A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Dear people thank you very much!

Radogast I think KingstonRabbi answered the question. I mean I had a guess, but I wasn´t sure. There are definitely different opinions, because some people say for liver cancer the dose should be taken just orally and some say rectal is better. I think we will try the second one, because unfortunately the last CT showed that the cancer is making Progress :-(. Although I must admit that the protocol was not quite correct in the 6 weeks of consuming of oil, because the father was taking the coconut oil together with amentoflavone and apigenin 30 min before biobomb...and I understood from one post of KingstoneRabbi, that in case of liver cancer the tablespoon of coconut oil will interfere with biobomb (coconut/cannabis).

Ok, in this case the suppository should be inserted deeper to reach Superior Hemorrhoidal Artery to reach the liver , but the psyhoactive effect will not be avoided. But what about creative inhibition? I mean 30 minutes before insertion of suppository the father should take amentoflaovone and apigenin, too, right?
The problem is that the father should start with oil again, because he had a break. It means we should increase the dosis slowly again. For my understanding, we should start slowly with oral or tacking...and than when we reach xx mg/d we go to suppositories?! I mean at what time, or at which dose we should switch to suppositories?
After we reach the maximum dose that father can tolerate, we should spread the dosis over the day and take the oil 4 times. It mean 3 times suppositories and one time orally? If there are more information about preparing of suppositories somewhere else, can you please give me the link?

I am going to make the oil by myself, and I think I will follow the receipt with the dried material.

Thank you one more time for the support!

It's a lot to take in libra. You're doing fine.

We've learned that the 00 capsules make excellent suppositories, so no need to go through the trouble of coco butter and forming the plugs. Simply make the oil to the formulations worked out and fill the capsules.

I'd recommend starting with the 20:1 mix and go straight to using them as suppositories. The tack taken 15 minutes before the suppository is like a priming for the pump. It doesn't have to be very large. I bow to KR's wisdom with dosing rectally rather than split the dose up and take 25% orally. The small tack goes straight to the brain, giving you maximum effect of the cannabinoids and a general sense of well-being that I'm sure your father will appreciate.

The amentoflavone and apigenin will be taken about 30 minutes before the suppository dose. So that's supplements 30 minutes before, a small tack 15 minutes before and then the suppository. Start with the lower strength and work it up slowly. He's been without long enough that the ECS needs to be eased back into accelerated action.

Good luck with the oil-making. Feel free to stop in the study hall if you have any questions on the process. There's a cadre that keeps good tabs on the Making CCO thread too, so don't hesitate to call for help if you get stuck. When we know someone's making a batch we all go on alert in case we're needed.
Swet Sue, thanks for the answer. But now I am confused. You mean the capsules should be applied rectal?! I mean I never used or saw suppositories, but I guess it is easier to control insertion with it. But how we can insert the capsules rectal?! Or how we should know that we reached 4 to 5 cm? Is there some link where you discussed on this issue? Can you please send it. Thanks!
Swet Sue, thanks for the answer. But now I am confused. You mean the capsules should be applied rectal?! I mean I never used or saw suppositories, but I guess it is easier to control insertion with it. But how we can insert the capsules rectal?! Or how we should know that we reached 4 to 5 cm? Is there some link where you discussed on this issue? Can you please send it. Thanks!

We are bowing to the wisdom of the Kingston Rabbit, he has been there, assisted his body to eradicate the stage 4 cancer, and is (recently) back to work. What a sucky reward for a job well done, :) but his life is being lived now, not survived.

So let's go with his recommendation - The real dose should be taken rectally. Do the amentoflavone and apigenin orally 30 minutes before, and save out the last capsule of 20:1 mix and use a tiny bit of it (1/20th) to do a tack 15 minutes before, then administer the capsule rectally at 0 minutes. At some point, he will be ready to increase the dosage from 20:1 to 10:1, and you can double the capsules rectally until they run out and you switch to 10:1

Sweetsue previously gave a chart on the measurements for the different strength capsules

BioBomb Capsules - Continuing rework

20:1 = 1 cc CCO + 16 cc carrier oil + 4 cc lecithin

1000 mg cannabinoids /21 capsules = 47 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

10:1 = 1 cc CCO + 8 cc carrier oil + 2 cc lecithin

1000 mg /11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule

5:1 = 1 cc CCO + 4 cc carrier oil + 1 cc lecithin

1000 mg/6 capsules = 167 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

I'll do a hunt in this thread for how to insert suppositories, but I think it's pretty much put a finger condom on a finger and poke the capsule in with that finger.

How to insert capsules for treating LIVER CANCER

Insert the capsule about 5 cm (2")
-Before insertion

It is important to wash your hands thoroughly before insertion of a capsule/suppository, as germs and bacteria can enter the body through the rectum.

Disposable medical gloves or a finger cot can be used for this purpose.

Ensure that fingernails are trimmed and have no sharp edges.


Lie on your preferred side with your top leg pulled up towards your chest.

Lift your upper butt-cheek to expose your rectum.

Insert the capsule lengthwise, using your index finger to push the suppository in.


Ensure the suppository has been inserted past the anal sphincter. If not inserted fully past the sphincter, some or all of the suppository may be expelled without the active ingredients reaching the rectal wall and being absorbed into the blood stream.

only for LIVER CANCER Insert a full 2" (5 cm) deep. Measure your finger before you start to see which knuckle is 2" from the tip of finger.

-After insertion

Hold your buttocks together and tightly squeeze the muscles in your sphincter for a few seconds after insertion to help keep the capsule from sliding out.

Remain lying on your side for several minutes after insertion to allow the capsule/suppository to fully diffuse through the rectum. This will also help to prevent the unintended expulsion of the capsule/suppository.

Dispose of the glove or finger cot sanitarily and wash your hands thoroughly using soap and hot water, paying extra attention to cleaning under the nails and between the fingers.

Be very aware of the possibility of unintended expulsion of capsule residue during flatulence over the next few hours after insertion. If you have ANY doubts, use a toilet.

Adapted from a Cajuncelt post: ==> A Base Treatment Regimen for Cancer

If I got something wrong, SweetSue or Kingstonrabbi will correct me - I got it mostly right.
Swet Sue, thanks for the answer. But now I am confused. You mean the capsules should be applied rectal?! I mean I never used or saw suppositories, but I guess it is easier to control insertion with it. But how we can insert the capsules rectal?! Or how we should know that we reached 4 to 5 cm? Is there some link where you discussed on this issue? Can you please send it. Thanks!

Rad gave an excellent and thorough response. I'd add that the capsules insert easier if you make sure that the cap edge is facing away from the body. You'll understand that when you see a capsule in front of you. It'll be obvious, but around here we try to take nothing for granted or make any assumptions.

You'll get the hang of how deep is deep enough. You can use finger cots or a glove, but cleanliness is of utmost importance.

Also, with deeper insertion leakage isn't as much of a concern, but it's a concern nonetheless. If you know there's a bowel movement coming, wait until after to dose. Again, obvious, but you'd be surprised how many of us didn't think of this at one time or another to have the dose almost immediately expelled.

Make certain there's some food in the stomach and keep in mind that cannabinoid therapies use a lot of the body's water resources to clear all those troops from the system, so have him drink water on a regular basis. I've found it helpful to drink every time I urinate. Any signs of dry mouth should be answered with water.

Your looking for relief, not a cure libra. With relief comes an increase in the chances for a cure, but it's relief we're striving for. With cannabis we're anticipating a breathing space for an overtaxed ECS so it can once again get back to the business of healing. But let's start with some relief and a taste of wellbeing and work from there.
Your looking for relief, not a cure libra. With relief comes an increase in the chances for a cure, but it's relief we're striving for. With cannabis we're anticipating a breathing space for an overtaxed ECS so it can once again get back to the business of healing. But let's start with some relief and a taste of wellbeing and work from there.

Your on top of your game Sue, great answer.

Thank you! I got it now! There are so many posts here and sometimes I read so fast and switch from last to first pages, in order to learn more, but in this way I overlook important information or ignore them.

Now I have strategy, next step is to prepare the oil, or rather biobombs and hope that father feels relief.
Thanks everyone for all the info. I ordered the apigenin, empty capsules and lecithin,but haven't received them yet. My sister tried tacking, said all she did was make a sticky mess, so she is taking the oil orally every four hours. She is still feeling very anxious. I suggested the black pepper, but she lives alone several states away and I don't think she has felt like going to the store. I was able to get a couple grams of a hybrid with THC 78.1%, 2.2% THCA, 1.8% CBN, <4.8% CBGA and was wondering if that might work better for her, the oil she is using now is Indica.Her tumor is located in her chest and pressing on the superior vena cava and has metastasized to her liver and lymph nodes. This is secondary to estrogen related breast cancer several years ago. Should I use olive oil as the carrier oil? Also should the THC bypass the liver or metabolize in the liver? It kind of seems like it needs to be both ways. So much to learn!
I read somewhere that some essential oils like lemongrass oil, lavender oil, copaiba and sweet orange oil should be added to biobombs to reduce psychoactive effects. I wanted to get them, but now I found in internet for lavender oil it is not suitable for consumption. What is your opinion and recommendation?

My father is in hospital right now, and I´ve been informed that the doctors suspects he has mets on lymph nodes and brain:-(.
It means I should split the dosis and prepare biobombs with coconut oil for rectal application for liver, and other biobombs with olive oil for oral application for lymph nodes and brain? Please advise how should I prepare the biobombs and in which ratio.
Bio Bombs are the mixture of cannabis oil and carrier oils that use in the suppositories or can use in edibles. The 20:1 ratio to start with is 1 part cannabis oil to 20 parts carrier oil. I increase the ratio as I progress but keep the total volume at 21 units. for example, next step up would be 2:19, then 4:17, 8:13, and then a couple steps up to 18:3. You don't have to hit those ratios exactly, just in general increase CCO with each step.

You can use coconut oil as carrier oil, but extra virgin olive oil or flax seed oil are much better for avoiding breakdown by the liver.

Next step is to mix with more carrier oil plus liquid lecithin. 45 units of carrier oil, 15 of liquid lecithin. total volume is 81 units. If you use ml as base unit you will end up with 90 capsules per batch which is more than you need at low doses. Use a small oral syringe to measure 1/4 ml of cannabis oil and adjust the other oils in proportion. At higher doses I spent about 2 weeks at each level and 90 capsules was a little more than I needed but it was nice to have the extras to back off from the next higher dose temporarily if I wasn't quite ready.

I get my apigenin from Swansons online. I use ginko extract for the amentoflavone.

After I completed the first batch it became much clearer to me how it all came together. 20:1 mix plus additional carrier oil and lecithin made 00 size capsule containing 10 mg cannabis oil each. Next step was 20 mg. 18:3 plus same amount of additional carrier oil/lecithin made 200 mg capsules, which is highest you will need for 5 doses per day to reach 1 gram.

Don't worry if you need us to walk you through it a couple times. As long as first batch is low and you increase consistently you will get it right.

I would use both THC and CBD oils in the bio bombs taken rectally/vaginally for maximum effectiveness.

Hi guys

My mother is taking 4 capsule suppositories per day. The current capsules has a base oil of 6 ml THC 80%, 1 ml CBD 40% and 3,5 ml of organic extra virgin olive oil. Then 7,5 ml of liquid lecithin and 22,5 ml OEVOO.

This was for 45 capsules 00, and there is 0,15 of CCO per capsules. 4 times equals 0,6 of CCO per day.

Next batch I'll will increase CCO but mainly THC. Maybe I'll will add 2-3 ml of CBD.

But is it okay if I'll follow the formular were the base oil is 21 ml (10,5 ml for smaller batch) every time, or should I'll make it 10:1 or 5:1?
I'll will increase CCO within the 21 ml, until my mother reach 1 ml of CCO per day. But that is okay right?

My mother has Cervival cancer in stage 4, and and is inserting the capsules by about 1 inches deep into the rectum. Is 1 inche okay when it's not liver cancer?

Also, should the organic extra virgin olive oil be cold pressed, or does matter?

She is also eating some THC for pain relief and for better sleep. It seems to help on that.

Thanks guys

Originally Posted by SweetSue
Your looking for relief, not a cure libra. With relief comes an increase in the chances for a cure, but it's relief we're striving for. With cannabis we're anticipating a breathing space for an overtaxed ECS so it can once again get back to the business of healing. But let's start with some relief and a taste of wellbeing and work from there.

That's a great way to describe it. Yes we are killing cancer cells with cannabis, but that in itself won't cure cancer. Without the full body healing that cannabis provides the cancer may come right back because we would still have all the diseased conditions that allowed cancer in first place. Some cancers seem to be curable, like my dad's prostate cancer that has been gone for 10 years now. Maybe it's cured, maybe it's just a really long remission. He was in good health to begin with and his treatment didn't cause the damage that most treatments do, so his body was able to finish healing and stay healthy. My first treatment was far more damaging and healing so slow it now seems almost inevitable that it would come back. So I think of it in terms of controlling cancer to a point where there is "No evidence of disease" and my body is back to healing itself in more ways than just killing cancer cells.
Hi guys

My mother is taking 4 capsule suppositories per day. The current capsules has a base oil of 6 ml THC 80%, 1 ml CBD 40% and 3,5 ml of organic extra virgin olive oil. Then 7,5 ml of liquid lecithin and 22,5 ml OEVOO.

This was for 45 capsules 00, and there is 0,15 of CCO per capsules. 4 times equals 0,6 of CCO per day.

Next batch I'll will increase CCO but mainly THC. Maybe I'll will add 2-3 ml of CBD.

But is it okay if I'll follow the formular were the base oil is 21 ml (10,5 ml for smaller batch) every time, or should I'll make it 10:1 or 5:1?
I'll will increase CCO within the 21 ml, until my mother reach 1 ml of CCO per day. But that is okay right?

My mother has Cervival cancer in stage 4, and and is inserting the capsules by about 1 inches deep into the rectum. Is 1 inche okay when it's not liver cancer?

Also, should the organic extra virgin olive oil be cold pressed, or does matter?

She is also eating some THC for pain relief and for better sleep. It seems to help on that.

Thanks guys


Good work Kristain. I'd recommend you stay at that 20:1 mix until she shows a tolerance for that dose that will allow you to increase to 10:1. Watch her carefully for any signs of discomfort when you increase. We're trying to avoid too much euphoria for her, but it's a personal expression with each of us, so work up slowly.

You want to keep gently titrating up while you wait on some test results that'll give you an indication of the efficacy of the therapy. I'm assuming she's still under the care of a med team? If that's not the case, and it happens more often than you'd think, just work your way up to the gram a day by slowly increasing the concentration levels of the capsules.

Cold-pressed EVOO is considered best, but there was a recent international scandal about the purity of olive oil products. At that point, I personally stopped worrying about it, but I'm not treating cancer. If I were, I'd probably be trying to find the best carrier oil I could and be looking for cold-pressed. It's a personal choice. Olive oil is a healing force that brings a different level of effectiveness to the cannabinoid therapy. If I couldn't get cold-press easily I'd still go with olive.

You want the suppository inserted just inside the sphincter muscle. Sounds like you have things under control Kristain. I'm glad to hear she's able to get more relief through some oral meds. :hug: :love:
That's a great way to describe it. Yes we are killing cancer cells with cannabis, but that in itself won't cure cancer. Without the full body healing that cannabis provides the cancer may come right back because we would still have all the diseased conditions that allowed cancer in first place. Some cancers seem to be curable, like my dad's prostate cancer that has been gone for 10 years now. I think of it in terms of controlling cancer to a point where there is "No evidence of disease."

We sometimes forget that we all have cancer cells. A healthy ECS can deal with the occasional rouge cell. A stressed ECS, not so much, so we bring in bigger troop numbers until such time as the system can begin to catch up on its own housekeeping abilities. But the goal, in all cases, should be to support the ECS in such a way as to improve its chances of becoming the healing force it's evolved to be.
Good work Kristain. I'd recommend you stay at that 20:1 mix until she shows a tolerance for that dose that will allow you to increase to 10:1. Watch her carefully for any signs of discomfort when you increase. We're trying to avoid too much euphoria for her, but it's a personal expression with each of us, so work up slowly.

You want to keep gently titrating up while you wait on some test results that'll give you an indication of the efficacy of the therapy. I'm assuming she's still under the care of a med team? If that's not the case, and it happens more often than you'd think, just work your way up to the gram a day by slowly increasing the concentration levels of the capsules.

Cold-pressed EVOO is considered best, but there was a recent international scandal about the purity of olive oil products. At that point, I personally stopped worrying about it, but I'm not treating cancer. If I were, I'd probably be trying to find the best carrier oil I could and be looking for cold-pressed. It's a personal choice. Olive oil is a healing force that brings a different level of effectiveness to the cannabinoid therapy. If I couldn't get cold-press easily I'd still go with olive.

You want the suppository inserted just inside the sphincter muscle. Sounds like you have things under control Kristain. I'm glad to hear she's able to get more relief through some oral meds. :hug: :love:

Hi Sue,

But is it necessary to swift to 10:1? I'll need a total of 81 ml for the 90 capsules. I'll have just made a new batch of 18 ml thc, 3 ml CBD, 15 ml lecithin and 45 ml of EVOO. That is 81 ml and it's about 90 caps. 4 caps per day will give my mother an amount of 0,9 CCO per day.

She is very tired, but she is not feeling high.

But why change to 10:1? Will the Biobombs be more effective? Does it matter using 21:1 over 10:1?

She is still under care of a med team, but they don't think they can offer more chemo. But they will keep scanning her.

Thanks Sue ;)
Thanks everyone for all the info. I ordered the apigenin, empty capsules and lecithin,but haven't received them yet. My sister tried tacking, said all she did was make a sticky mess, so she is taking the oil orally every four hours. She is still feeling very anxious. I suggested the black pepper, but she lives alone several states away and I don't think she has felt like going to the store. I was able to get a couple grams of a hybrid with THC 78.1%, 2.2% THCA, 1.8% CBN, <4.8% CBGA and was wondering if that might work better for her, the oil she is using now is Indica.Her tumor is located in her chest and pressing on the superior vena cava and has metastasized to her liver and lymph nodes. This is secondary to estrogen related breast cancer several years ago. Should I use olive oil as the carrier oil? Also should the THC bypass the liver or metabolize in the liver? It kind of seems like it needs to be both ways. So much to learn!

Oil orally is nothing like tacking. She will get A LOT more THC effects (anxiety, stoned) taking it orally than tacking or rectally. The liver will always pick up something, plan to treat the primary cancer.
Thanks everyone for all the info. I ordered the apigenin, empty capsules and lecithin,but haven't received them yet. My sister tried tacking, said all she did was make a sticky mess, so she is taking the oil orally every four hours. She is still feeling very anxious. I suggested the black pepper, but she lives alone several states away and I don't think she has felt like going to the store. I was able to get a couple grams of a hybrid with THC 78.1%, 2.2% THCA, 1.8% CBN, <4.8% CBGA and was wondering if that might work better for her, the oil she is using now is Indica.Her tumor is located in her chest and pressing on the superior vena cava and has metastasized to her liver and lymph nodes. This is secondary to estrogen related breast cancer several years ago. Should I use olive oil as the carrier oil? Also should the THC bypass the liver or metabolize in the liver? It kind of seems like it needs to be both ways. So much to learn!

You have yourself in a situation where you have to make the best of the resources at hand Duarte, and that new oil mix may well serve her better in that it's lower in THC concentrations. The values of CBGA are an interesting touch. Any idea how much CBD is in that oil?

If she's using an Indica oil and is feeling stressed I'd think it'd be the THC concentrations. If that's the oil that was 82.9% THC, I wouldn't be surprised.

I'd go with olive oil myself. The primary concern here is the tumor pressing against the Superior Vena Cava. As Rad notes, everything eventually gets to the liver, so there will be opportunity for the system to get to those cells as well. Keep in mind that her own ECS is still functioning, just stressed enough that we need to supplement. It still knows there are tumor cells to deal with and we'd be smart to anticipate teamwork being executed by the ECS and the cannabinoid therapy you're introducing.

If you want to come at it from a slightly enhanced direction you could schedule a couple of the suppositories to be inserted deeper, thus sending them to the liver from the start. Be particularly alert to advance supplements for competitive inhibition at those doses.
I understood that by cooking the cannabis oil we destroy terpenes, which are very important. Therefore we should add some essential oils to compensate an increase the terpenes.

I found this text in internet:

The Terpenes of Cannabis, Their Aromas, and Effects

THC activates the CB2 receptor, which regulates immune function and the peripheral nervous system. But this is not the reason people feel stoned when they smoke marijuana; instead, what causes the high is THC binding to the CB1 receptor, which is concentrated in the brain and the central nervous system. Stimulating the CB2 receptor doesn’t have a psychoactive effect because CB2 receptors are localized predominantly outside the brain and central nervous system. CB2 receptors are present in the gut, spleen, liver, heart, kidneys, bones, blood vessels, lymph cells, endocrine glands, and reproductive organs. Marijuana is such a versatile medicinal substance because it acts everywhere, not just in the brain.

In 2008, the Swiss scientist Jürg Gertsch documented beta-caryophyllene’s binding affinity for the CB2 receptor and described it as “a dietary cannabinoid.” It is the only terpenoid known to directly activate a cannabinoid receptor (which is one of the reasons why green, leafy vegetables are very healthy for people to eat). The dual status of beta-caryophyllene as a terpenoid and a CB2 activator underscores the synergistic interplay between various components of the cannabis plant. There are many, many chemical compounds in marijuana, including cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids (which give fruit skin its color). Each has specific medicinal attributes, which combine to create a holistic “entourage effect,” so that the therapeutic impact of the whole plant is greater than the sum of its parts. Certain terpenoids dilate capillaries in the lungs, enabling smoked or vaporized THC to enter the bloodstream more easily. Nerolidol, a sedative terpenoid, is a skin penetrant that increases permeability and potentially facilitates cannabinoid absorption when applied topically for pain or skin conditions. Terpenoids and cannabinoids both increase blood flow, enhance cortical activity and kill respiratory pathogens – including MSRA, the antibiotic-resistant bacteria that in recent years has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Americans. Dr. Russo’s article reports that cannabinoid-terpenoid interactions “could produce synergy with respect to treatment of pain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, addiction, epilepsy, cancer, fungal, and bacterial infections.”

Marijuana’s bouquet of terpenes – that “riot of perfumes,” as the poet (and hashish eater) Arthur Rimbaud once said – plays another important role: Terpenes buffer THC’s psychoactivity. Cannabinoid and Terpenoid interactions can amplify the beneficial effects of cannabis while reducing THC-induced anxiety. Some people can’t handle THC dominant marijuana, while others enjoy the relaxed intensity of the cannabis high. However, Most everyone would prefer organically grown bud with its tangy, antioxidant-rich mixture of cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids, as opposed to Marinol, the pure synthetic-THC pill. For nearly everyone who has tried both, the experience of THC alone compares poorly to that of THC combined with terpenes and other components of the cannabis plant.

What do you think? I think I will add some essential oils to biobombs
But what about mets? I mean my father has primary liver cancer and if the doctors confirm that he has mets, then I should prepare biobombs with coconut oil as carrier for the liver cancer and rectal application, and biobombs with olive oil for oral application or tacking for the mets?

Please suggest:Namaste:
I understood that by cooking the cannabis oil we destroy terpenes, which are very important. Therefore we should add some essential oils to compensate an increase the terpenes.

I found this text in internet:

The Terpenes of Cannabis, Their Aromas, and Effects

THC activates the CB2 receptor, which regulates immune function and the peripheral nervous system. But this is not the reason people feel stoned when they smoke marijuana; instead, what causes the high is THC binding to the CB1 receptor, which is concentrated in the brain and the central nervous system. Stimulating the CB2 receptor doesn’t have a psychoactive effect because CB2 receptors are localized predominantly outside the brain and central nervous system. CB2 receptors are present in the gut, spleen, liver, heart, kidneys, bones, blood vessels, lymph cells, endocrine glands, and reproductive organs. Marijuana is such a versatile medicinal substance because it acts everywhere, not just in the brain.

In 2008, the Swiss scientist Jürg Gertsch documented beta-caryophyllene’s binding affinity for the CB2 receptor and described it as “a dietary cannabinoid.” It is the only terpenoid known to directly activate a cannabinoid receptor (which is one of the reasons why green, leafy vegetables are very healthy for people to eat). The dual status of beta-caryophyllene as a terpenoid and a CB2 activator underscores the synergistic interplay between various components of the cannabis plant. There are many, many chemical compounds in marijuana, including cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids (which give fruit skin its color). Each has specific medicinal attributes, which combine to create a holistic “entourage effect,” so that the therapeutic impact of the whole plant is greater than the sum of its parts. Certain terpenoids dilate capillaries in the lungs, enabling smoked or vaporized THC to enter the bloodstream more easily. Nerolidol, a sedative terpenoid, is a skin penetrant that increases permeability and potentially facilitates cannabinoid absorption when applied topically for pain or skin conditions. Terpenoids and cannabinoids both increase blood flow, enhance cortical activity and kill respiratory pathogens – including MSRA, the antibiotic-resistant bacteria that in recent years has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Americans. Dr. Russo’s article reports that cannabinoid-terpenoid interactions “could produce synergy with respect to treatment of pain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, addiction, epilepsy, cancer, fungal, and bacterial infections.”

Marijuana’s bouquet of terpenes – that “riot of perfumes,” as the poet (and hashish eater) Arthur Rimbaud once said – plays another important role: Terpenes buffer THC’s psychoactivity. Cannabinoid and Terpenoid interactions can amplify the beneficial effects of cannabis while reducing THC-induced anxiety. Some people can’t handle THC dominant marijuana, while others enjoy the relaxed intensity of the cannabis high. However, Most everyone would prefer organically grown bud with its tangy, antioxidant-rich mixture of cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids, as opposed to Marinol, the pure synthetic-THC pill. For nearly everyone who has tried both, the experience of THC alone compares poorly to that of THC combined with terpenes and other components of the cannabis plant.

What do you think? I think I will add some essential oils to biobombs

I think this article is partly correct and partly incorrect.

I think it is worth discussing, maybe in Sweetsue's Study Hall.

I think for the important purpose of healing cancer, a person is wiser to stick with proven treatments.
I understood that by cooking the cannabis oil we destroy terpenes, which are very important. Therefore we should add some essential oils to compensate an increase the terpenes.
Hi Libra. I can see you have quickly caught on to the group's medicating protocol. You have mastered it in much shorter time than I could manage.

You are correct, terpenes are a precious component of the cannabis flowers and regrettably most of the terpenes are boiled off during prolonged heating. Despite this loss, the reported results that are achieved with the oil that remains should reassure you that fortifying it by adding terpenes seems not necessary; cannabis oil will willingly weave its magic just as it comes. I think you can't go wrong with the 3 component mix recommended here, and then maybe at some later date experiment with a few carefully considered supplements, once you can see you have gained the upper hand in this battle.

But have you thought about juicing some of the fresh plant, to preserve all its constituents? Sourcing fresh would be difficult, so you would probably need to grow your own plants, to be able to juice fresh fan leaves (and some bud, if available). The cannabis plant is regarded by some as being in the “superfood” category. Juicing it does call for a special pressing type of juicer:

At youtube you'll see some related videos on the subject, they can make for enlightening reading.

It's interesting that you should quote that text about terpenes, because I logged in today to discuss that very writing you quoted.

Good luck with it all.
A few weeks back I introduced for discussion the idea of supplementing cannabis oil mix with one or more terpenes of desirable property, after seeing a recipe that included beta carotene and limonene. A Base Treatment Regimen for Cancer

Today I'm revisiting the idea of adding terpenes after reading a discussion that claims it's possible to neutralise the psychoactive reaction to THC by simultaneously injesting one or two specific terpenes with an unusual property. The exciting upshot being that it allows immediate leap into full dose THC cannabis medication and eliminates the need to titrate up gradually in order to build tolerance to the THC. If borne out in practice, it would also be welcomed by those who have been forced to leave off THC oil because they found the effect of being stoned all too frightening.

Its basis is explained from a facebook discussion: about 5 or 6 years ago a STRONG CB2 receptor agonist was found in the oil of the Copaiba Tree in Brazil at around 50 - 55%. That compound is called beta-caryophyllene (BCP), it's bioavailable & non-toxic. BCP does occur in cannabis as a terpene (it is a sesquiterpene) but NOT at levels sufficient to overcome the high sensitivity of those having no prior exposure to cannabis. Copaiba Oil and BCP are completely legal.

The writer goes on to suggest dosage: For a slightly built adult (children even less) I recommend 6 - 8 drops of each of BCP and orange oil (d-limonene) at breakfast only with yoghurt or lecithin or milk etc., to emulsify - ranging for heavy set adult up to 8 drops of each twice per day. He later suggests that the orange oil alone may suffice, skip the BCP, for d-limonene is apparently likewise a CB2 receptor agonist.

For a scientific discussion: Beta-caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid. - PubMed - NCBI

BCP: Beta-Caryophyllene: The Dietary Cannabinoid That Could Make Synthetics Irrelevant - Leaf Science

source of orange oil: Natural Fractions - Products / Australian based manufacturers of Essential Oils & Food Ingredients
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