate in children and high in adults.
-CB1 expression in adults is particularly high in hippocampus and basal ganglia.
-CB1 expression in fetuses is particularly high in capsula interna, pyramidal tract and brachium conjunctivum (while not detectable in children and adults) suggesting a transient surge of CB1 in developing neuronal fiber tracts and thus a role in brain development.

Example by numbers

Now let's breakdown what happens when you smoke a cannabis cigarette (adapted from (McGilveray, 2005)).

A cigarette containing 35 mg THC produces peak THC levels of 162 ng/ml plasma 10 minutes after onset of smoking.

An average human has approximately 5l of blood meaning that 162 x 5000 = 810 μg of THC is bioavailable at peak levels, corresponding to bioavailability of 0.81/35 = 2.4% at peak levels.

Peak THC levels are 162 ng/ml. The molecular weight of THC is 314g/mol. 314 ng of THC in 1 ml of plasma corresponds to a 1 μM THC concentration. Therefore, our measured concentration of 162 ng/ml corresponds to 520 nM THC at peak. After 30 minutes, ~20% or ~100 nM is still bioavailable. After 2 hours, ~3% or 15 nM of THC is still bioavailable.

With relative affinities for THC of 10 nM and 24 nM for CB1 and CB2 receptors it can be assumed that most biological activity of THC will have disappeared within 2 hours after smoking a cannabis cigarette (An affinity of 10 nM means that at this concentration 50% of receptors are bound/activated by THC).

Huestis, M.A. (2007). Human Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics. Chem. Biodivers. 4, 1770—1804.
Karschner, E.L., Darwin, W.D., Goodwin, R.S., Wright, S., and Huestis, M.A. (2011). Plasma cannabinoid pharmacokinetics following controlled oral delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and oromucosal cannabis extract administration. Clin. Chem. 57, 66—75.
Mato, S., Del Olmo, E., and Pazos, A. (2003). Ontogenetic development of cannabinoid receptor expression and signal transduction functionality in the human brain. Eur. J. Neurosci. 17, 1747—1754.
McGilveray, I.J. (2005). Pharmacokinetics of cannabinoids. Pain Res. Manag. J. Can. Pain Soc. J. Société Can. Pour Trait. Douleur 10 Suppl A, 15A — 22A.

Full article: Cannabinoids in Your Body
Author: Uncredited
Visuals: Uncredited
Website: GHMedical
Great article and diagrams, Sue! First time I've seen such a clear and concise description of the bioavailability for the various means of ingestion.

But I thought rectal dosing was a much higher bioavailability than tacking, and here they have grouped both methods in the same category of mucous ingestion, with no difference. Do I have that right? Or it could just be wishful thinking. I need to review my notes and this thread, again.
Great article and diagrams, Sue! First time I've seen such a clear and concise description of the bioavailability for the various means of ingestion.

But I thought rectal dosing was a much higher bioavailability than tacking, and here they have grouped both methods in the same category of mucous ingestion, with no difference. Do I have that right? Or it could just be wishful thinking. I need to review my notes and this thread, again.

The big difference, to my way of thinking, is the locality. Where is the cancer you're treating? If it's liver, colon, prostate, stomach I'd think you definitely want suppositories. In my opinion, anything deep I'd be looking at anal, or possibly both. Thinking about it, if I had cancer, I'd be getting cannabinoids in with any delivery system I could, utilizing as much of the whole plant as possible. I predict that the entourage effect is going to become more important therapeutically as we move forward.
Thanks for the additional thoughts, Sue. That makes sense that location can affect the bioavailability of the meds. And I'm certainly on board with a whole plant approach. Who knows what components are critical to a cure that we don't even know about yet!

And as an aside, just got access to the Green Flower cannabis summit videos! I really wanted those since the live summit had a technical glitch that made me miss the cancer segment. Finally saw that, as well as the add-on interview with the presenter. Good stuff!
Thanks for the additional thoughts, Sue. That makes sense that location can affect the bioavailability of the meds. And I'm certainly on board with a whole plant approach. Who knows what components are critical to a cure that we don't even know about yet!

And as an aside, just got access to the Green Flower cannabis summit videos! I really wanted those since the live summit had a technical glitch that made me miss the cancer segment. Finally saw that, as well as the add-on interview with the presenter. Good stuff!

Great to hear. Yeah, I got access to mine too, but haven't had time to devote to watching them. I have them qued up though and gaze longingly at the tab every time I dash through my control panel. :laughtwo: I really appreciate their willingness to make this huge effort to get cannabis out there in the mainstream. The next summits are going to be well worth the time too, I'm sure.

Thanks for that head's up Cajun. :kisstwo:
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