Clones Are killing me - I'm 2 for 12

I must humbly disagree about the new growth meaning roots.

my first clone attempt (which is where I got 2 from out of 17 cuttings) ALL the cuttings grew. Some even grew inches. But 15 of them never rooted. After 2 months I cracked open their rockwool (they were still alive). And besides the two not a one had even a single taproot coming off the stem.

However most of them were pressed against the top of the dome by the end. They started many many inches away.
Aloha guys, I agree w/ what ur sayin-- n my own (& only 1 so far...) grow I've seen evidence of BEGINNING to root (lil nubbies) @ the end of 7days, & I've also had some rootless clones grow<<<<these i just planted DEEPER n2 the soil n they eventually shit roots & r good 2 go...
My 1st attempt @ cloning, I took 4 cuttings (trimmed,scraped,tipped) n tried three methods of cloning-- the 2 I put into rockwool cubes, 1 w/rooting hormone the other w/o, n the other 2 floated in water. the cubes shit roots the fastest regardless of hormone, within 9 days rooting was evident upon opening the cube... i scrapped whatever other ideas I had about the subject & now exclusively clone/seed in RWcubes... I USE NO STERILE techniques & go @ it-- really straight forward...I use TAP water(pH7.0;ppm104) to mist/water...YMMV
I have a cheap and very reliable method 99.9%.

1. I make a small hole in the side of a 3 oz cup at the the bottom.
2. I fill it with perlite and water it well
3. Use something to dig a hole to the bottom
4. Take a cutting with Fiskars
5. Make 1 light scrape on stem with the tip of a paring knife
6. Re-cut stem under water at 45 degree angle
7. Dip cutting in rooting powder
8. Place cutting in perlite cup, pack it down and water it in
9. Mist cutting with bottle sprayer
10. Place cutting in bathtub with the hole facing downhill so it drains well
11. 12 hours later mist again with bottle sprayer
12. At the 24 hour mark gently water it again
13. Wait 48 hours before gently watering again
14. Wait 72 hours until the next watering....
15. Cutting will be ready to transplant at the 12 day mark.

The original poster lost his clones because they wilted before they learned to take up water. I do not like domes. Usually 2 mistings are all that is needed before they learn to take up water. Tapering off the watering frequency makes them root better, stronger, and faster. Good Luck !
I have a cheap and very reliable method 99.9%.
1. I make a small hole in the side of a 3 oz cup at the the bottom.
2. I fill it with perlite and water it well
3. Use something to dig a hole to the bottom
4. Take a cutting with Fiskars
5. Make 1 light scrape on stem with the tip of a paring knife
6. Re-cut stem under water at 45 degree angle
7. Dip cutting in rooting powder
8. Place cutting in perlite cup, pack it down and water it in
9. Mist cutting with bottle sprayer
10. Place cutting in bathtub with the hole facing downhill so it drains well
11. 12 hours later mist again with bottle sprayer
12. At the 24 hour mark gently water it again
13. Wait 48 hours before gently watering again
14. Wait 72 hours until the next watering....
15. Cutting will be ready to transplant at the 12 day mark.

The original poster lost his clones because they wilted before they learned to take up water. I do not like domes. Usually 2 mistings are all that is needed before they learn to take up water. Tapering off the watering frequency makes them root better, stronger, and faster. Good Luck !

I had 100% w/o #6!? Cup o' perlite worx excellent! I've read about peeps doin' the #6 part-- is this written in some book or something? Once ur temp/humidity is factored, it should b 1-2-3...
1. Take cutting @ 45˚ angle off of plant/put cutting in water till...
2. Trim/scrape/tip/dip/plug n2 ur rooting medium, then...
3. Mist... mist... mist... n just cause u just did... mist again... do it SO u don't have to water it, n don't drown it.
*I wouldn't advise DIRECT 24hr light on any UNrooted clone... maybe 4-6 hrs tops-- INDIRECT light won't b as harsh or dry em' out as fast... & NO nutes till roots... Best o' luck 2 those who need it, but hurry n get this down so WE ALL can help green the planet-- jus a lil' bit more...
1. I make a small hole in the side of a 3 oz cup at the the bottom.***Skipped, using a GiGaPot***
2. I fill it with perlite and water it well ***Altered, using vermiculite and light water because of +water retention rate***
3. Use something to dig a hole to the bottom.***Skipped, using a GiGaPot***
4. Take a cutting with Fiskars ***Using a standard snapable stanly style blade***
5. Make 1 light scrape on stem with the tip of a paring knife ***Using a standard snapable stanly style blade***
6. Re-cut stem under water at 45 degree angle ***skipped the underwater bit***
7. Dip cutting in rooting powder ***skipped (only have old rooting gel and it stinks hard, i blame it for previous rot fails)***
8. Place cutting in perlite cup, pack it down and water it in ***Vermiculite, sprayed fairly well, but not to the point of run off***
9. Mist cutting with bottle sprayer ***See above***
10. Place cutting in bathtub with the hole facing downhill so it drains well ***Skipped***
11. 12 hours later mist again with bottle sprayer ***ill work up to this with confidence. 2 hours, then 4 then 8***
12. At the 24 hour mark gently water it again ***see above***
13. Wait 48 hours before gently watering again ***see above***
14. Wait 72 hours until the next watering.... ***see above***
15. Cutting will be ready to transplant at the 12 day mark. ***God i hope so***

mainly just writing down how i did it for the quantifyability of the method and its variations...i followed it as close as i am able and willing. =D
will post a pic here after some sleep of my 4 tiny clones in 1 pot, no nodes below ground this time just to test the efficacy of all that stem scraping business and besides, nodes were not mentioned in this method =) if it works this way then we get 2 more buds to harvest than my previous method, lol nodes below ground this time just to test the efficacy of all that stem scraping business and besides, nodes were not mentioned in this method =) if it works this way then we get 2 more buds to harvest than my previous method, lol

I kinda gravitated toward stickin' a scraped node n2 the rooting medium... felt like a natural progression given the amount of genetic material packed n2 the nodes-- but, I know node r no node below, she'll grow... best o' luck! Aloha!
I have near 100% success with my home made mini bubbler.


I simply snip the branches to clone. I don't worry about the cut at this point. Take and few inches more than you need.
Trim everything up to the last leaves below the top. I then make the 45 degree cut no more then a half inch from a trimmed node.
Dip up to that node in Schultz rooting power. Give it a tap or two to knock off the excess. Set it in the tub.
I use some sheet poly packing foam to hold them. A slit to the center will hold em. Set the water level to cover a half an inch.
Add drop or so of Superthrive per cup of water. Air pump 24hrs and light 18. Cover (no vent holes) and forget for a few days.


When they have an inch or so of new root they go in 5 gallon bubblers with nuts at 300-400 ppm


Those were placed on Aug 2.

Move them to a 4 hole bucket on Aug 11.


Notice the runt. It was an experiment. There was enough left of the branch to make another so I gave it a try.
It took but was way behind the others so it got culled. The others are 30 days into flower right now.
I just dont get how it can be so easy for everyone.

Did a DWC cloner with PPM at like 180 PH between 5.3-6.2 never worked

Did a aero cloner with roughly the same stats on the water. Never worked.

Tried dome cloning in rockwool, perlite, soil, jiffy pucks, 2 out of 40 worked and it took them 34 days to root.
lol does everyone have like 20 air pumps coming out of their ass or something 😢

i will get some at some point, but the way money is atm its a fair way off, well i may break the bank a little and get 1 mid week next week, but something else will have to suffer to do so and its certainly not going to be a bag of smoke, im goin insane from lack of thc atm...i get real stress/anger issues once all the thc is out of my system =(
The pump you see on the cloner is 7 bucks at wally world.

The other one came with the bucket, net cups, and expanded clay for 29 bucks from home depot.
lol does everyone have like 20 air pumps coming out of their ass or something 😢

i will get some at some point, but the way money is atm its a fair way off, well i may break the bank a little and get 1 mid week next week, but something else will have to suffer to do so and its certainly not going to be a bag of smoke, im goin insane from lack of thc atm...i get real stress/anger issues once all the thc is out of my system =(

You can get double pumps capable of pumping out 4 big airstones for 8 bucks at Walmart.
cheapest ive found here is around £6 ($9?), but thats still electricity for 3 days or a family meal e.t.c

living on the breadline is no fun at all.

Yeah been there before Gigs. I used to survive for weeks at a time by picking avacados off trees, with one bag of chips to last half the month, maybe if I was really desperate I would steal a block of cheese from the store. Hey I aint proud of it but sometimes we gots to do what we gots to do to survive.

Yeah I was a real scrounger for a time lol.
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