Does flushing matter?

Flushing is definitely NOT a myth. It is done for a specific purpose. If you think that flushing means giving only water and starving your plant at the end, then that IS an old method that was used back in the 1970's to increase the plant's potency, but that has been proven to be a myth. We now know that it is better to feed your plants normally, right up to the end and that it is the curing process that cleans the smoke of all chemical tastes... it isn't done by starving the plant.

If you are referring to flushing in the correct way, to mean running a 3x the container flush of clean fresh water, to rid the soil of any built up salts or unused nutes, that IS definitely a thing, and is a good tool to use during a grow to allow for full uptake by the plant, not restricted by the debris building up in the soil. Flushing is also a common way to rid the soil of problems... too many nutes, etc... and is a common first step in diagnosing plant problems.

Lastly, and most importantly, a proper 3x flush should be done 2 weeks before harvest, for it is during these last two weeks that the buds finish out, and sometimes double in weight and girth. Flushing the soil before this process starts ensures that your plants will be able to have full uptake and get as much water and nutrients as it needs for this final push.
Hi Emilya,

A question for you about flushing

I'm growing a FastBud strain ( Purple Lemonade ) and in their website growing tip section for this strain they recommend a two week flush before harvest There are a few other strains of theirs that they recommend either a 10 day or 2 week flush. Most of their other strain tips do not mention a flush at all.

Any guess as to why they world recommend a flush on those specific strains?

Thanks for any opinion.
Hi Emilya,

A question for you about flushing

I'm growing a FastBud strain ( Purple Lemonade ) and in their website growing tip section for this strain they recommend a two week flush before harvest There are a few other strains of theirs that they recommend either a 10 day or 2 week flush. Most of their other strain tips do not mention a flush at all.

Any guess as to why they world recommend a flush on those specific strains?

Thanks for any opinion.
Because they are still holder's on to the old ideas from the 1960's and 70's and nothing is going to convince them that the best way to grow pot to its greatest potential is not to starve them at the end. I myself came into this thinking that this was the way it had to be done, because of course the Cannabis Grow Bible said so.

Back in the day they didnt call this flushing by the way, because everyone knew that flushing meant flushing the soil with 3x the container size of water.... to call this method of forced starvation flushing just wasn't done (this of course from my Dad who lived through this period and from me being raised at the tail end of that era)

A funny thing happened when the internet came along and we all started talking with each other and comparing notes. We realized that the organic folks, you know, those growers who were naturally feeding their plants right up to the day of the chop, they were getting the very best quality pot. It dawned on some of us after a while, myself included, that maybe feeding the plants right up to the end was the way to go. It turns out that it was.

I don't care if these relics, these hold-backs to the hippy days are breeders or have written books on the subject. In the 21st century we are growing the best quality pot there ever has been. There is a reason for this. We now know a lot more about what we are doing because today we are collaborating with each other, and learning.

So no, your breeders are not calling for a flush, even though they might call it that. They are calling for forced starvation.... and indeed it used to be called that. Water only for 2 weeks. It was a common thing... but to call it a flush is wrong. The meaning of the word has changed thanks to the internet and what has been termed, bro-science. Anyone using the term in that way instantly loses credibility in my eyes these days... no matter who they are, what they breed or where they write or have written their wrong thinking ideas.
Cheers mate
Because they are still holder's on to the old ideas from the 1960's and 70's and nothing is going to convince them that the best way to grow pot to its greatest potential is not to starve them at the end. I myself came into this thinking that this was the way it had to be done, because of course the Cannabis Grow Bible said so.

Back in the day they didnt call this flushing by the way, because everyone knew that flushing meant flushing the soil with 3x the container size of water.... to call this method of forced starvation flushing just wasn't done (this of course from my Dad who lived through this period and from me being raised at the tail end of that era)

A funny thing happened when the internet came along and we all started talking with each other and comparing notes. We realized that the organic folks, you know, those growers who were naturally feeding their plants right up to the day of the chop, they were getting the very best quality pot. It dawned on some of us after a while, myself included, that maybe feeding the plants right up to the end was the way to go. It turns out that it was.

I don't care if these relics, these hold-backs to the hippy days are breeders or have written books on the subject. In the 21st century we are growing the best quality pot there ever has been. There is a reason for this. We now know a lot more about what we are doing because today we are collaborating with each other, and learning.

So no, your breeders are not calling for a flush, even though they might call it that. They are calling for forced starvation.... and indeed it used to be called that. Water only for 2 weeks. It was a common thing... but to call it a flush is wrong. The meaning of the word has changed thanks to the internet and what has been termed, bro-science. Anyone using the term in that way instantly loses credibility in my eyes these days... no matter who they are, what they breed or where they write or have written their wrong thinking ideas.
Well said... Wish more people would see this particular post and understand and educate themselves! Thanks Emilya :)
I look at it this way would you starve a mother before she gives birth to her child? Hell no!! .., So why would you do it to another mother producing you some nice babies (nugs) and if she was fertilized it would be the same as in the human world she would be giving birth to your seeds her( babies) for you! So respect the mothers feed them! lol
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