First time..purps hydro grow-bedroom growroom

WHATS UP GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

pan4gold49....WHATS UP MAN!!!!....your about these babys shooting to the cieling...I have named the one in the center B.O.B. for BIG-O-BITCH.....LOL....she was measued at an even 7' before I started bending her over.....she will hopefully start putting on weight instead of still going up...I'll tie her down...then the next day she has made a "U" turn back straight up...shes a good problem to have.......the INDICA is so perfect.....there is so many bud sites.......I cant wait till they look good enough for PIC O THE MONTH one day and enter it and hopefully win....that would be ex......they look like stringy little teenagers right now...LOL.....but not for long!.......The smell is not bad at all....matter of a fact...I was standing in the grow room the other day and was thinking why the smell has not started to get reall bad???...I guess there stink soon enough.....Thanks for checking in on us man.......I'm heading over later 2day for a nute swap out......PEACE

Doctor Dread.......Thanks man.....I had no idea this stuff was so rewarding......this is the first grow of many............PEACE

The girls are now 67 days from seed and 22 days in flowering at 12/12.

PEACE TO ALL.......AND TO ALL.........A GREEN MOJO !!!!!!!!!!!!
WHATS UP GUYS..........PIC TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used my magnifing glass for some good bud camera is a pieac o shit and wont zoom.

We are at 71 days from seed and 26 days in flower......the bud sites are getting many white hairs..almost yellowish....looking yummy!

the last pic is of the bottom of one of the SATIVAS.......not shure if it is too heavy on the nutes but the upper leaves on the plants look ex.,...all the plants have a little of that going on.....not shure if I should worry about it or not....thats why I have you guys on my side....what do you guys think???....should I bump the nutes back or not....we are at full bloom strength now.

let me know what you guys think....I really app. the help you'all give me...if not....they would probably not be this far along, or dead by now......thanks.......PEACE














let me know how they look my "peeps".....thanks...........PEACE
looks like mojo is a sativa dom you'll need to wait for her but it's all about patience
WHATS UP!!!! let me tell you.....when I see your name hit the thread after I post...I know it will be ok...I was going nuts wandering if I should bump her nutes back....I flushed both farms with 2 gal of water and let it run for awile this pas sun. and then filled them back up with the full bloom strength, "GH"......I will check the flow 2morro....thanks again for the help....I'll sleep a little easeyer...I'll post more pics in a couple days...........PEACE

SouthernOnt......thanks man....ya .....the little nugs you see up toward the top of the light, are on the one sativa!!!!...she is a little over 10 feet tall...I have her bent over about three feet worth......but your right..well worth the wait.......PEACE
WHATS UP l8tnightskunk!!!....thanks for checking in on us man.....there sucking the nutes up light cold budwiser on super bowl sunday!!!!....there on general hydroponic 3 stage nute in the Full Bloom Stage right now......thinking about throwing some "koolbloom" in there next resevor change...I change the resevor every 7 days and the dark color of the nutes when I put it in is darn near gone and the wter coming out is almost there healthy alright...I am with them everyday....and there truly amazing plants....or WEEDS!!!!........keep an eye on them man........PEACE
P.S. here is a neat pic of B.O.B, "Big-O-Bitch" , where she is bent over to the right about 4 foot, and still fighting to get to the light!!!.....those reaching straight up , are the side branches..pretty wild......PEACE

Howdy Hippie

Read your whole thread out just now and was facinated. I am also doing my first hydro grow. I went with a very simple DWC setup to make my mistakes with, but I think you may be onto a exact setup that would be perfect for me. One question though, with multiple airstone in multiple buckets and presumably more than one airpump, how much noise is it putting out. My growspace is an extra bathroom about 5 feet from my head when I'm asleep, so sound is sort of an issue. I currently have one airpump pushing two airstones, and while it doesnt keep me awake, I am aware of it.

I know this may be a bit of an unusual question, but if I can manage the noise, I could put 4-5 of them together in my space and be able to grow a years supply in one crop.

Also, you are so right about Pan4Gold49...he's been folowing my journal as well and when he says it, I regard it as the Holy Writ of Growing.
i only have 4 buckets of DWC and it seems that even the 80 gal air pump and a 30 that i have pushing 4 buckets seems barley enough so i have a total of two air pumps and the next grow i will try a better air stone cant go cheap on those i have realized because the lil micro ones put out very nice champien like bubbles( i think i will try the wooden blocks) i think this is key and they can be pushed by a small air pump easily. hope this help just wanted to add my 2cents

Southern weed...thanks for the props man....I bought an air pump with two air fittings and thats what I run the two Water Farms with and use the two little air pumps that came with the water farms to run the air stones......I put them on a couple things but found out by mistake that a cardbord box with a sheet on it works perfect!!!...must be something about taking up the vibration sound...but have been running it ever since and dont hear it att all.

Poke Smot.....the wood would prob. work just as well...the sheet is what did it for me....they run 24/7 with no prob..

GOT A SECOND GROW GOING !! !!!!....I started 12 seeds 3 days and got 11 little seedlings with there first set of real leaves already!!!!....I LOVE THIS SHITTT!!!!!.....I'll throw some pics of the new babys 2morrow when I come back from the first grow...I love saying that, 1st grow 2nd grow..LOL.......Keep an eye on us guys..PEACE

P.S. have some new babys to wave your "GREEN MOJO" at man!!!!

Southern weed...thanks for the props man....I bought an air pump with two air fittings and thats what I run the two Water Farms with and use the two little air pumps that came with the water farms to run the air stones......I put them on a couple things but found out by mistake that a cardbord box with a sheet on it works perfect!!!...must be something about taking up the vibration sound...but have been running it ever since and dont hear it att all.

Thanks for the info Hippie...looks like I have a plan for a real grow.
+rep for the help
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