Energy costs?

What about clones? So Canadian seed companies can't sell in Canada? Only Big Gov can?

That's about it. There is one possible exception - medical. On the application they ask if you need starting materials. They do not specify where you have to buy them. One of the LPs had starting materials when I first started growing. It was very inexpensive at only $700.00 for four clones. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I wasn't asking if any members were stealing power, I just wanted to know if it's an issue where you come from. Sorry if anyone was offended.

I'm not offended as this is often in the news with illegal grow-ops. Insurance won't cover the cost of any damage to the home as the resident was carrying on illegal activity there.

It's also very dangerous for an untrained person to tap into the power lines before the meter. The power is live, and there is no circuit breaker, or GFI to protect them.
Not offended, but that was the first thing that popped into my head. It's basically stealing from my neighbors, if I do, as their rates are higher. My buds have a very large legal grow in Montana right now. Several hundred plants. The State is forever looking at them, so I doubt they would even try. I know their bills are very high, but here, the more you use, the lower your rates. I doubt there are large illegal grows stealing, as it's easy to become legal.
What's everyone paying for tricity? Mine, Montana, USA
Residential USD

  • Base: $19.00
  • $0.1123 – First 1,000 Kwh
  • $0.0917 – Next 1,000 Kwh
  • $0.0817 – Over 2,000 Kwh
My rates in central Missouri are much different than what you are seeing. They are also different in summer and winter and you can get a special rate if you claim to have electric heat.

Current Residential Rates* General Use
Electric Heat
Monthly Customer Charge$11.47$11.47
Summer (May 16 - September 15)
Energy Charge per kWh $.13806
Energy Charge per kWh - first 600 kWh$.13511
Energy Charge per kWh - next 400 kWh$.13511
Energy Charge per kWh - over 1,000 kWh$.14916
Winter (September 16 - May 15)
Energy Charge per kWh - first 600 kWh $.12013 $.09703 (first 1,000 kWh)
Energy Charge per kWh - next 400 kWh $.07396
Energy Charge per kWh - over 1,000 kWh $.06561 $.06300
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