Air pump with stone

Soil grows don’t have a res but yes bubbling your water for oxygen is good, but there is a saturation point. There are sonic or electronic oxygen emitters that will turn your water white. Nunyabiz runs this tech on his water buckets. Look up O2 oxygen emitters bit pricey same tech as fishermen use in bait & live keep wells
What does saturation point mean? Is it when it can no longer to absorb oxygen molecules?
There's no real benefit to adding dissolved Oxygen to your soil nutrients. It will however nicely mix nutrients IF, your pump is large enough and you have a decent method to make small air bubbles. I use a 90 liter per minute pump with 2 11 inch diffusers in my RDWC... mixing nutrients isn't a problem

Water can only hold so much dissolved Oxygen at a given temp. In hydro, the water temps is usually between 63ish and 71ish our target saturation that temp is 10PPM, cooler water has the ability to hold more O2. At 80 degrees the peak dissolved Oxygen can get as low as 4PPM. The temperature isn't good for hydro for a few reasons, one of them is the plants may drown. Hope this helps... Sorry of I snaked you 013!
Damn you Stltoed.... ! I’m kidding - no snaking at all my friend, your comments are welcomed here - that’s the beauty, most everyone has considerable skill and brings something new to the table!! I’m soil guy but you have taken this to a whole new level with your hydro skills! Please jump in any time!

Drewser - I have taken to putting a few airstones a few inches up from the bottom of my big soil pots for flowering. I don’t run them 24 X 7 but have them on a separate timer and cycle them during the day
Does using a pump n stone have any benefits with aeration or mixing of the reservoir for a Soil grow?
They work great for making Actively Aerated compost Tea (AACT) for boosting Microbes in organic soil
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