Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Thanks so much for the reply! Wow, I had no idea it could work like that. Anyone else? Btw, I should have introduced myself. I have read most of this whole thread. Thanks for all the info. We are very scared, of course, wondering if this actually works. We have two young children, so that makes it worse. This is our only hope for a cure. The breast cancer has metastisized to her lungs.

:bravo:We were all very scared when we first came across this thread. It's OK. It motivated us to find each other and to share this life saving information. YES, it actually works! And the best part is that it will work for your wife just as well.:thumb:

:love:Stay strong and positive to the extent possible. Give her all you've got.:circle-of-love: We're here with you all and we will NEVER give up on you. Much love and power to you.:love:

I know you'll find that two young children make it all worth fighting for. And much love to you four!:yahoo:
This is a common problem with Firefox, please either update your browser to the latest version or try Google Chrome. :thumb:

Very odd. My browser (Firefox) won't let me on Page 89. Page 88 no problem. Page 90, all good. Page 89 not so much. I was able to read page 89 with IE though. Weird. :peace:
:welcome:Try tacking a much smaller size followed in 15 minutes by a capsule. The small tack should activate her CB1 receptors and prevent the high from the cap.

Cajun, does this sound right to you? Hendo?

Welcome, tptb73. You've come to the right place.:Namaste:

:bravo:We were all very scared when we first came across this thread. It's OK. It motivated us to find each other and to share this life saving information. YES, it actually works! And the best part is that it will work for your wife just as well.:thumb:

:love:Stay strong and positive to the extent possible. Give her all you've got.:circle-of-love: We're here with you all and we will NEVER give up on you. Much love and power to you.:love:

I know you'll find that two young children make it all worth fighting for. And much love to you four!:yahoo:

Wow, you really made my day with that response. Thank you, sincerely.
Sounds right to me John, but it would not hurt to tack 1/4 grain of rice, then a 1/4 grain of rice and the final 1/2 grain should tack a little easier. How does that sound to you John? What is your way of tacking and how much?
Thanks for the response. So, since she is taking 1/3 of a gram 3 times per day (which I understand is about 10 grains of rice per dose - a total of 30 grains = 1 gram), she should tack 1/4 grain, 1/4 grain again, then 1/2 grain, then swallow a capsule with the remaining 9 grains? Thanks!
Wow, you really made my day with that response. Thank you, sincerely.

Welcome tptb73, it would help if you posted what strains you have (Sativa, Indica), what levels of THC & CBDs, the type of oil you have? Remember Sativas for daytime oil THC/CBD mix to help keep your wife off the couch and thinking positive, and a pure as possible Indica for night time sleep. Eat & drink water a 1/2 hour before tacking, dry gums with a wash cloth and tack (no swallowing for 30 min) but you can rinse with cold water (light rinse) and let the water drop out of her mouth. Eat & drink water in between tacks if you are tacking more then one tack per day (I believe you should try and tack up to 6 grains of rice per day) plus the night time tack for sleep. If you have a sloppy tack and start to feel euphoric you can tack a 1/4 grain (911 tack) to get her back to feeling normal. Hope this helps tptb73, there's a lot of people on this journal, reach out and ask questions, your family will be glad you did.
With all my love & prayers to you and your family. :welcome::circle-of-love::hug:
Welcome tptb73, it would help if you posted what strains you have (Sativa, Indica), what levels of THC & CBDs, the type of oil you have? Remember Sativas for daytime oil THC/CBD mix to help keep your wife off the couch and thinking positive, and a pure as possible Indica for night time sleep. Eat & drink water a 1/2 hour before tacking, dry gums with a wash cloth and tack (no swallowing for 30 min) but you can rinse with cold water (light rinse) and let the water drop out of her mouth. Eat & drink water in between tacks if you are tacking more then one tack per day (I believe you should try and tack up to 6 grains of rice per day) plus the night time tack for sleep. If you have a sloppy tack and start to feel euphoric you can tack a 1/4 grain (911 tack) to get her back to feeling normal. Hope this helps tptb73, there's a lot of people on this journal, reach out and ask questions, your family will be glad you did.
With all my love & prayers to you and your family. :welcome::circle-of-love::hug:

Thanks. I have no way of testing the oil.

Originally, I made oil out of a few oz of nordle and true blueberry, both high cbd indica strains. Since then, I have learned that high cbd is not the way you want to go, so I have put the gears in motion to get some regular indicas. Don't get me wrong, this oil is very potent. One grain will get me too high for too long.

In the meantime, she has been working her way up with this oil. It took her 3.5 weeks to reach one gram per day dosing 3 times per day via capsules. She has been taking one gram per day for 3 days.

In one week, I will be using a half pound of Grandaddy Purple and a half pound of Buddha's Sister (a whole pound - both indicas) to make some more oil (using Kleen). I was hoping this would make enough oil for the rest of the treatment. I was planning on mixing them together before making the oil. I was also planning on, once I decarboxylate it, mixing in the few grams of high cbd oil I have left.

Then I was planning on giving her a half sized dose (1/6 of a gram) to start with in case it's much stronger than the original oil.

We have both had problems with sativas causing anxiety in the past which is one reason we have stuck with indicas. Another reason is that Rick Simpson said to use indica. A final reason is, 3 years ago, I made some oil from a pure sativa, and it was so ridiculously strong and anxiety-inducing, that neither of us could even dream of taking more than a grain of rice worth, so we decided to stick with indica.

I was hoping we could get this tacking down so she could function better.

Thoughts? and THANKS!
Tacking first will help keep the euphoric down, CBDs will shrink the tumors and the THC will make the cancer cells commit suicide (very cool). Have you seen the video? Show it to your wife. A good mix is 2:1 THC/CBD. When you learn to tack properly you should not get euphoric, try this on yourself as well, once you have tacking down teach your wife the proper way. She will feel a lot better when healing without euphoria. Please try this and come back to report so others can learn along with you and your wife.

Sending love and great karma.

You are too cool for school by two!:yahoo:

You are too cool for school by two!:yahoo:

Thanks John, I was "to cool" for school, that's why I'm blue collar instead of white collar. I partied like the big dogs, did I tell you how lucky I am that we have this "ROCK STAR OIL"

Sweets for the sweet...

And Rock Star Oil for us!

Cause WE are the Champions My Friends

And We will be Champions 'till the End

We are The Champions, We ARE the Champions

No time for Loosers, la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la la

of The WORRRRRRLD. Merci Bon Tem:love:that's alligator talk to you Yankees!
Did you know that alligators have endocannabinoid receptors throughout their bodies and brains?

Just another cannabinoid factoid from the mind of a paranoid bipedeloid named Floyd. You roid!
Sounds right to me John, but it would not hurt to tack 1/4 grain of rice, then a 1/4 grain of rice and the final 1/2 grain should tack a little easier. How does that sound to you John? What is your way of tacking and how much?

I tack 1/10 gram every hour on the hour for 10 hours. Cake and pie. I put it on the under side of my lower denture and replace the denture. Done!:allgood:

And you kids thought life got harder as we age! Not always...
Hey John, I'm glad I like that song, because I'll be singing it all night.

When you get a chance John, will you tell us how you tack, how many times and what do you use for your oil?
Crossing post!!! How about what strains, what mix and why?

High THC Sativa mixed with a high CBD sativa for daytime tacks about 10am to 6pm hourly on the hour (Chocolate D + Sour D + AC/DC presently) so as to be functional by day

followed by

High THC Indica for nighttime tacks about 2 or 3 times 'till bed about 9 or 10pm (Mazar presently) so as to be able to sleep.
Did you know that alligators have endocannabinoid receptors throughout their bodies and brains?

Just another cannabinoid factoid from the mind of a paranoid bipedeloid named Floyd. You roid!

All vertebrates do Tee John.

You two are covering Mo & I's sixes pretty damn well.
Charge on. Y'all are awesome.
John's gotta come party with me & get influenced by authentic Cajun culture & get DTFO'd with us...just sayin'
I just reached about 1 gram/ day after tacking about 5 weeks. I've smoked pot heavily and daily for 47 years and thought I had a hella resistance built up, but it still took 5 weeks to build up my doses!

What was the question?:hookah:
That is awesome John, I know other people will read this and have great hope for the future. Thank you John from the top, middle & bottom of my heart. :love:

I forgot the question John, that was a long time ago (5 min) I think. :thedoubletake::drool:

Cajun, you might want to check your yard Johns been there again. :rofl:
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