Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

I'm pretty sure that was my first mistake. I skipped the small dose and just took out pellet size chunks. I did however find out that if I use a toothpick and place the oil chunk on the end of that and then open your bottom lip a little, you can set the toothpick down inside your mouth on your bottom lip and then slowly spin the toothpick in your fingers. The oil will slide off from the heat of your mouth, from there it slides right down where it's supposed to be and I can apply some pressure to the outside of my mouth to help it tack down. Virtually no waste but I did chew on the toothpick afterwards. It spreads it out for you this way too. Seems to work for larger doses anyway.

I did make that mixed oil yesterday with blue dream, bubba kush & chemdawg. One thing I can certainly say is that the 190 everclear is so much nicer to work with. Evaporates fast and doesn't require those extra steps I was doing before.

I know you said edibles was off topic to you but naturally I had to compare to my previous hash method. Just incase there was a big difference in potency I put .5 grams in a capsule with lecithin yesterday morning. I went out to start mowing the lawn and about a half hour into it, I knew the day was gonna be good. In short I had a fun time mowing, jamming to my tunes and nascar'ing it around the lawn. I usually need several breaks as it tends to jar up the back somewhat easily, but I only took three and one was a short drink break. After a few hours I was done and still had plenty of time to do more stuff. I needed to get a screen protector for my tablet before I could use it so went running errands. Off to best buy but was a no go so I even ended up in walmart, still no and ended up finding it at a verizon store. Stopped in to sams for a few things we like to bulk up on. Now the best part of the story. I am rather anti-social and can panic somewhat easily, not once did I have any feelings of panic come over me, it was rather enjoyable. I was walking around like a boss. Took another capsule with .6 grams before dinner and only woke up twice through the night and managed 6 hours of sleep.

The only difference I can tell from my previous method is using the buds appears to last a little bit longer for me. Of course this could have been from the mix of buds I used for this as well! All in all they are very similar which is nice because I know I was making a good oil and I know my boundaries with it all ready. Now Motoco, don't take any of this the wrong way as I know you have been on a mission to teach the proper ways of taking the medicine. I did this to test potency and get familiar with it as I always do when making anything new. I am/was splurging and plan to start the tacking in the smaller amounts as outlined. Just passing on the results.

Please take into consideration; starting off is the most important part of the concentrated oil. Start off tacking small amounts, flatten them with a cuticle pusher on your index finger, press firmly and hold for 20 secs, slowly roll your finger up and down and side ways, when it sticks, remove your finger, see where the oil has moved and reapply to a new 'tack' spot right next to it until its gone. I heat up the film on my finger with an hairdryer and use it somewhere, scars, cuts, etc. Take your time and relax. Use a washcloth to dry your gums off before applying. When first using the saliva glands run rampart so if you feel the cannabinoids draining towards the throat gently spit it out. You will feel energetic done correctly (sativa) but if its indica dominant more relaxed with a clear head, if its Indica grown full term its couch time and to being just introduced to the oil can be confused with euphoria.
I'm pretty sure that was my first mistake. I skipped the small dose and just took out pellet size chunks. I did however find out that if I use a toothpick and place the oil chunk on the end of that and then open your bottom lip a little, you can set the toothpick down inside your mouth on your bottom lip and then slowly spin the toothpick in your fingers. The oil will slide off from the heat of your mouth, from there it slides right down where it's supposed to be and I can apply some pressure to the outside of my mouth to help it tack down. Virtually no waste but I did chew on the toothpick afterwards. It spreads it out for you this way too. Seems to work for larger doses anyway.

I did make that mixed oil yesterday with blue dream, bubba kush & chemdawg. One thing I can certainly say is that the 190 everclear is so much nicer to work with. Evaporates fast and doesn't require those extra steps I was doing before.

I know you said edibles was off topic to you but naturally I had to compare to my previous hash method. Just incase there was a big difference in potency I put .5 grams in a capsule with lecithin yesterday morning. I went out to start mowing the lawn and about a half hour into it, I knew the day was gonna be good. In short I had a fun time mowing, jamming to my tunes and nascar'ing it around the lawn. I usually need several breaks as it tends to jar up the back somewhat easily, but I only took three and one was a short drink break. After a few hours I was done and still had plenty of time to do more stuff. I needed to get a screen protector for my tablet before I could use it so went running errands. Off to best buy but was a no go so I even ended up in walmart, still no and ended up finding it at a verizon store. Stopped in to sams for a few things we like to bulk up on. Now the best part of the story. I am rather anti-social and can panic somewhat easily, not once did I have any feelings of panic come over me, it was rather enjoyable. I was walking around like a boss. Took another capsule with .6 grams before dinner and only woke up twice through the night and managed 6 hours of sleep.

The only difference I can tell from my previous method is using the buds appears to last a little bit longer for me. Of course this could have been from the mix of buds I used for this as well! All in all they are very similar which is nice because I know I was making a good oil and I know my boundaries with it all ready. Now Motoco, don't take any of this the wrong way as I know you have been on a mission to teach the proper ways of taking the medicine. I did this to test potency and get familiar with it as I always do when making anything new. I am/was splurging and plan to start the tacking in the smaller amounts as outlined. Just passing on the results.

Please take into consideration; starting off is the most important part of the concentrated oil. Start off tacking small amounts, flatten them with a cuticle pusher on your index finger, press firmly and hold for 20 secs, slowly roll your finger up and down and side ways, when it sticks, remove your finger, see where the oil has moved and reapply to a new 'tack' spot right next to it until its gone. I heat up the film on my finger with an hairdryer and use it somewhere, scars, cuts, etc. Take your time and relax. Use a washcloth to dry your gums off before applying. When first using the saliva glands run rampart so if you feel the cannabinoids draining towards the throat gently spit it out. You will feel energetic done correctly (sativa) but if its indica dominant more relaxed with a clear head, if its Indica grown full term its couch time and to being just introduced to the oil can be confused with euphoria.
Morning fghtsmallcell,

I want to give you some info. The Dr.s are telling you want their experience is with small cell cancer. Your husband will not die of this. The difference is the treatment they gave is what they are basing their diagnoses/opinions off of. I do wish you had something for his pain and a high cbd strain needs to be at the top of your wish list. Keep your friends searching and making sure its good is another story. Its the high thc and the high cbd combined for the withdrawals. I trust you are not creepy, lolol. I know your hungry for knowledge. Just know when your hubby's cancer is gone it will be gone. Then on a PM dose he will not die of cancer, which by the way they think all will die of cancer some day. Not so. More like the ole ticker giving out.

Warmest regards to the hubby and you,

Learn the correct way SmokesDaKush and you will never look back at any other method. Getting healthy will be your new mission. thank you for the update and we all found out your inner addictions, lolol.

I'm pretty sure that was my first mistake. I skipped the small dose and just took out pellet size chunks. I did however find out that if I use a toothpick and place the oil chunk on the end of that and then open your bottom lip a little, you can set the toothpick down inside your mouth on your bottom lip and then slowly spin the toothpick in your fingers. The oil will slide off from the heat of your mouth, from there it slides right down where it's supposed to be and I can apply some pressure to the outside of my mouth to help it tack down. Virtually no waste but I did chew on the toothpick afterwards. It spreads it out for you this way too. Seems to work for larger doses anyway.

I did make that mixed oil yesterday with blue dream, bubba kush & chemdawg. One thing I can certainly say is that the 190 everclear is so much nicer to work with. Evaporates fast and doesn't require those extra steps I was doing before.

I know you said edibles was off topic to you but naturally I had to compare to my previous hash method. Just incase there was a big difference in potency I put .5 grams in a capsule with lecithin yesterday morning. I went out to start mowing the lawn and about a half hour into it, I knew the day was gonna be good. In short I had a fun time mowing, jamming to my tunes and nascar'ing it around the lawn. I usually need several breaks as it tends to jar up the back somewhat easily, but I only took three and one was a short drink break. After a few hours I was done and still had plenty of time to do more stuff. I needed to get a screen protector for my tablet before I could use it so went running errands. Off to best buy but was a no go so I even ended up in walmart, still no and ended up finding it at a verizon store. Stopped in to sams for a few things we like to bulk up on. Now the best part of the story. I am rather anti-social and can panic somewhat easily, not once did I have any feelings of panic come over me, it was rather enjoyable. I was walking around like a boss. Took another capsule with .6 grams before dinner and only woke up twice through the night and managed 6 hours of sleep.

The only difference I can tell from my previous method is using the buds appears to last a little bit longer for me. Of course this could have been from the mix of buds I used for this as well! All in all they are very similar which is nice because I know I was making a good oil and I know my boundaries with it all ready. Now Motoco, don't take any of this the wrong way as I know you have been on a mission to teach the proper ways of taking the medicine. I did this to test potency and get familiar with it as I always do when making anything new. I am/was splurging and plan to start the tacking in the smaller amounts as outlined. Just passing on the results.
Morning fghtsmallcell,

I want to give you some info. The Dr.s are telling you want their experience is with small cell cancer. Your husband will not die of this. The difference is the treatment they gave is what they are basing their diagnoses/opinions off of. I do wish you had something for his pain and a high cbd strain needs to be at the top of your wish list. Keep your friends searching and making sure its good is another story. Its the high thc and the high cbd combined for the withdrawals. I trust you are not creepy, lolol. I know your hungry for knowledge. Just know when your hubby's cancer is gone it will be gone. Then on a PM dose he will not die of cancer, which by the way they think all will die of cancer some day. Not so. More like the ole ticker giving out.

Warmest regards to the hubby and you,


You are right of course. I have went back over this thread and realized that somewhere in the last month I changed my original plan of just stock piling the oil in case his cancer did show back up. I think it is because I am worried about the scar tissue spot that cannot be proven as scar tissue and also just the type of cancer he has. There have been so many patients in his support group were things are going good for awhile and then the bad news comes. Also the are tons of stories where the scans were not so accurate where they gave a false negative result. My own anxiety is getting the best of me. Thank you for caring Motoco
I know how your thinking fghtsmallcell, you have been a nurse for so many years and you know when people get better when ill is normal before they pass. Well, that is old school thinking, lol. The concentrate does this also except for the patient keeps getting better and better. Over time the scar tissue will heal also. Seriously, what doesn't the concentrate cover? When you try this fghtsmallcell and see/feel the changes you will be blown away by the miracle of God's Gift. Make no mistake, prayer and the concentrate are connected. Everything is positive about the concentrated oil medicinally, but what it does to your ways of thinking and how it changes your life on emotions, letting go of things that are negative, become positive, how to forgive yourself and let go of things that now become petty. Bonding between family and friends become your new mission in life. Chasing money and greed leave your thought process, while helping others become your mission. The concentrated oil wasn't put on earth by accident and the ones who put it on the shelf over man made meds will have their day of reckoning to be sure.

As budnoob has mentioned, you have what you have in strains and your making it work for now. Everything will work out. When your ready you can take the most powerful concentrate in the world and not get buzzed. Trust in it, take control of it and let your anxieties about it disappear. I totally get your thoughts on euphoria, stop it! lolol Taking the concentrate correctly in small amounts is uber safe. If you keep on thinking this way I'll talk to your hubby about dosing you! lolol I'm getting this visual now and that is pretty darn funny if I say so myself, lolol. Have a great Sunday!

You are right of course. I have went back over this thread and realized that somewhere in the last month I changed my original plan of just stock piling the oil in case his cancer did show back up. I think it is because I am worried about the scar tissue spot that cannot be proven as scar tissue and also just the type of cancer he has. There have been so many patients in his support group were things are going good for awhile and then the bad news comes. Also the are tons of stories where the scans were not so accurate where they gave a false negative result. My own anxiety is getting the best of me. Thank you for caring Motoco
Hello all. Would like to share with you what I am doing and would love to hear any constructive criticism. My father has neuroendocrine cancer. He has a large tumor on his liver, blocking his bile duct. He recently had a stint inserted, with a tube and a bag attached to drain the bile. His color is much better from the procedure. Now seems like the right time to cure him of this awful disease, not just treat it.

I am fortunate as I have access to controlled medical marijuana here in Canada. My first batch I used 45 grams of bud that is 8% CBD, 6.5% THC. I have studied so much and am still on the fence whether or not this type will kill the cancer. Tomorrow, I am making a batch of oil that is 24% THC. I am dosing 4x a day, just at about half a grain of rice each dose. I place it on a toothpick and dab it on the bottom of his gums in the front of his mouth. I am going to start giving the THC/CBD blend 3x a day, then the THC heavy blend at night before bed to help him sleep. Do you think I should up the doses of the THC strain as this is the one that will actually kill the cancer?

Here is how I made my first batch of oil. Any criticism is highly appreciated and helpful, as I am making another batch tomorrow. I decided to go with 99.9% ISO-propyl as my solvent. I found it at a local pharmacy. (had to ask the pharmacist as it was behind the counter) I purchased 2 500 ml bottles.

1. Placed bud in a metal bowl
2. Covered bud in ISO-proply
3. Mashed/stirred bud for 3 minutes
4. Carefully used a cheese cloth to strain/ring out very hard into a new bowl
5. Repeated steps 2 and 3 one more time
6. Used a funnel and coffee filter, to further filter the mixture one more time
7. Started boiling water on stovetop
8. Transferred mixture to a brand new glassware pot
9. Placed pot on top of boiling water
10. Had fan and windows open entire time, it was actually quite smelly
11. Alcohol never did come to a boil, but gradually reduced
12. When reduced quite low, added a few drops of water, then transferred to a metal measuring cup
13. Placed measuring cup on old coffee pot/hot plate
14. Waited for tiny bubbles to disappear
15. Transferred cure to syringe

So that is the steps I have taken. He has had 3 treatments so far of the THC/CBD strain. He says that his stool is actually solid already, so that is promising!

Please provide any insight you may have. This is all a learning experience for us all, and I will continue with updates and diary of the progress I make.
I would avoid the ISO in favor of a food grade carrier such as Spirytus or Everclear for safety in which case you can skip the few drops of water in step 12 because Spirytus and Everclear already have a small amount of water. And for step 13 I prefer to follow the decarb process at the beginning of the How to Make thread that is linked in my signature. I prefer more high THC Sativa mixed with some higher CBD Indica in my daytime doses and more pure Indica cooked longer to increase CBN for night time doses. Regimen and mix will vary depending upon stage and other medications in use as well.
Thank you BN2.

I looked for Everclear here where I live and it is not sold. Do you recommend it simply because of safety concerns? I have a chemistry background from university so I am quite confident in my abilities.

I will definitely try the decarb method you mentioned!

Thanks again for the help. Knowledge is power.
You're welcome and yes safety is priority one, no point in healing to just get blown up but I digress. The reason I like the decarb method in that thread is because I have more control. If I want more THC I can stop when bubbles are very small (which i would only ever do with food grade carrier) or if I want higher CBD I can wait till absolutely no bubbles, and if I want higher CBN I can let it cook even longer. You may notice that coffee warmer and other methods result in higher CBN which is not always what you want, especially for working all day.
Great. Thanks again for the quick responses.

I am trying to control my THC/CBD percentages simply based off the percentages given from the manufacturer. My THC strain I am working with tomorrow is 24% THC, <1% CBD. I will be using that as a bedtime dose to help him sleep. He has not been sleeping well at all. I will dose 3x throughout the day with the 8% CDB, 6.5% THC. I will dose 1x in the evening with the 24% THC strain. From your experience, do you feel this is a good course of action?

I am also making raw juice, 1-2 times a day. Apple, celery, carrot, spinich, with a scoop of macrogreens from MacroLife Naturals | Food for Life to help alkalize the body. I have had friend drop off some chaga he collected and will start making tea shortly as well.

Thank you again.
CBD and CBN are what's going to help with sleep and appetite and THC is going to help those tumors commit suicide so I'd do the opposite. Use the high THC mixed with CBD strain during day and then the High CBD and CBN at night with less THC. Typically this translates to a Sativa/Indica daytime mix and Indica/Indica for night. Start out making small amounts to get the ratios correct before going gung ho with a large batch.
I know how your thinking fghtsmallcell, you have been a nurse for so many years and you know when people get better when ill is normal before they pass. Well, that is old school thinking, lol. The concentrate does this also except for the patient keeps getting better and better. Over time the scar tissue will heal also. Seriously, what doesn't the concentrate cover? When you try this fghtsmallcell and see/feel the changes you will be blown away by the miracle of God's Gift. Make no mistake, prayer and the concentrate are connected. Everything is positive about the concentrated oil medicinally, but what it does to your ways of thinking and how it changes your life on emotions, letting go of things that are negative, become positive, how to forgive yourself and let go of things that now become petty. Bonding between family and friends become your new mission in life. Chasing money and greed leave your thought process, while helping others become your mission. The concentrated oil wasn't put on earth by accident and the ones who put it on the shelf over man made meds will have their day of reckoning to be sure.

As budnoob has mentioned, you have what you have in strains and your making it work for now. Everything will work out. When your ready you can take the most powerful concentrate in the world and not get buzzed. Trust in it, take control of it and let your anxieties about it disappear. I totally get your thoughts on euphoria, stop it! lolol Taking the concentrate correctly in small amounts is uber safe. If you keep on thinking this way I'll talk to your hubby about dosing you! lolol I'm getting this visual now and that is pretty darn funny if I say so myself, lolol. Have a great Sunday!

OK. OK. I had to laugh also about me needing the oil. So I finally tried some LOL It will be awhile before I get the courage to try again. It was only 1/4 grain of rice size split into 2 doses and I did get euphoric about 3 hours later. But for me it is not euphoric at all. I get paranoid and my mind races with conspiracy theories. I can come up with some crazy thoughts. LOL It is not a good feeling but it was not the worst I have experienced. I thought I did everything right but apparently not. I then thought about what you said about another small tack to bring me down but I was too afraid to add more fuel to the fire. So I resorted to man made drug to put me to sleep and end my anxiety from it. I will have more product in a couple of weeks. I will try again then with just 1/8 total. How long before I know for sure that I am in the clear and will not get a buzz??

As for hubby. My bottom line fear is that his cancer is not completely gone. His type of cancer does not usually just totally disappear with chemo and radiation. But now that it has been a year since his last chemo, if we get one more clear scan and I keep him on the oil, I will feel much better. This product I am getting in 2 weeks should be my strongest flowers to date and I will have lots of it. Right now he is taking about 3 grains of rice total a day. For healing his body from chemo and radiation, how much do I need to work him up to??
Hello all. Would like to share with you what I am doing and would love to hear any constructive criticism. My father has neuroendocrine cancer. He has a large tumor on his liver, blocking his bile duct. He recently had a stint inserted, with a tube and a bag attached to drain the bile. His color is much better from the procedure. Now seems like the right time to cure him of this awful disease, not just treat it.

Hi RFC, Welcome. You are in good hands here with Motoco, Budnoob and the others. There is a ton of helpful info on here and your questions will always get answered. It sounds like you are on the right track to help your father. You both will be in my prayers. Has your father had any traditional cancer tx like chemo or radiation?? Also I know that Motoco always likes to know what medications a patient is taking so side effects can be anticipated and advice given in advance. Good luck to you and stay strong
fghtsmallcell, congrats on taking the plunge. Sorry it didn't work out as intended. I have had some troubles with it myself and seemed to be a bit of a lottery.
However the last 3 times have been successful. Here is what I did:

Put a drop of oil on my index finger and flattened it out a bit with the tip of the syringe.
Wiped my lower gums with my shirt several times until it was pretty much dry.
Applied it to my gums with a fair amount of pressure. You can actually feel it sticking.
Continued to apply pressure while pulling my finger to one side, doing this over the bumps in the gums seems to just stick the remainder of the oil to the rest of it that has already tacked inside the crevices and I am no longer left with a film which I end up swallowing anyway. There is pretty much nothing left on my finger and doing it this way my finger is not even sticky afterwards.

It may not be the best way but so far it's the only way that has not got me completely ripped.

OK. OK. I had to laugh also about me needing the oil. So I finally tried some LOL It will be awhile before I get the courage to try again. It was only 1/4 grain of rice size split into 2 doses and I did get euphoric about 3 hours later. But for me it is not euphoric at all. I get paranoid and my mind races with conspiracy theories. I can come up with some crazy thoughts. LOL It is not a good feeling but it was not the worst I have experienced. I thought I did everything right but apparently not. I then thought about what you said about another small tack to bring me down but I was too afraid to add more fuel to the fire. So I resorted to man made drug to put me to sleep and end my anxiety from it. I will have more product in a couple of weeks. I will try again then with just 1/8 total. How long before I know for sure that I am in the clear and will not get a buzz??

As for hubby. My bottom line fear is that his cancer is not completely gone. His type of cancer does not usually just totally disappear with chemo and radiation. But now that it has been a year since his last chemo, if we get one more clear scan and I keep him on the oil, I will feel much better. This product I am getting in 2 weeks should be my strongest flowers to date and I will have lots of it. Right now he is taking about 3 grains of rice total a day. For healing his body from chemo and radiation, how much do I need to work him up to??
On another interesting note, I have had pretty gross looking black spots on my gums (where we tack) that looked like early stages of gum disease. Dentist said I would never get rid of it and never really worried me as nobody saw it. Well since tacking the dark spots are definitely lighter and the side I tack on shows a considerable difference. Tiny victory I know but it does show how getting the oil to the right part of the body is really important
Run from Cure, best of luck to you on your father's journey. I have no doubt he will be back to health.

Just got an update from my brother - summary - he is very ill, post testicular cancer as his hormones are completely out of sync.
He has been on the oil about a month. Doc just reported that in the last month his testosterone levels have normalised and his estrogen levels have dropped from
170 to 120. Coincidence? I think not he has been suffering for 8 months and now all of a sudden this month things are normalising.
Soon your gums will be light pink and firm. The dark spots will disappear as well as the gingivitis. This nasty tasting oil gives you good breath because it kills germs on contact. I even had a loose tooth before I started the oil (milk duds at the drive-in) and its planted like it was welded to my jaw bones, lol. The list will get longer and longer Mr. Dabs. One thing about when people start taking the concentrate correctly, it becomes their passion in life and they will share to anyone who can lend a ear, lol. I love your progress Mr. Dabs. Nice study brother!

On another interesting note, I have had pretty gross looking black spots on my gums (where we tack) that looked like early stages of gum disease. Dentist said I would never get rid of it and never really worried me as nobody saw it. Well since tacking the dark spots are definitely lighter and the side I tack on shows a considerable difference. Tiny victory I know but it does show how getting the oil to the right part of the body is really important
Sorry to create another post but I think this needs to be a stand-alone post.

Motoco and others, I would love to get your input on this. I have noticed on this thread there seems to be a few people myself included who have been struggling to get high CBD oil.

I recently ordered a bottle of CBD oil from Royal Queen Seeds for 35 Euros a bottle. The stuff works, I know this because it definitely relieved my sciatica pain which strong painkillers cant touch.

If I remember correctly it said 4% cbd but here is the thing, it's completely legal as it has a THC content below the feeble legal regulations and is considered a hemp product.You also get a free seed when you order it (bonus).

I have found one or two other places that sell it online but I am happy with my purchase for now. I am awaiting my next crop for some sativa's (3 of the 4 babies broke soil today) so I have been taking the CBD oil during the day and my indica/sedative heavy RSO oil at night.

What do you guys think of using an oil like this to replace the high cbd strain oil mixed with sativa's for daytime use. Its easy enough to just have a drop or too with a regualr tack. Obviously not ideal but as a stop gap it could help a lot of people on here. Also got my mom on just the cbd oil for now so will report any changes in her health too.

I am currently growing 2x power flower 88% sativa for daytime meds, they have both popped. Also a 100% northern lights for nighttime and a Royal Medic (high CBD strain) to mix with the daytime sativa, but the medic seed looked really pathetic and soaking in water for 2 days didn't produce a taproot like the others did. I planted it anyway but not holding out much hope for it, so if it doesn't sprout, I may be forced to run this experiment myself.

Also I know the cannabinoids work in sync but considering the legality of this cbd, it's easily accessible and relatively cheap, what do you guys recon the medicinal value of just CBD would be. I do find it has a slight sedative effect so definitely want it to be mixed with an ''up'' strain but we work with what we have and anyone could certainly function on just the cbd oil. Also seems worthwhile to me to take in times of herb drought.
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