Cold weather: Killing time

Well I mostly smoke and mostly use a little one hitter straight glass pipe. I've had people tell me it's a crack pipe, but I like it better mainly because it's easier to clean, plus it holds a little more than the metal jobs that I used as a youngster. I have bongs and I can roll joints but I like the taste of pot and a frequently cleaned piece of glass does the job for me. I say all this to say, I don't smoke in the house, I have a upper deck, great for enjoying nature but not good in inclement weather. I have a screened in back porch which is great during a rainy day. But neither is good when the highs aren't getting out of the 30s for over a week and the lows are in the teens. So, I broke out my tabletop vaporizer and have been carrying around a vapor filled turkey oven bag most of the time since breaking it out. I have to say vaping doesn't do for me what smoking does but I'm not shivering and coughing on the frigid deck, and it taste so good! I only heat the flower once and save it for tincture making.

@gwhunran ; cool story of your want's for getting a "buzz". If there is a problem with being a pot smoker it that we can do without it in a pinch, but when it's available, we will, and I really mean will find a way to fire one up.
Spark up and hoping your new year is a "buzzed" one.
Hard time require drastic measures. Back in the day there were a couple few time we all had smoke but nothing to smoke it in. We used soda cans, deep weld sockets, rip all the tobacco out of a Marlboro Red and pack it. Those were the days lol. Now I prefer glass. Nothing to big or fancy. Just a nice glass bowl. Easy to clean. Holds enough to get me and the wife pleased.
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