First Order with Crop King Excellent


New Member
Greetings Everyone,

I rarely Post on any Forums since the old OverGrow days. Sometimes I Post for others though, LOL.

Anyway, due to unfortunate events over the Years, many of my main Seed dist. have either lost quality in Seeds /Strains, over the Years or are "not able" to continue their business and have disappeared or living a "confined" lifestyle.

I NEVER do large orders with a New Dist. I test them first. Ordered 5 femmed "White Cookies" and 5 femmed "Sour Diesel."

I was sent 7 seeds of each Strain via Stealth Packaging which was brilliant in concept shipping wise AND THANK YOU for 14 instead of 10 Seeds CROP KING.

It has been YEARS since I have had beans pop at such a fast rate. Soaked them 24 hours,(Their instructions are how I have been popping beans since I was 14, 1970's) ALL except 2 had big tails. Put them in their mini 3 parts Perlite to One Part Vermiculite mini Hempy Cups and they are growing insanely well. (I also Clone Aero but obviously not seeds) They are all growing beautifully. ALL of them.

I suspect I will be switching ALL future orders to Crop King from my usual European dist's Shipping is fast, discreet, and Damn the Seeds are performing well.

All 14 will be Mother Plants at first which I will Clone and Code from and then narrow down to the Best for SOG Production. I suggest that all of you do that if Space allows. Nothing worse than the "Damn I wish I had a Mother of that one Mantra of Sadness."


Fresh Seeds
Excellent Germination
Fare Price
Great Customer Service

So if any of you Old School OverGrowers out there are skeptical give them a shot. Make a small order to start and you will be pleased. Of course I will report at a later Date on Harvest but so far so good.

This OG Lady is stoked,:Namaste:


PS- Example for Mother Coding
Let's say you have 5 beans that Popped
Lets say they are Sour Diesel
Code them, SD1, SD2,SD3,SD4, SD5
Veg them long enough to at least get 3-5 Clones per Plant
Code those Clones, SD1A,SD1B,SD1C, SD2,A,B,C,D and so on, numerically and alphabetically for each Mom.
Veg those Clones
Flower those Clones
Depending on your needs and Grow Style pick the Cream(s) of the Crop. For SOG I suggest 2-3 Mom's of each Strain at least.

PPS:cheer: NEW SEASON TRAILER PARK BOYS IS ON MARCH 28th(Netflix) and I can't wait to see what extra Skull Fuckery the Boys will be up to. I am sure "Drunky the Clown" is feeding the Shit Hawks and building Shit Nests. What's really funny and disturbing is Life and Fiction can be so absurdly similar. LOL Peace out and don't get caught in a Shit Storm. When growing always pay attention to your Shit Weather Alerts. :Namaste:
Just wanted to say Hi! Kudos for the OverGrow and TPB references!

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