Coco/Perlite vs Soil


New Member
Hay guys I'm trying to plan a first grow and can't decide between coco and perlite mix, and good old fashioned soil. Could someone explain them to me.
Coco is hydro, runs @ 5.7-5.8 pH and will grow the plant a little quicker than soil. With Coco you'll be watering a lot more than with soil. Coco will need some type of base nutrient, and usually cal/mag supplement.

Soil can be bought already amended or you can amend it yourself, soil runs @ 6.5-6.8 pH and doesn't need to be watered as much as coco. Some soils don't need a liquid base nutrient, since the building of the soil can have all the elements in the soil already, and only pH'd water is needed.
In 1 post it would be hard to really explain all you need to know. There are books written on just how to understand soil alone.

I recommend for newbs to try and go with the simplest option (which when done correctly is also the best) and after you have a few grows that made it to completion you can start figuring out what else to try.

Using a purely soilless blend means you need to know more stuff and buy more stuff and monitor more things. If you are new there is a ton of things to learn. You don't want to learn about everything that can go wrong on your first want something to make it to the finish line.

I would recommend for a newb start with 1/3 perlite, 1/3 Fox Farm Froggy or some other very good blended almost super-soil, 1/6 coco 1/6 precopmposted steer manure.

As far as good of the shelf soil you want it to say it uses Humis or humic acid or ancient forest products, Oyster shells, Mycos, Bat guano...anything with those in will have everything else you need.

Bet of Luck!


After you get through a successful grow or too look up Subcools supersoil. You run the mix above for the top 2/3rds of the pot with Subcools compost at the bottom 3rd and all you do is add water. But it takes at least a month to cook the compost. So I usually start it when I start my current plants on bloom or even when I start my grow I start composting for the next.

You can reuse soil from one grow by composting this way. I take males after sexing and compost the soil for the next round.
7 - 10 gallon pots work best for the 1/3 compost 2/3 standard top. Smaller pots can work you just want to use less compost because it is hot and the plant needs to age a bit first.
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