Anyone know the proper/safe way to clean resin off your camera lens?

Alcohol works just fine to clean your lens... most commercial lens cleaners are alcohol based. Let the alcohol dissolve the resin before wiping, especially if it is really bad... Remember it is most important to use gentle circular motion with a cleaning tissue. Avoid using paper towels or any tissue that is dirty as the dirt particle could scratch the lens. If you want you can always go to an eyeglass store and get a good soft cleaning rag.
Thanks Storm! I talked to a friend of mine the same day you posted (only now just reading it though) who is pretty heavy in to photography and he basically said the same thing but he said maybe a 50/50 alcohol/water solution...I went with some alcohol swabs I have (70% I think), some Q-tips (I was expecting a lot of leftover cotton lint but was happy with the results, not too bad!), and some cloth I was given to wipe my glasses that seemed very soft. Pics are now free of any blurs but I don't think the new photos are quite as crisp as it used to be so I may break down eventually and bring it in for a "professional" cleaning.
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