First Time Grower With Alot Of Heart


New Member
Ok so I am a newb on the site and to growing. After weeks of reading nonstop I decided to try this out. I do use mj for medicinal use, as well as preventative health. So I live in a Duplex and have a neighbor what do I do.. Stealth box. I spend hours trying to figure out how to go the cheapest route so that i can expierament. Id like to make perfect before i try doing something larger scale. So bag seed it is and lucky the last tennants left a nice 3/4 oak box with no front and its 18 deep 4ft high and 3ft wide.

CFL's it is. You should be able to see in my photos that im using 10 cfls. 8 of them are 6500k and the two lower leafs i used 2700k to simulate the low light that the lower branches would recieve. My germ pots are just two dollar store waste cans one gallon each. I have 2 5 gallon pots for the transplant ready. Germ cycle is started and in cheap 100% organic potting soil. I know Junk. but germ cycle takes little neuts. I have fox farms ocean floor to transplant into.

The plants are 7 days old today. One is sadly only an inch tall because i flooded it when i put it in the pot. The other is stretching to 3 inches already. I fed for the first time today and im using BOTANICARE PURE BLEND PRO SOIL. My local Grow Big guy said way better than fox farms. I trust him. but feed back is welcome. I only watered a small portion because the soil is still damp.

The box stays at 77 Degrees and humidity is only 55% so i turned off the dehumidifyer to bump it.
cooling is one 3 inch computer fan and the lower side of my box and exhaust is a 4 inch passive hole in a top shelf and two 3 inch fans on the opposite of the intake. There is also 2 6 inch fans for circulation mounted in the front. Its nice and breezy and stays consistant at 77.

Light cycle is 18/6... fans never shut down. Does anyone else run fans 24/7 thats not something that is talked about. I plan on just topping but as a newb ill be posting pics when i think its ready and see if someone can show me where to clip just so i dont mess it up...

well any questions?
the babies I think im gonna name them OSCAR AND SANCHEZ. cuz one lives in a Garbage can and the other is DIRTY.

Open box with cfl lighting
Looks fine mate. Just be patient & don't over water or get the cfls too close at this stage as the heat will damage them and they are vulnerable at this early stage.

Also try not to fan them directly as the stems are not yet established enough.. It'll take 3 weeks or so from where you are now for the 'vegative' stage to really get going when you'll see rapid growth so just be patient.

Hope this helps :)
Looks fine mate. Just be patient & don't over water or get the cfls too close at this stage as the heat will damage them and they are vulnerable at this early stage.

Also try not to fan them directly as the stems are not yet established enough.. It'll take 3 weeks or so from where you are now for the 'vegative' stage to really get going when you'll see rapid growth so just be patient.

Hope this helps :)

This helps tremendously. my fans are hard moundted to the upper side as you can see. So i leave them running just for good circulation. my cfl's are three inches to the top of my tallest plant. 3 weeks is so long away. i open my box like 5 times a day i think... (mostly because I'm currently unemployed). well at least all the talking to them will help co2.. I should probably just do this for my job. its the first thing ive put my heart into in years.
I'd water every 3 days or so at the moment, probably only 200ml or so around the stem. No need for nutrients yet.

In a few weeks when vegging really starts taking off you'll notice they will crave more water, especially if it's hot in your garden (I'm feeding around 400ml every day in 2nd week of flower)

Don't worry about having the bulbs too close at the moment. You're better off leaving a bit more distance than risking burning them at this stage. Your light setup 5 or 6" away will provide more than ample light at this point in the plant's life.
Thank You Hardgraf... I had to do the unthinkable today and transfer my LITTLE ladies into a new home. The soil i used for potting had no drain off. It was cheap and compact. So i put them into their 5 gal homes today discovered another germ poking through the water and replanted that. I did use my root adhancer that my grow guy gave me. hopefully everything is ok.
So i have been watering my Babies now for 4 days with a small amount of nuets; they are blasting off. the leaf growth is amazing. however i can not get my humidity above 50%. my temps stay @77 farenheit and drop to 68 ish at night. so im within a 10 degree drop which is more than acceptable on my scale since everything says 10 degree celcius. ill post pics tomorrow when i re-open my box. but they are at least a half inch taller from wednesday and half inch in diameter larger. This is so exciting. I have to keep reminding myself that my babies dont need me. just light and me to water them daily.
BTW Hardgraf I raised my lights to the 6 inch point. also put my intake fan and one exhaust fan on the light timer in hopes that my temps will stay higher at night and humidity to raise. blowing cold air off a concrete floor didnt exactly help with either of those. I also put a dixie cup of water in right under a light to boost humidity but its not working the way i would like. Any advice. or should i just leave it alone? you can see my temp and humidity in my pics
As long as you're staying between 20 & 30 degrees you should be fine :)

I have only experienced heat issues above 30 degrees. Yeah your lights should be a bit better at that distance. You can always move them a little closer if you need to increase the temp. Here's a pic of my heat damaged plants, at couple of weeks old from seed...

& here they are a few weeks later with the temp under control and a lot of patience :)





Im wondering why this plant looks so gloom. it is about 1 inch higher in the pot than the one on the right. From the start this one has been the slower of the two.

Patience my friend :) you'll have a couple of weeks where growth will be slow then they will really start to enter the veg stage & grow fast!

They look healthy so don't worry atm.
I moved the lights up about 2 more inches and suddenly they are sprouting faster.. Coinsidence? or were my lights to close and thats why the little girl on the left was having issues? Maybe she was just a slow sprout. I wish more people were here to comment and tell me what im doing wrong. Also i upped my feeding solution as per the problend site. 1tsp per half gallon. I have 6 more seeds germinating im hoping to grow those in ocean forrest mixed with coffee grounds. USED of course and dry. im trying to mold the grounds. im going to do a layer at the bottom of the pot and a ring around the top. about 4 inches from the plants in a ring. ive read that it keeeps slugs away and putting the rich nitrogen grounds on the bottom will make sure the roots stretch for food. has anyone tried this? or you hardgraf? is it worth the time or will my grass taste like cuppichino? Id rather have mocha lattes growing.
So heres an update for week 2 of feeding this has been a 4 week process so far and my plants are ROCKETING. I did change 2 of my lights yesterday. I have been running all 6500k bulbs (cfl) and 2 2700k in the back of the case. The center plant that hasnt done well seemed gloom the past week. I replaced two center lights on my hood with 2700k cfl. you can see the right plant was right under that 2700k cfl and was bushing and growing nice and rapid. the left side was missing that full spectrum. It proceded to grow more to the 2700k bulb and was practically flat on the other side. Now after 18 hours of having more color spectrum WOW. Its filling out on the flat side as well. Can see from the pictures. I am feeding daily. about 200ml of water give or take a few. but today with these much larger plants i decided to give them a full solo cup daily. Im using 1tsp of problend to half US gallon. starting wednesday will be the second week of those neuts. I plan on givin just a TSP and a half to the half US gallon. Its so awesome opening up in the morning and seeing this. I might have to grow veggies too. just for fun. But if its legal im going bigger and getting a tent. Well guys tell me what you think... I also added some new ladies to the group. started them in water 6 days ago and they were all ready. got one poking through in the back. but some good bag seed in those.














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