can anybody comment on this,has pics(roots & plant)


New Member
my first grow was in soil. now i have a 5gal DWC. when i got the clone from a friend of a friend. the cutting 2 weeks old when it was given to me and it was in soil. so i let it grow for one more week in the soil. then took it and cleaned all the soil off the roots completly( pain in the a** and in sure it shocked the hell out of the plant) and put it in a net pod for the DWC. I could only realy get about 4 good strands of the root threw the net pods( as seen in the pic u can tell which ones i got threw they are fat and brown strands of roots. one question i have is that from the soil? or should they be white? it's been 2 weeks since the tranplant and now i have about 2 dozen new roots strands growing those are all white


also when i got the clone the stem was as purple as can be with about 4 nodes on it. not knowing any better i thought it was just becouse of the strain or something.don't know what it is, do know it is good as i have smoked some from the grower it came from. from talking to the juy from the hydro store when picking up supplys for the DWC. he said it was a nute deff. and now i have that taken care of mostly i think.the plant seems to be doing very well now had to remove some of the fan leaves ( 3 sets) from the main steam as they were not dis colored or anything just realy brittle that was done about 5 days after transplant. it came to me with pre flowers on it as well and with every new node it will form one as well. can any one tell me does the node distance look ok does? the plant look decent? i am useing 4 clf's for the vegg with about 10,000 lums. for the flower i have a 150 watt HPS. i do have a 400 watt HPS as well. but with testing the room temps out the 150 hits 86F. i havent tested the 400 but am sure it will get to hot have to figure out to cool or vent the closet better for that one. will the 150 do good for one plant or will it be better to use the 400? would that be overkill for one plant?






thank u for any input anybody can give
Looks like root rot. Root rot normally comes from letting roots sit in standing water or nutes with no aeration or movement of the solution. It can happen in soil is ur pot's too big for the root system and the plant gets over watered. its not a good practice to remove the media from the roots and go from one style of growing to another. I'm sure others would agree. This is an interesting question. I'm sure more help is on the way. I'd like to see how this turns out. I've seen people finish their plants with brown roots. Once the damage has been done I don't believe it can be reversed. New roots should keep developing at a healthy white color. Plants look ok up top. Stay with it. Good luck.
Looks like root rot. Root rot normally comes from letting roots sit in standing water or nutes with no aeration or movement of the solution. It can happen in soil is ur pot's too big for the root system and the plant gets over watered. its not a good practice to remove the media from the roots and go from one style of growing to another. I'm sure others would agree. This is an interesting question. I'm sure more help is on the way. I'd like to see how this turns out. I've seen people finish their plants with brown roots. Once the damage has been done I don't believe it can be reversed. New roots should keep developing at a healthy white color. Plants look ok up top. Stay with it. Good luck.

well the clone came to me in a 3"x3"x3" pot. The only roots that are brown are the ones that i pulled through the nets. The 4 that are fat and brown. Now i have about 2 dozen new roots starting, those are all white. if it is root rot on the 4 big fat roots will it infect the other new roots? should i get something to take care of that, or just wait and see if the new roots turn color? i do have a air pump, and air stone in the bucket

i am using cal-max and dutch master gold range ( 2 part grow and 2 part flower). Have the ppm in a good range with RO water( as my water out of the tap is 400 ppm by it self)

would the 150 watt hps be good for one plant for flowering? in 1'3"x1'3" inclosed space. I have the 400 watt hps. Would that be over kill for one plant? i planed on using that for a bigger grow box . For when i expand to more plants
either or/is fine. I'd go with 400W.U'll get a better yield.

so it wouldn't be overkill with the 400w? i'll have to test out my closet for the temp. i didn't want to have to cut a hole in the wall for venting, but i can, just didn't want to have to fix it when i move the lights to a grow box. i have stanley blower fan that i jerry riged to have duct hose to pull the air in to the fan to blow out. I have the end of the duct hose halve flattend to fit under the door for the closit. But it resticts the air flow flattend but it was enought for the 150w. Also have window ac unit i don' use anymore. If push comes to shove a can rig a exhost vent to that if need be.
It has a romote ballest with the 400w. The 150 is a all in one little thing. Do u think the heat would be much diff. With just the 400w bulb in the closet vs. The self contaned 150w and ballest?
Glad to here you saved your crops. But, they woulda been fine in DWC. You coulda cut them brown clumps off n it woulda thrived!. Soil and nutirents can stain roots, that didnt look like the root were too bad off, ethier way the new root growth was more than enough in my opinoin...

should i cut the brown clumps off or should i wait and see? i'm going to the hydro store tomorrow to get something for the roots. Just to be safe
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