Akisunni Indoor Cold & Hot Grow Zones

Thanks Susat66,

I like to make plans, even when I am in panic mode. This is my current thought process.

I will be extremely proactive tomorrow.

I) The new girls are unaffected so far. I will remove them for observation.

II) I will pull the infected one out and put her aside for now.

III) I will spray down the grow space with liquid death and let it sit for a bit.

IV) Then apply a serious coating of the Diatomaceous earth on the floor space in both grow spaces, and the dirt around each plant.

Thoughts on the infected one. Can I coat her in diatomaceous dirt, then give her a serious rinsing in a human shower with a new layer of diatomaceous earth on the dirt? She is in her last 3 weeks and just starting to turn budlets into buds.

Do I really need to kill her now? If so, chop her now and turn her upside down for the next week? Or get radical and try a few high risk drying processes I haven't heard anyone else use yet as basically this plant is toast and accept it?
The stinky is the culprit as you had her outdoors and bought her in, I don't think its worth keeping her alive much longer, the other including big girl has been infected but not badly I can see stippling on some leaves but I think you can deal with this, there is so much help out there because it's so common. But never bring a plant from outside into your grow room,
all the other girls look fine but they probably do have some mites, and in veg you can use many things like Neem Oil (Einstein oil I think it called in America) I'm in London so different names for products. I hope this has been a little bit of help in what is a horrible site to behold after your efforts and love for them. But you can get it under control and still harvest. :peace:
It's called Neem oil here too. Also, to raise PH of the leaves, get your hands on a silica product, but GH Armor Si is more concentrated than Botanicare's, so the GH will have a more base pull on the RO it's mixed with, and foliar feed (not in late flower). The plants need silica anyways and should be a part of every hydro diet. It greatly increases a plant's immunities and greatly increases branch thickness and flexibility which further aids in mobile element transport and canopy development. I saw a youtube vid with an oldhead spraying with Silica to preemptively treat for mold as his flower room was above 45% RH.
No, spray the webs away with a plant mister and sponge off as many critters as possible, DE is not going to help as they are only living on plant , if u clean stinky and keep her separate you will know if its better and keep wiping leaves and misting constantly, that goes for all the plants. I think you could let stinky keep going doing the above and u may make the full flowering time but any pests and treatment slow the plant. I've heard good things about mighty wash and it's totally non toxic. You have the right attitude and change your clothes when working on the worst plants before going near the others. It is very common
like I said and there should be sprays and
soaps(horticultural soap) and you can make your
own. The DE may work as a secondary attack but 1st you'll need something specific to spidermites. Check out any online hydro store and they will have many sprays for different periods of growth. YouTube just type in spidermites and there will be lots of videos.
I have pulled Stinky out of her space. She is now in the garage proper. I went ahead and cut off all leaves with signs of damage, including topping her primary cola. She actually looks pretty good now. I going to give her a misting with some natural products in it, namely fresh lemon juice squeezed into the mist.

Edit: Have made a mist out of half of a fresh lemon, liquid soap and alcohol mixed into about 24 oz of water.
Although, I don't know anything about home made sprays, so I wouldn't advice using yours in all your plants unless you know what you are doing. Best to do it right when lights go off or just prior, intense light will fry wet leaves.
Just realized I can use CO2 fumigation on the grow space. I will be taping off the bottom air vent, and filling the grow space with CO2 and letting it smother everything for a period of time. Ie about 12 hours and then opening up the space when I turn on the lights again. Since I have CO2 in a bottle, I an put a significant amount into an enclosed air tight space.

I have cleaned up Pinky, cutting off the webs, and leaves and soaking her in a mist solution. I am going to replant stinky into a larger (5 gal container) and make sure there is a captured lake inside of the grow container of CO2 at the root level.

Hopefully, by removing the majority of the bugs, spraying the plant, repotting it to put it into a container that will allow CO2 pooling at dirt level and finally, sealing off the vent space and filling it with CO2 for 12 hours will kill the buggers.

Sorry to say this but those buggers take a lot of shifting , I mean bug bombs ect, get a decent spray and keep wiping leaves, u won't get rid of them but you can keep them in check by making it hard for them to breed, and they breed very fast. They will be everywhere now , make life bad for them as they will be inside the buds as well, but smoking a few won't hurt, please do not be complacent , , ur in battle now.
Read up and check YouTube for definite. Good luck and peace be with you
They are not root eaters and never go near soil, I think even ozone at high levels o er 12 hrs mighty not kill hibernating mites but they have food so they will be on the plants,
quarantine and soapy sprays, garlic and tabasco are another home made insecticide. Also oscillating fans .
sorry to say all these things but you'll find out when you check out the lifestyle of this beast, nothing is lost when u have the will to succeed in controlling them.
those sprays sound good too. garlic, pepper, vinegar, onion, or DE that stuff is very strong though, etc.

I had a pest outdoors on my tomatoes last season it was a bit different though. they only went after the plants on the ground, not the ones in the pots even though I found the medium sized flying black and red bugs hiding around my yard during the day. they were shaped like shields or like stink bugs but smaller and smoother. at least that's what I think was eating them. they would eat the beefsteak tomatoes, stems, and leaves early in the morning so I could never catch them in the act. I sprayed vinegar each night and they didn't feed as heavy after that.

these hunt spider mites keep in mind you'll have to get rid of these guys too so don't get too many.

Minute pirate bugs
Spider mite destroyers (actual name of insect)
Predatory thrips
Predatory mites
Big-eyed bugs
My apologies to you as I failed to realise that you have more than one type of pest, the DE will work on many different bugs and to treat spidermites using a natural predator its PHYTOSEIULUS PERSIMILS, or Phytoline
Spray Safe by Canadian Express can be used up until harvest and is completely natural
I just realized I have a bunch of Habanaro's still healthy out on a plant, we even has new green ones growing. I am going to harvest one of the yellow ones and make a Hot Chili Spray for tomorrows round. I will also be cleaning the space again tomorrow. After the CO2 soaking, I will be using a bleach and water solution and cleaning the grow space.

I tried to repot Stinky, but she wanted nothing to do with it. so she is still in her small pot but in the CO2 soaking currently.
hot purple/red peppers are the best to use. you can get some at the store. raw garlic cloves are good to buy too. you should probably wash your buds after harvest. I have a fear of slugs lol.
Here are three quick photos of the post hair cut look.

Kapow GH
Liquid Ladybug
mighty wash (made with polarised water , all very secret, I can't find how it works but it is popular and has good reviews)
It's your choice but I think you should buy one of them as all the girls will need treatment, maybe a few times, along with the manually wiping leavers . I hope that I have given you a few ideas on how I feel you should tackle this. The sprays are$20 approx and the capasun spray may be hard on the girls, and slow them down. I think a mixture of home made and store bought will give you the best fighting chance. Apologies if I have bored you with this, it's just I know the frustration and feeling or uselessness It can leave as u r always looking , anyway I'll be subbed and want to see them back on form.ATB
are all very safe can be used from seed to harvest leave little or no residue
I meant the girls back on form, and you really need a couple of fans, u can use muffin /computer fans wired to a 12v adapter but definitely got to have air moving through the plants and pulling in new air with fresh co2, I know that you already supply it but constant circulation is a must.
The blue dream clone u bought has very good natural vigour and is probably stronger and more resistant that the others as it outshines them all.Stinky looking a different girl , remove all dead and burnt leaves from all plants it looks like you have a bit of powdery mildew so anything with white downy spots remove if possible. For me your 1st priority should be air extraction and if poss an oscillating fan.
I love your automated system, I have problems with knowing how to program the ardio
Susat, are you on the Arduino forum? I'm learning all of this too and likely am right at your skill level, so Aki's assistance in that area will most definitely be needed. My approach is "fake it till ya make it" so I have been doing what I could do to advance my skill (purchasing shields and wires and sensors). Ok Aki, hook it all up for me now!
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