A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Great to hear. Yeah, I got access to mine too, but haven't had time to devote to watching them. I have them qued up though and gaze longingly at the tab every time I dash through my control panel. :laughtwo: I really appreciate their willingness to make this huge effort to get cannabis out there in the mainstream. The next summits are going to be well worth the time too, I'm sure.

Thanks for that head's up Cajun. :kisstwo:

There is not much to watch. Mostly listen to. Open one up and run it in the back ground instead music while you are working online. If you hear something that needs to be "looked" at just switch over briefly and then back to what you were doing (and listening to.):) :peace:
There is not much to watch. Mostly listen to. Open one up and run it in the back ground instead music while you are working online. If you hear something that needs to be "looked" at just switch over briefly and then back to what you were doing (and listening to.):) :peace:

Thank you supergroomer. For some crazy blonde reason that hadn't occurred to me as an option. :laughtwo: Pull it up on the phone with earbuds and keep working on the iPad.

I'm getting my computer back from my daughter and it's been so long since I've worked on one I'll have to retrain. LOL!
Thank you panacea for the list of foods and SweetSue for that diagram.

What method of application to you think would be sensible for a person with bone cancer? I have an older friend whose husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer with bone mets. He has just started the oil using suppositories.

I'm just in awe of this magical medicine. I can't help but feel sad that here in the UK there is such a lag behind the rest of the world in terms of knowledge "on the ground" so to speak. Or maybe I'm just to square to know where it's at.

Love this forum :love:
Hi everyone. Hope you're all having a blessed day. Really blessed.
For you brainiacs fighting cancer (or coming to an agreement it), you HAVE to read:"Natural Compounds
in Cancer Therapy", by Dr. John Boik
Thank you panacea for the list of foods and SweetSue for that diagram.

What method of application to you think would be sensible for a person with bone cancer? I have an older friend whose husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer with bone mets. He has just started the oil using suppositories.

I'm just in awe of this magical medicine. I can't help but feel sad that here in the UK there is such a lag behind the rest of the world in terms of knowledge "on the ground" so to speak. Or maybe I'm just to square to know where it's at.

Love this forum :love:

Unfortunately we share that discouraging "lag" here in the states too shazzy. Hard to believe, isn't it? All that creative research talent chomping at the bit, just waiting for the opportunity to submit those grant proposals.

It'll happen in time.

Cajun will advise you on the bone cancer concern. Good for your friend's husband that he went for oil in suppository form. That shows a strong will to survive.

The link Dennise shared with you is the medical lounge thread used by many of us persuing the use of oil. It's a casual offshoot of the oil threads, where we can discuss a wider range of topics. Buried in those pages you'll find many stories of successful use with CCO. I'd hoped to centralize those testimonials, but that project has eluded me so far. The oiler's United thread is your best source for those testimonials right now. I'm sorry you have to dig for them.
Hi everyone. Hope you're all having a blessed day. Really blessed.
For you brainiacs fighting cancer (or coming to an agreement it), you HAVE to read:"Natural Compounds
in Cancer Therapy", by Dr. John Boik

Checked it out. An excellent resource. Already ordered. Thank you mon ami. :battingeyelashes: :love:
I admire your work and your personality. You're madly inspiring. I know you are very busy, but I take courage to ask for your advise.

What protocol would you use for brain tumor? How much THC oil, how much CBD oil, what delivery method and what supplements?

I can not get my brain tumor to shrink. It does not grow, but as on last MRI it developed a cyst by it's side. I do not want to operate it and my surgeon does not want to do it too, if I do not insist. It is so microscopical distance from my bodies left side moving center. If it grew even a bit, my left side would know it.

I have had more than a year of tacking now, but 4 tacks per day only. This is my tolerance level for tacking.

I have now added suppositories 3 times per day, 0,2 g of CO, 1:1 in coconut oil. I have THC-oil from super silver haze. I can tolerate suppositories very well. I tack before every suppository. I would try to make it 4 times per day.

Additionally I take drops of 10% CBD-oil at night 2-3 times x 0,3 ml. This is expensive oil from Bedrocan.

Soon I shall have my Critical Mass ans Shark Shock harvested, they are CBD-THC 1:1. I shall have to learn how to decarb for CBD then, never done it yet, only for THC.

But back to dosing regime. Are suppositories (assisted by tacking every time) the best way for brain cancer? :thanks:
I admire your work and your personality. You're madly inspiring. I know you are very busy, but I take courage to ask for your advise.

What protocol would you use for brain tumor? How much THC oil, how much CBD oil, what delivery method and what supplements?

I can not get my brain tumor to shrink. It does not grow, but as on last MRI it developed a cyst by it's side. I do not want to operate it and my surgeon does not want to do it too, if I do not insist. It is so microscopical distance from my bodies left side moving center. If it grew even a bit, my left side would know it.

I have had more than a year of tacking now, but 4 tacks per day only. This is my tolerance level for tacking.

I have now added suppositories 3 times per day, 0,2 g of CO, 1:1 in coconut oil. I have THC-oil from super silver haze. I can tolerate suppositories very well. I tack before every suppository. I would try to make it 4 times per day.

Additionally I take drops of 10% CBD-oil at night 2-3 times x 0,3 ml. This is expensive oil from Bedrocan.

Soon I shall have my Critical Mass ans Shark Shock harvested, they are CBD-THC 1:1. I shall have to learn how to decarb for CBD then, never done it yet, only for THC.

But back to dosing regime. Are suppositories (assisted by tacking every time) the best way for brain cancer? :thanks:

I admire your spirit and look forward to you finding the right dosages and protocol to promote remission.
Be well.
I recall someone posting that tacking was not always beneficial to certain cancers as other administering means. Not sure what cancers or what thread it was located at. Do any of you Oilers recall this or know where to find it at?:green_heart: thanks!
Ah hah, I've a computer.

So, one of the issues with medicating w/ CCO is are we getting enough cannabinoids into our system?

But, the other (& a biggy) is are the receptors (the CB1 & CB2 mainly) absorbing the cannabinoids?
The receptors can easily become chemically inactivated. They are turned off.
This is called methylation.
Basically, methyl groups (cells) surround the receptor sites & shut them down.

This is why a lot of people do not experience the full healing effect of the CCO, if any sometimes.

I've Stage 4 colon cancer met. to liver. It was proven from a study in 2008 that methyl groups, along with cancer, completely shut down all CB1 receptor sites on the colon in colon cancer patients. This has since been semi-reversed in lots of patients. We now know that if we can cleanse & activate the receptors that the CCO has a strong chance of causing cell death (apoptosis) in cancer.

This is a pretty big issue as it can point to why the CCO is not helping someone's specific disease. The thought even 5 years ago was "oh well, either the oil works on someone or by some weird unknown it doesn't".
Well, we're closer to knowing why it doesn't do a thing for some people now.
I have been trying to spread this knowledge, but as you can see, it gets pretty technical/medical and is not as easy as simply taking it a specific way sometimes.

So you've been using another cancer survivor's oil. That's a good thing. I usually advise to throw it out. I won't in your case. I'm considering your "sourcing" difficulties too.
My personal opinion would be to find out how much THC the oil has if possible so we can use it better. What ratio are the suppositories to oil too?
Forget about CBD (though it would help w/ colon inflammation). You need as high as THC as possible right now.

First, you should demethylate. I'll pm how.
Also, start eating green apples & drinking as much green tea as possible. They are natural demethylating agents. 1/8th teaspoon of ground cinnamon & 1 oz per day of dark chocolate are your new friends now too.
I'm going to send you a phenolic oil mix to demethylate.

Taking the supplements (apigenin & amentoflavone) I have on this thread somewhere will reduce clearance of the cannabinoids by >80%. You will save money, oil & your life possibly by taking them. Show these to your oncology team to ensure there are no potential problems. These are not drugs so you should be great. They are found naturally in many foods like cloves.

Take them with 15ml of pure virgin olive oil 30 mins prior to dosing with the CCO.

I would suggest you continue with the suppositories. But, I'm going to show you how to supercharge them (not euphoria) with a few ingredients. You will dose with them 5x a day.
Also, due to your liver metastases, insert the suppositories farther than I usually suggest. Insert them as far as possible. 3" minimum. This is so your hepatic vein can carry them straight to your liver.

Use the same recipe for the anal suppositories vaginally as well. We're going to fuss with the cervical/ovarian disease while we're at it.

I can't help you with obtaining the oil, but I'm sure where there's a will there's a way.

Stay on these oil threads pretty regularly/consistently. I'm kinda hit or miss on here, but get a ton of PM's when someone raises a flag.

I think this may be part of what you were looking for. Not the specific disease necessarily, but how different dosing regimes. , ;) :peace:
This is the meat of the other pertinent discussion. It's post #175, if you want to track it down to see what's around it, but this is the cream.

I was going to do a multiquote to catch everybody, but this deserves its own response.

When you "Tack" you are bypassing the blood/brain barrier with a very good percentage of cannabinoids left intact to do their thing.
Doing their thing is activating the CB-1 receptors in specific parts of the brain which are the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and the hypothalamus.
The CB-1 receptors stimulate the production of 2-AG, anandamide, serotonin & dopamine.
This is why you feel good. You are technically high along with these elements albeit slightly. Your brain feels like its in a state of homeostasis, which is awesome. Your blood pressure balances out, blood glucose levels balance, hair & nails grow stronger. There a lots of benefits.

Here's one of the big problems though:
someone is usually ingesting 1/5th of a gram per dose. That's 150mg. At 65 to 70% bioavailability, this is roughly 100mg of cannabinoids that stimulate/activate the receptors in your brain. That is just not near enough needed to cause cell death. No knowledgable professional working in this specific field that I know agrees that. In fact, most are horrified by it.

But what about an internal disease in your foot? Activating the CB-1 receptors in the brain areas above DOES NOT activate others like a magic switch all over your body. This has been proven since 1999 that I'm aware of. I've confirmed this with the organizations/professionals stated in an earlier post. This myth was ended when Rick Simpson retracted his statement on his "glandular" idea as well. He admitted to not really knowing how the oil worked in medical practice.

Also, CB-1 receptor activation or antagonists and the resulting production of 2-AG actually cause proliferation of tumors in some cancers. So you think up regulating them by tacking is wise? It's not...It's deadly.

Chronic use also decreases CB-1 density & impairs EDS signaling. This was proven in several cases & studies I can show you.
So, I will also be recommending anyone "cleanse" your receptors. Also, a medically proven method. Dr. Hirvonen & others.

That's basically it.
So much to take in. I would never want to 'throw caution at the wind " or haphazardly suggest dosage, protocols, supplements pertaining to CCO the would negatively effect an individual's treatment. Great to have people on this site looking out for each other.:goodjob:
There's nothing haphazard about what we're attempting to do here, is there? That's a point of pride for all of us, I think. We want the word out there but with a strong air of legitimacy. It's such new ground to many of us. Years from now we'll smile fondly at these memories. Thanks to these efforts some of us are going to beat the odds they were given and be there to smile. :battingeyelashes: :love:
I recall someone posting that tacking was not always beneficial to certain cancers as other administering means. Not sure what cancers or what thread it was located at. Do any of you Oilers recall this or know where to find it at?:green_heart: thanks!

I this thread there is discussion of liver cancer being better treated by the (not usually recommended) route of the hepatic vein and a 3" deep suppository.

There is also discussion of flaxseed oil (as a carrier) not recommended for +ER breast cancers. A few other tidbits that are searchable for specific cancers.

In my limited understanding, tacking, anal suppositories and vaginal suppositories are pretty much equal to each other and superior to other methods due to the ability of the body to tolerate the very high doses needed to treat cancers.
Good grief.
Quick studies. I may lose my job here. Some of y'all grab a
holt of this info crazy quick.

It is correct too that that info is probably floating around this thread somewhere. Thanks for the help in pointing out the specifics Super Groomer, Rado, SlowToke & Sue. Wingmen (persons) extraordinaire(s).
Immersive learning. We're a highly motivated group Cajun.
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