C-Vault - anyone have any experience with these?

Anyone experience diminished aroma with these? I ordered some vaults for testing and noticed one of them (sour headband) has slightly less aromatics in just a few days. I put a small amount into a plastic jar and the smell has returned. Thoughts?
Ok i am a new grower and love them but i also noticed the same - when i remove small amounts the smell comes back. Anyone else?
Your a cute youngin' too Dutty...:loopy: I just grow for myself and only a few girls at a time and that keeps me in meds and actually my first set just got here in the post and I love em' so far.... They stack beautifully and actually are quite nondescript which I like and I harvest perpetually just a few girls so I think they are going to work out beautifully...:yahoo: I do however grow like you in my best of dreams...:dreamy:....:circle-of-love:
i use the packs in regular mason jars and it works fine, all three strains still have great individual smells.


I've noticed a slightly diminished smell in the first week or so, but everything I've been using lately is cured at least 3 months in them and my pineapple chunk smells more sweet-tarty and complex than it did at harvest. I would suggest that may be because the aromas you smell simply aren't as volatile while in the container. I've no empirical evidence to support that, but it seems like a reasonable possibility since all my bud is still funky as hell and hyper-aromatic once I grind it. If I open the grinder upstairs, people downstairs can smell it.

Re: C-Vault...anyone have any experience with these?

Uline companys item #S-19317 1 Gallon Wide-Mouth Glass Jars - 4" Opening
@ $3.60/ea comes as a 4 pak boxed.
perfect cure,easy acess, stackable boxes.
keep Humidity at 60% or bit higher & it will store foe many months
The jury is still out (for me) on these packs; any thoughts about going to 54%'s listed on their site for herbal meds?

The packs do retain some smell away from meds (62%), I can state that with certainty. I placed some very pungent meds in a large C vault with 2 packs for 1 week or so, removed 1 pack, placed it in a mason jar (with a completely different aroma) and bam the smell from the vault has overtaken the jar. Not to mention, my meds have diminished in smell.

The pack also has a smell of it's own (when new)...I place another set of less aromatic meds in a cvault, only to find that my once pleasantly sweet/sour mild aroma is overtaking by a cardboard (or something)...


I will say the smell does return (somewhat) in a few days after storage and when crushed but not as much as before.

Anyway, anyone use the 54%'s?

EDIT: Is that House and Garden? 😉
I do use mason canning jars also and actually even though I have a set of the c-vaults I still use Mason canning jars for the over flow... I like the fact that the c-vaults can be sitting on the end table and anyone can walk in and it doesn't matter... If someone walked in and my cabinet was open and all of it was in Mason jars it would be pretty obvious what it was.... Unless someone is a stoner and knows what a c-vault is they are totally innocuous and I like the way they stack.... I can fill all 4 of my c-vaults and stack them in my cabinet and they take about 1/3 of the space as the Mason jars do and nobody knows what they are even if they look.... I actually love the c-vaults... The 62% works great for me and I have had no issue with mold or my herb being diminished in any way... I really can't speak as to the smell be diminished but the taste and the potency in my stash certainly has not... They have done a great job of finishing up the cure on everything I had chopped when I got them and have done a great job of storage also... I will be chopping a new harvest in the next few weeks so will use them all the way through for the first time. I will update my review of the c-vaults at that time......:circle-of-love:
I am going to take a quarter or so of my fresh harvested plushberry (very smelly and flavorful) and put one in a cvault with a pack, one in a mason jar with a pack and one in a mason jar no pack. Give them a month and then do some comparisons, will report back with what I find. I do believe they effect the smell but am unsure about taste. My last batch certainly tasted great in the vaults but they all got cured and stored in them so I have nothing to compare against.

On a different topic do you guys like smoking your herb as moist as it stays with the packs? The extra moisture seems to be effecting my lungs but not positive that's really the cause...
To be honest I haven't noticed a difference one way or the other there either.. :circle-of-love:

Thanks Maybe I wont mess with it then I only care about how it tastes and smokes. While I love the smell of fine herb my better half does not. I do everything I can to keep the smell of down in the house anyway so if anything its just an extra bonus for me if it does take some of the smell away :thumb:
It seems to. I agree. For my commercial sales I don't use them I hang till snappy, trim, jar for 7+ days no pack and it's in the dispensaries. If it's our personal or hung a Lil long boveda pack and mason jar. I truly truly belive glass is better than metal. I'm not a scientist but maybe the moisture and metal creates some weird charge that fucks with the terpenes just a thought.
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