Auto flower bloom information

Hi Waltergrows, Welcome! Autos will run until they stop. Outdoors it's the same so keep with the time said on the seed sellers info. I'd get them out when the weather is safe from frost and real cold and let them go. Autos are the fastest so they're a good choice for a shortish season. I have a auto life timing link in my signature below in the finished journals and such link if you'd like.
Thank you very much for reply. I will read your information and thanks for the reply. My question is why some Autos have data that will say flower time 75 to 85 days and if yiou keep looking i"some" will also say Outdoors September or October finish. Why do some say this and others just talk about # of days????
There is no standard, so everyone measures differently, but it basically translates to "using our methods this takes 75 to 85 days" or "must be planted @ x month for best results". In the end it means nothing if you can't see the full picture.

In my personal experience, going by the moon cycle means I'm able to go from germination to harvest in the mfg. suggested times, but ymmv.
Thank you very much for reply. I will read your information and thanks for the reply. My question is why some Autos have data that will say flower time 75 to 85 days and if yiou keep looking i"some" will also say Outdoors September or October finish. Why do some say this and others just talk about # of days????
Yes what bebecillo said. The information isn't correct and we can't really say when they finish. It's a guide not a rule. When I look at trichomes with a loop or scope and find all milky trichs or whatever your pleasure color is in the end, they're done. That day is not truly guessable.
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