Are my plants going to seed?

Backwoods Bob

Active Member

Hello everyone. Around 3 months ago I seeded 6 seeds from a sponsor from here. They were a variety pack unlabeled. Grow went good and I just harvested one. They looked nice but just today they started to look a tad off. Each attached picture is the top of a different plant. They are all auto flower feminized seeds. If anyone knows better then me(which is every one of you pretty much) I could use some ideas. Thanks in advance and happy harvest.
Honestly, when I saw the title I was expecting to see a nasty seeded hermie , I am quite pleasantly surprised. They look very nice! Not quite sure what you mean by “going to seed”? Did you pollinate them? What I’m seeing is a bunch of nice swollen calyxes, now whether there’s seeds in any of them depend on if they were pollinated. Your very close to harvest, do you have a magnifying glass or similar? You’re looking for all brown pistols and cloudy trichomes, with 5-25% amber trichomes (your choice), more amber=more couch lock, cloudy=more energetic.
I didn't pollinate then. I have just heard of these hermaphrodite plants and these have just changed so much in the past few days it got me worried. What would be a good way to get rid of aphids quick this close to harvest? I just noticed today the one plant is pretty bad. I been gone for a few days and came back and noticed them.

Hello everyone. Around 3 months ago I seeded 6 seeds from a sponsor from here. They were a variety pack unlabeled. Grow went good and I just harvested one. They looked nice but just today they started to look a tad off. Each attached picture is the top of a different plant. They are all auto flower feminized seeds. If anyone knows better then me(which is every one of you pretty much) I could use some ideas. Thanks in advance and happy harvest.
No seed those trics are swollen up is all
Aphids so suck. I put a curse on each and every one of them

Terrible problem for an indoor garden.

Simply cannot eliminate them. Period

The larvae casings remain behind. So unsightly. Indeed

A super vigorous bud wash after is all i can recommend

Karma sent
Found the magnifying glass. Here are 2 of each plant. Just FYI I am pretty much completely colour blind so I do have trouble with the trichome check so any info helps lol
Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4
Thank you friend. I did cut one plant down last night and tried rinsing it in a bucket of water but they stayed stuck. A little pressure from a house should knock them off you would think?
Yep the hose works well. You do have to use a bit of pressure, but not enough to damage the plant.

These pics really aren't close enough to see the state of the trichomes clearly, but from what I can see it seems to be cloudy/clear, I don't really see any amber to speak of.
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