For more Clarity


Well-Known Member
i prepare these thing by myself just tell me Am I Right or not
Thanks in advance

the number 1 is yellow and usually used for flowering stage because it has 2700K
and this cfl light is appropriate for flowering and growing
number 2 is white colour and usually used for vegetative stage and this type of cfl is affordable than other production and it has 6500K
ok but 1 question can i use T5 light for both stage ?
i mean use the white for Veg and yellow for flowering ?
yes of course you're right .I like HPS light .just for heat i cant use it .
there is one question :does the Red color has any effect on the plant?
i see LED light that it has red bean light
Can i use the red light instead yellow light ?
As far as I know with LED, you need both blue and red in combination.

If you were to buy LED it would also seem that you get what you pay for. The better quality LED with higher output produces far superior results than cheeper LED.
As far as I know with LED, you need both blue and red in combination.

If you were to buy LED it would also seem that you get what you pay for. The better quality LED with higher output produces far superior results than cheeper LED.

TassieDevil is Absolutely correct. Don't waste money on the cheap fleabay led panels. The diodes are not strong enough. I'm someone who knows, I bought two very cheap panels and tried them for growing. And there are a couple of other growers on this site that have tried them. The plant growth was nearly non-existent. The day I put the plants back under my CFL's the growth started immediately.
I don't know the ins/outs of different LED systems, I only know that those cheap 2 for $60.00 panels are junk for growing cannabis.
Hope that helps. :thumb:
Sorry yes, Marijuana plants don't absorb the green spectrum, so Red and Blue are necessary.

The color temperature of 2700K is most like late summer when the day's are getting shorter, which tells the plant to flower.
I don't accurately know with LED how a combination of Blue and Red gives all the right wavelengths to the plant to make it flower, but it would appear that it does by what I've seen.
i grow them at greenhouse. i have controversial question what would be happen if i change the path of sun light to my green house with mirror
can be usefull for them ?
why people dont use mirror instead reflective things
SRY about my language
I can't remember if mirror's absorb some light frequencies. Sorry can't answer that question.

Maybe you could start a grow journal, do it and show everyone the would be good to see done! :)
Yes i will . i deeply believe that it's feasible and i will dedicate my researches and INFO to 420 magazine .
Best regards
i grow them at greenhouse. i have controversial question what would be happen if i change the path of sun light to my green house with mirror
can be usefull for them ?
why people dont use mirror instead reflective things
SRY about my language

Mirrors will absorb some of your light, meaning loss of lumens. They also create hot spots if they are cheaply made on the backing material and glass manufacturing. Mylar would be a better choice, or flat white painted walls. Aluminum foil has been used by growers, but it does not reflect that well and it does create hot spots as well.
Hope that helps a bit. :thumb:
I deeply appreciate it .thanks .i like whole this beauty website .couse there is lot of people that help me and guide me as well .Thanks guys for your Time and it's been a big help
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