Fulvic acid?

Skunk No1

New Member
hi all

just heard of fulvic acid and how it can benefit your crops has anybody used this and could give me some guidance on when to use it? how much to use?

Anybody that has used Advanced Nutrients Grow has used it. Which I recommend, plant is absolutely loving the Micro, Grow, Bloom stack.

Fulvic acid enhances the availability of nutrients and makes them more readily absorbable. It also allows minerals to regenerate and prolongs the residence time of essential nutrients. It prepares nutrients to react with cells. It allows nutrients to inter-react with one another, breaking them down into the simplest ionic forms chelated by the fulvic acid electrolyte.

Transports Nutrients:
Fulvic acid readily complexes with minerals and metals making them available to plant roots and easily absorbable through cell walls. It makes minerals such as iron, that are not usually very mobile, easily transported through plant structures. Fulvic acids also dissolve and transport vitamins, coenzymes, auxins, hormones, and natural antibiotics that are generally found throughout the soil, making them available. These substances are effective in stimulating even more vigorous and healthy growth. These substances are produced by certain bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes in decomposing vegetation in the soil. It has been determined that all known vitamins can be present in healthy soil. Plants manufacture many of their own vitamins, yet these from the soil further supplement the plant. Upon ingestion these nutrients are easily absorbed by animals and humans, due to the fact that they are in the perfect natural plant form as nature intends. Fulvic acid can often transport many times its weight in dissolved minerals and elements.

Catalyzes Enzyme Reactions:
Fulvic acid has close association with enzymes. It increases activity of enzymes, and especially influences respiratory catalysts. Fulvic acids increase the activity of several enzymes including alkaline phosphates, transaminase, and invertase.
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Increases Assimilation:
Fulvic acid metal organic complexes are of a low molecular weight, and because of this they are also of low molecular size, and are capable of a high degree of penetration into cells. Fulvic acid complexes and chelates are able to readily pass through semi-permeable membranes such as cell walls. Yet it is important to note that it has also been determined that fulvic acids not only have the ability to transport nutrients through cell membranes, they also have the ability to sensitize cell membranes and various physiological the membranes and various physiological functions as well.

Stimulates Metabolism:
Fulvic acid appears to cause the genetic mechanism of plants to function at a higher level. It has been concluded that any means by which plant cells are exposed to fulvic acid can improve growth. Oxygen is absorbed more intensely in the presence of fulvic acids. Fulvic acid aids in penetrating roots and then quickly transports to the shoots of plants. Fulvic acid relieves oxygen deficiency and increases the vital activity of cells. Fulvic acids change the pattern of the metabolism of carbohydrates, resulting in an accumulation of soluble sugars. These soluble sugars increase the pressure of osmosis inside the cell wall and enable plants to withstand wilting. Fulvic acid enhances growth and may stimulate the immune system.

Fulvic acid Benefits - A detailed overview of the benefits of Fulvic acid
For Advanced Nutrients F-1 (Fulvic Acid) below dose is used

Using Advanced Nutrients - Fulvic Acid:

Advanced Nutrients Fulvic Acid is for use from rooted cutting to the last week before the flush. Simply make up your feed solution as usual to the required strength and add Fulvic Acid at a rate of 2.5ml/Litre and mix well. Advanced Nutrients Fulvic Acid can also be used as a foliar feed. Simply make up a solution using 5ml/Litre of water and liberally spray the tops and undersides of all the leaves. Apply once or twice per week. Do not spray under intense light conditions.

As with all nutrients, boosters and additives, never mix them together in their concentrated form (i.e. straight from the bottle). Always add each nutrient, booster or additive to your reservoir water or feed water in turn, giving the solution a good stir to mix it in before adding the next one.

Advanced Nutrients Fulvic Acid root feed dosage: 2.5ml/Litre

Advanced Nutrients Fulvic Acid foliar feed dosage: 5ml/Litre

Advanced Nutrients - Fulvic Acid 1 Litre
Fulvic and Humic are one in the same, that is an organic chelate. Fulvic is just much smaller the the humic making it more biologically active witch make it ideal for foliar feeding. But both fulvic and humic help aid in nutrient uptake and if you are not using them in your garden right now you should be. Iv been using Uptake from a company here in Colorado called Key To Life and at this point it is hands down the best Humic/Fulvic product I have ever used. By the way most humic products out there are a combination of Humic and Fulvic.
Fulvic and Humic are one in the same, that is an organic chelate. Fulvic is just much smaller the the humic making it more biologically active witch make it ideal for foliar feeding. But both fulvic and humic help aid in nutrient uptake and if you are not using them in your garden right now you should be. Iv been using Uptake from a company here in Colorado called Key To Life and at this point it is hands down the best Humic/Fulvic product I have ever used. By the way most humic products out there are a combination of Humic and Fulvic.
Yep, I use TM-7...

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