First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail


New Member
Hey guys! Hoping my first journal goes well considering this is my first time! What I have here are multiple strains. I was given multiple seeds and I started 16 and some didn't grow. 13 were fully developed and 7 ended up being male. I should have germinated them separately but I neglected to do so but I should be able to see after full flower. The details are as follows:

Strains: Blueberry
Mario and Louigi --(not sure of real name) but my buddy calls it "Mario and Louigi" Simply because the seeds are either red or green for the same strain as per him.

Medium: Ocean Forest soil from ace hardware with pearlite mixed in.

Lighting: 1000w Apollo Horticulture Digital Ballast. I Highly recommend this as I only paid $200 and it seriously kicks ass. I ALSO have a track bar that my hood is suspended from. takes ten minutes for it to glide side to side 6 feet. really nice for even growth it seems.

Nutrients: Grow Big, Big Bloom, & Tiger Bloom. Im using recommended usage as per bottle instructions. I do straight water for two days once every 3 weeks. To balance the PH levels, I use white vinegar until it reaches the desired ph level. Im trying to keep them all around 6 in the BUD stage.

Planter: 5 gallon buckets 1/2 to 3/4 full.

Water: I have a sprayer. I go by the seconds rule and I test moisture of soil with Ace hardware tester. Every evening, I pump up the sprayer and count to 60 depending on moisture content. sometimes I skip a day to let the plant suck up moisture to see how quickly it is using the water.

Calendar: currently, I am about 6 weeks into bud. I started at the beginning of October. It was a rough go through veg being my first time but throughout, my bud says fir my first time it looks great. when switching to bud, it took a week and a half to sex and one turned to be a HERMI. it looks pretty pitiful now in bud, but its better than not having it am I right? I wish I had pics of the lights I started with. I had 8 High output coil CFLs in individual sockets rated at 4200kelvin which actually worked great but was very impractical.$ can really limit a person haha. then again the bulbs were $16 a piece! I tried cheap LEDs sold 5 for $25 on amazon but they suck so I broke down and got a real setup! Yes, I know that black plastic isn't part of a "real setup" but after this grow I should have the funds for some sweet upgrades. All I need to work on now is a carbon air filter. Ive got a oscillating fan in the room now moving air, but im trying to limit intake because its so cold outside. its nearing spring so it should be easier to do.

Anyway, this is my first grow and first journal so id love some insight! Please looks at the pics of this current week! Thanks guys!
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

Pretty subbed
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

Looking good mate. Why a ph of 6 I'm wondering? Your plants seem happy with it
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

Ive been told to stay around 5.6 during bud but with a mix of breeds, its hard to keep each plant and their own PH levels so I figured id see really how important it was. im keeping them all the same out of convenience.
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

that's really low ph for soil
that's more like hydro ph
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

so 6 or 7 in soil? im going off of collective information that I gather from many different people
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

Hmmmm... Well whatever you're doing it's working out. Very nice. You have a hermie and you're picking off the male flowers constantly? Or expecting some seeds?

Yeah 6.5-7 for soil. I get less troubles when I screw up and go a bit acidic though, compared to when I screw up and go too alkaline lol (had a crappy ph pen till recently)
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

There's a link here How to Grow Cannabis - Everything You Need to Know! which is full of great info. And some other threads too in that same area (FAQs under the main page 'grow room' link) that are full of good info too. Your plants are way nicer than I ever managed when I was first starting.
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

Thanks! My hermi I haven't touched at all and maybe more pictures if it would help. I take that back, at first I cut the balls (the few that showed) and since then it's been covered in flowers. So maybe I'll need some guidance there.
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

If you can keep the hermie neutered and under control then good. I've never tried though I have had females grow a few 'nanners' late in flower and controlled them by plucking. I've always pulled the real hermies ASAP. Except for one I missed which gave me an unwanted lifetime supply of seeds.
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

Maybe I don't know what I really have then....the fourth picture from the bottom is the hermie. What should I do?
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

I suppose just keep a close eye on it if it's behaving and you have the space. You know what the male flowers look like. And they can also grow the nanners which are about 1/4" long yellow flowers that look a bit like bananas hence the name. And they will often grow right out of the buds but in my experience can be controlled. Partly because they don't produce such large amounts of pollen as the ball flowers version. Basically watch out for anything that looks like yellow flowers and if it gets to be a headache dealing with them, it sounds like you won't be losing much to just yank it out.
re: First Time Grow - Mix & Match Strains - Apollo Horticulture 1000W Light Rail

late bloom hermie is just trying to protect its genetics
if it hermies early or mid bloom and not when your late in bloom as in your running it past its natural bloom time
those you would want to get rid of cause you don't want that polluting your other plants and any seeds from those will hermie at the same time
It flowered almost the same time as the others I think. I'll post another picture of it in a few

What you see is it. When I first saw evidence of being male my buddy said cut the pods off.....each and every one so I did and this is what I got
Does it visually check out? I don't get much insight at home
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