Cannateer is Here to Stay - LED/Hydro - Organic Pineapple Chunk!

Dont worry, it will just give him a great sense of humor and a show on cable. Lol

The smaller cola on danny is very close to getting the chop if it doesnt start to arnold.

My current grows veg was pretty quick, but still a month+. Renegade is right, it all depends on what you think suits you best. Choose your fate. Heh

Thanks a lot for visiting and commenting on my grow. I appreciate it.
I didnt get a chance to update the doc, so here she is. Still havent picked up that second humidifier and you can tell with the leaves. Soon.

Im skeptical of all quoted large yielding plants. I would assume they would all be the most expensive, most sought after seeds, but they arent. I will surely put it to the test though.

So far it does seem to be growing quickly.

Chunks are really getting their stretch on.
The first grow had to have been 15-16" easily. These have been going for almost a week and only about 5-6" (larger colas) so far, but thats what happened last time and it put on twice the stretch in the second half. I have the same anxiety as before, wondering if they will bang or dud. They ate almost every nutrient I added after changing water last night. I woke up to a nearly empty res, so I think the second half of stretch has just begun. Maybe it waits for fresh water and nutes, dunno.
I added a crude co2 generator today from a couple bottles some tubing, sugar, water and yeast. Super easy and pretty fun.

Here is the write up- DIY CO2 System for Planted Aquarium

Great read on co2 and yeast. I used the aseptic method, so this batch should last me about 16 days.

I want to test it as cheaply as I can to see if its right for me. Maybe if it works well I will invest in a tank and regulator down the line.

Everything looks great today, all growing quickly now. I have a couple things to show later, so stick around.
The good doctor is content even without a humidifier. It seems to be a super hardy strain. I incorporated the second ex veg200 panel into the grow. 300 watts right now. I want to try to meet the 500-800 gram mark. 500 watts when it gets going, then 900 in bloom, maybe il even use my spectraboost spotlight. Lol


Chunky keeps chunkin. Danny is probably a day or two from stretch.

Im using the remaining ds100 for side lighting and its working great. You really notice a difference on the lower growth when I turned it on.

That chunk is looking crazy good, even Danny! Thanks for the motivation with my chunk. Can't wait to see how it goes with 900 watts of light. I wish I could do that, but I'm stuck with 400.
9 colas in ther right now, so 100w seems like a good amount per cola. This grow will definately help me gauge the max capacity of my area and lights. For the doctor I may try less colas and hope they are larger. I may just go with a single bucket for now on, too. This grow will tell me a lot. I will see how uch better the doc grows under all that light and if its worth it.

Thanks a bunch, im sure you will like her too. She still puts me out like a light.
Those are gonna be long fat colas. How do you regulate the co2, and do you only use it during lights on? Just wondering cause I might try it someday
I would totally give it a shot. Its as easy as adding sugar, water and yeast.

The amount you mix pretty much regulates how many ppm co2 you get and the secondary bottle allows you to see how much co2 its producing in the form of the bubbles that exit the tube. Mine is set up with wider tubing than usual, so I get a good fart size bubble every 30 seconds or so. Really neat and fun even. In the veg room I have a more simple setup with just a glass bottle and put the cap on loose. It bubbles, so I guess its working. We will see if I see any benefit-

I have noticed the plants wanting more light, so I stopped raising the light and actually dropped them back down a few inches. I think the co2 is allowing the plant to take more light, because the leaves started getting darker, too. This girl wants more light and im gonna give her more. The stretch is well into its second phase. Not long now til i have to start thinking about harvest and transfering the doctor.
The good doctor is content even without a humidifier. It seems to be a super hardy strain. I incorporated the second ex veg200 panel into the grow. 300 watts right now. I want to try to meet the 500-800 gram mark. 500 watts when it gets going, then 900 in bloom, maybe il even use my spectraboost spotlight. Lol


Chunky keeps chunkin. Danny is probably a day or two from stretch.

Im using the remaining ds100 for side lighting and its working great. You really notice a difference on the lower growth when I turned it on.


Gorgeous formation. I can't wait to see this near harvest. :bravo:
Thanks a lot growlow. Im still very much learning, so I hope my harvest is a good one, but im always looking forward to the next grow. This grow had plenty of problems here and there. The doctor is really showing healthy signs of growth and I added another ex veg switch today. 400w on the doc.

Nice to see your gardens. I want to grow outdoors someday.
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