Come On Folks Let's See Some Eye Candy! Here's Some For Ya

Ahh now you got me inspired Buckshot :) I'll be taking this GDP S1 any day now:


It has mostly a skunk smell.
Potchimp... I tried to give reps but it told me I am fucked up and I have had the audacity to try to freely give reps as I see fit.

I was reminded I am not free :straightface:
Potchimp... I tried to give reps but it told me I am fucked up

I just smoked up half of this third blunt of the night; all of them by myself (it's the size of a macanudo; I'm not joking), drunk my 4th 10% ABV stout 12 oz. brew, drank about an 1/8 of a cup of tincture, and ate a pea size chunk of shatter about 2 hours ago. Why is it aimin' the fug dup arrow at you? I've been sitting on this 80's fuzzy toilet seat so long after eating off that taco truck if I can tear it off my a$$ I'll have invented a new kind of velcro it should be aimin' it at me! :straightface:

I'm so fug dup I just reversed evolution..... :(
So I received one of many packages today from my POTM win!!!
Ground up some XJ flowers with the Space Case Grinder, those things work phenomenally... So smooth even when its packed filled.

After a pain staking 2 1/2 minutes of tedious work packing this thing, it became the best cone I have ever packed.

It Slow burned for a whopping 10 minutes between the Fiance and I

Much love everybody :)
HSO, Bubba Kush.

Discontinuing! Just waiting for her to amber out. This is my second run with it. First resulted in very dense but moldy colas (also had equipment failure) and what was salvaged just wasn't on par for the extremely slow growth rate. It does not stretch and this plant probably stands at about or just over a foot. She was a freebie...


DNA Genetics, Tangilope.

Mid 7th or so. Just hitting another swell and should be on the last stretch. Smells insane. Creamy mandarin with a sour funk. Taste just as lovely too, this is my second run with her.




I'm just gonna go ahead and post the rest of the pics I took, otherwise they will get to old and I'll end up not posting them...

World of Seeds, Pakistan Valley. Just past the second week.



And lastly...

HSO, Pineapple Skunk.

I won this from the Herbies Seed Competition and there is still another one going. First run with it. I am not sure how long this one is under though. I didn't mark the day I put her under twelve but logs say 12/2 she was transplanted to a #7 and was showing prominent pre-flowers. 12/6 I cut a clone and I normally throw it in the flower room after the cut. Definitely under two weeks though, should be more like one. I usually move larger plants to flower room and then back to veg before lights out so that they can acclimate as well as save some room in veg. All I can think is I forgot a night and with her pre-flowers she was raring to go. Either way it looks like a good start and she's stinky already... Have a good weekend all! :tokin:

I normally let them grow all natural for my first run with them. I like to see how they are under normal conditions first. Anhyhow I did top this one once because she was a pretty aggressive grower.




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