Can seeds flushed down the toilet sprout and clog it?


Well-Known Member
So I germinated like 200 bagseeds looking for some viable ones and when I was done I had this seedy soup mix so I, not thinking much about it, dumped them down my toilet.

The next morning my toilet isn't flushing very fast and when I plunge it, it backs up into my shower. Called my slumlord but he won't send the maintenance guy to fix it until tomorrow.

Is it possible the seeds I dumped down netherworld sprouted and all the tap roots are clogging things up? I have tried liquid plumber, vinegar and baking soda and I can't imagine it being a good place for them to grow, I am thinking it was just a coincidence?

Just hoping when they run the rooter through they won't find a tangled mass of taproots and seeds. I figure I'll just have to say I flush them instead of throwing hem away if so :-\

I am thinking it is a coincidence, because even 200 seeds shouldn't be enough to clog a pipe that large even if the tap roots were huge. At most it could be a tennis ball sized mass.
hahaha!! yeah when you wake up tomorrow youll be ready to harvest lol

Its going to be REALLY dank.

HAHAHHAHA!...200 hundred bag seeds!??..gotta find a better source...cheerz!...h00k...

Haha I had been collecting them for like 5 years before seedy weed disappeared. I am almost going to feel ashamed claiming I just still get seedy weed and throw them away in the toilet lol

I need to buy a food disposal lol
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