Cloning question


New Member
Ok, so I've been pondering this for a few minutes... I'm not really at this point yet, but when the time comes to clone... Can I create clones with an already cloned plant? Idk it just feels like I'd be creating inbred MJ plants and the buds are going to somehow turn into little inbred retard venus flytraps and eat me, or worse... eat it's inbred cloned mother. look at me getting all scared and worked up over such molarchy.

So yeah can I make a mother out of a MJ plant that was cloned or does that not work? :morenutes:
Re: Cloning question....

Yes you can make a clone a mother plant, and to clone from clone from clone etc... i don't think it degrades the genetics.
Re: Cloning question....

perfect. retards have the strength of ten men. so i have no problem getting retarded.
Re: Cloning question....

these buds are from 5th or 6th gen clone forwarding ... clone from clone from clone, etc.

Re: Cloning question....

Like a thousand times! what strain is that?! those nugs look mad dense... I love my mary tight
Re: Cloning question....

That is actually one of the nicest and most bud voluptuous mj plants i've seen on these forums! :dreamy:
Re: Cloning question....

That is actually one of the nicest and most bud voluptuous mj plants i've seen on these forums! :dreamy:
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