Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

this Pic shows three leaves,one just a mutant, one that shows the burn marks on the tip and another one that's got a chunk out of one of the leaves. Does that one look like i have a pest dining on my plant?
Here is another question to ponder. Does terpinator do the same as molasses? Can you use them together? i have some Grandma's unsulphered Molasses syrup. and my photos are going into week 4 of 12/12. Anyone have thoughts about using both in unison?
Not sure what is up with that leaf... are there others like that with the tips and edges burned? The one with the chunk out of it, same question... are there more? Hard to tell if that is simply physical damage from wind or something else, or the work of a bug.
Terp is potassium... molasses is not. Molasses is simply the perfect food for microbes and also has a little magnesium and sulfur, but other than that it really adds nothing to the plant. I know lots of people swear by it as giving a "sweeter" taste to their buds... but it really does not. Terp is actually an important finishing nute, and really does add to the terpine profile of your buds. Again, molasses does not. Can you use them together? I don't see why not, although terp probably has it handled.
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