Gator's Cage

For California's elec. power costs, LED flat grows show me a lot to like.

California is my state and LED ScrOG grows appear to be in my near future. Agreed that tiered, electric rates of CA do not favor high wattage grows.
California is my state and LED ScrOG grows appear to be in my near future. Agreed that tiered, electric rates of CA do not favor high wattage grows.

Munki. I just finished a scrog. It was my first scrog and indoor grow, but, besides my screwups, I found the screen to be pretty limiting. I'm curious why you wouldn't do sog, heavy lst, or supercropping instead?

I will soon post my trial grow of 10 months ago, to show the goal that I'm attempting to reproduce. Four plants freestanding in the corners.
They weren't even agitated by a breeze till near the end, yet had strong stems and relatively large buds. SS encouraged me to put a fan in the bottom blowing up - thanks Mr Sun, I won't grow again without one.
A trellis inside or out has pluses and minuses. To tie each branch to it's own place in the light is a good thing, but... That wire gets in the way for maintainance, and stems grow thin without having to carry all their weight.
My next pair of grows will have no cage, but the plants must be stayed from the light.
Plants will grow/lean into the light without concern for being burnt, so they must be tied.
Just now, I got a big :idea:

The way a sailboat's mast is braced against bending uses crosstrees and line. Thread and a popsicle stick might work on my girls. :) I'm so happy; I could chase my cat.
He won't run if I do, so I think I'll smoke another bowl. Yeah, that'll work.

Propa voted, and hopes y'all did too. Gator voted early and often ;)
How can they do that?
Power supply is a business, and neither legislation nor desire can generate a profit.
Peak demand = peak capacity
The higher the peak is above the average; the higher the cost is of meeting the peak.
Sunshine is daytime energy, sametime everyone wants AC in So Cal. Good match.
Either with smoke(steam:)) and mirrors or photo-electric cells, let me grow weed at night :yahoo:
Plants will grow/lean into the light without concern for being burnt, so they must be tied.

I may have asked before. (If so, please forgive me - the meds I'm on seem to be best at making me stupid.)

If you grow without the wire and the plants grow at an angle towards the light, can you rotate them every so often to offset it? You wouldn't want to wait too long, because a severe angle would have them farther from the light that they'd like when you gave the the about-face, I'd guess. Or you could turn them 60° every so often but a little more often and make them all look like green spiral staircases (but they do seem to be making me a little silly).
I may have asked before.
A recurring theme, symetricality. Yes of course TS, regular rotation would have them straight up, but the time & energy lost chasing the light loses total bud weight. Unless the plants spun on a turntable, twice per day.
This I gleaned from the verts of others; I look. I haven't yet reproduced a successful grow, so even if I tried to learn by doing I would have only another anecdote. Yes I know, same sort of evidence that flies through the net like migrating waterfowl once numbered. If I wanted to grow GWS, I would want back or top lighting along with the main bulb in the middle, but PX doesn't seem real short on the shady side. Next grow starting is a twin grow. Four with each 250, though I still feel that eight might fit :hmmmm:

Final wight from the four w/ 250 @44 days was 115g. With this much of such high-grade, I am happy.
Others temporarily get retarded, and are happy.
I smoke my dwindling stash of Pure Pakistani #18 and get stoned. :smokin:
I will soon post my trial grow of 10 months ago, to show the goal that I'm attempting to reproduce. Four plants freestanding in the corners.
They weren't even agitated by a breeze till near the end, yet had strong stems and relatively large buds. SS encouraged me to put a fan in the bottom blowing up - thanks Mr Sun, I won't grow again without one.
A trellis inside or out has pluses and minuses. To tie each branch to it's own place in the light is a good thing, but... That wire gets in the way for maintainance, and stems grow thin without having to carry all their weight.
My next pair of grows will have no cage, but the plants must be stayed from the light.
Plants will grow/lean into the light without concern for being burnt, so they must be tied.
Just now, I got a big :idea:

The way a sailboat's mast is braced against bending uses crosstrees and line. Thread and a popsicle stick might work on my girls. :) I'm so happy; I could chase my cat.
He won't run if I do, so I think I'll smoke another bowl. Yeah, that'll work.

Propa voted, and hopes y'all did too. Gator voted early and often ;)

Zappa would use dental floss :)

Voted late, but under the dental floss.
A recurring theme, symetricality.

Symmetry is highly overrated.

It's really more like doing a vertical scrog right Gator?

They don't really grow towards the light too much, they just turn their pretty heads to catch it.

Why not grab some election sign frames to support those babies? They bend nicely. Dumpster time otherwise.
Munki. I just finished a scrog. It was my first scrog and indoor grow, but, besides my screwups, I found the screen to be pretty limiting. I'm curious why you wouldn't do sog, heavy lst, or supercropping instead?


SOG is a better producing method in my opinion, but legalities of California restrict growing on plant counts instead of grow space size. So, SOG is not legally feasible; fewer plants with longer veg times must be substituted resulting in more electricity usage (18/6 instead of mostly 12/12 photoperiods).

Regarding LST, I just haven't done enough grows yet to have messed with it. I have a flowering tent that is 84 inches high, so I am not height restricted. Other supercropping methods like trimming fan leaves and growing branch tips were used in my first ScrOG grow, just early in the process when those plants were first in a Phototron.

ScrOG can be very good, but it is not easy to master. Takes work. The screen is not magic; stems must be threaded well, lights flipped to 12/12 at the right time, and tucking the branches under the screen continued until just before the stretch period ends. So while many ScrOGs are attempted, few realize the full potential the method offers. I encourage you to continue to work with the method and a compliant strain. :peacetwo:

Sorry for any threadjacking, Propa Gator!
Wax 'em up, smooth 'em down.

It's really more like doing a vertical scrog
A Sea Of Green turned on it's ear.

The screen is not magic
You trade veg time & labor for plant count. Vertically, the plants will grow to the light with a sideways lean if not kept back.
Sorry for any threadjacking
?? Post is topical. Thanks for your input, Munki.
You have a fan blowing up, right? Do you also have one or more blowing sideways at the plants? Perhaps an oscillating one?

I have been told that regularly "shaking" plants and the like in order to flex/"stress" the stems can also help encourage thick stocky stems, but that it is no substitute for a good wind.

seedlings dread my visits, as I flick them around pretty hard.

The flicking causes micro-fractures, and the healing process adds tissue.
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