Can I strip in week 5?


Well-Known Member
Hello all!

Im in desperate need of help please!

I watched a video and have shared it in here a few times of a grow company heavily stripping there plants around week 5/6, now when i originally stripped the plant at week 2.5 and 3.5 they ended up stretching even more meaning the lower bud got lower and lower towards the light, im not a fan off popcorn nugs so my question is, the leaves you can see below the bud stems can i remove them all and leave the cola ones?

There getting chopped around 9.5 weeks, the top bud spots are starting to mature where as the lowers are no where near but if i manage to let the light in i think they will be mature by then!

Any help is much appreciated!

That's one of those things you will get lots of answers on. Some growers recommend it and even have videos on it to open lighting for nugs. Honestly you'll have to experiment yourself to find out. I never used to trim at all in flower and with leaves like that I would do the "tuck" technique on a lot of the fan leaves, my mentality is if she doesn't want it she'll start to let it die off. Turns light yellow I gently tug those and they come off.

Now I've been trimming in flower to test myself because same thing people say different stuff so I'm doing it myself to find out. JUST BE MINDFUL OF NANNERS AND ALWAYS KEEP AND EYE ON IT.

Is there anyway you can lift the scrog and try to open it up more just to give the nugs and inside of the plant light? Looks like you might have room.

Any who this is just my 2 cents.:Namaste:
I've also seen growers on line completely defoliate:oops:. That's the face I make but again to each their own. I can't knock it either until I try it. I will one day.
Yeah iv seen those videos off the growers really defoliate and just leave the buds to which im thinking if there doing it there must be a hack somewhere, they have 32 days left from today.

I will have a go and see if i can strip the top half to let light down, like you say its trial and error, iv got a fair amount of strains to grow this year so once i suppose i hit a sweet spot i should be good.

Nanners, what do i need to know, can i pluck and be done or is the damage internally already done?
I depends on how far in you are. I've had some later on. I pluck them carefully and put a small bit of water as a mist really small just to kill any pollen. Plucking all depends on how many there are. If you can control it cool.Depends on what you mean by damage. Sometimes they will show small seed pods just depends on how far along it is.

I've only let one go full flower and to me that was playing with fire. Me personally I chop if I see nanners because they do pop up quickly overnight. I don't like risking seeds or nanners in my buds so I chop down as soon as possible. Sucks because you take a loss but quality is what people should always strive for.

I get pissed when I buy from dispensaries and find nanners. If It was me I would keep nannered buds to myself. That's just me though.
Plucking them with a scrog can be a headache honestly especially if you don't like lifting that scrog. Just makes it a little harder to get to the middle sections. My scrog is 4.5'x4.5' so you can see how that can be a pain.
This one iv got here is a 4x4 and thats hard enough at times lol makes it even worse they have to come out of there in a weeks time into a shed grow room for 3-4 days then back in the 4x4 lol iv just put a 340w cfl flower light on a frame in the middle so hopefully that should work :).
Some extra lumens are better than no lumens:nerd-with-glasses:. I was debating on adding an extra light during flower. Green apparently studies are showing it can help with deeper canopy penetration(penny). I wonder about this. Maybe instead of a drop light a green spectrum might be the answer.
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