Anyone use a python for res changes?


Well-Known Member
I used to use one for my fish tank, seemed to work well enough.
I was thinking about getting one for my res to cut out buckets all together

anyone use one?
do they work okay for water changes in this hobby?

Cheaper to get a waterbed filler adapter and a garden hose. If you are worried about contaminants from the hose during refill, get a hose rated for drinking.
I have a python as well. Spendy things.
My $.02
super glad i asked :)
Save you a bunch of money. I think you can get ball valves that screw in the end of the hose so you can control the flow like how they do on the python.
I used to use one for my fish tank, seemed to work well enough.
I was thinking about getting one for my res to cut out buckets all together

anyone use one?
do they work okay for water changes in this hobby?

We used a similar device to empty our waterbed back in the day. You can get the venturi for $11, and a 75' medium duty Garden hose for $37.
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