GH vs 5-11-27 Purple Kush Comparison Grow

hey roots! just checking in on ya!!! for what its worth i didnt have good luck with Floralicious plus but that may be because i used before when i wasnt serious.

Hey Charon187 thanks for checking in. Life has been busy and Im sorry to everyone I know I haven't been keeping on this like I should.

Okay a few days ago I added:


30ml bloom


7-11-27: 21g
CaN: 21g
monopot: 1.5g
Epsom: 9g
Pot: 4.5g

Yesterday I added

30ml Bloom
15ml Koolbloom
3ml Floralicious Plus


7-11-27: 24g
CaN: 24g
monopot: 2g
Epsom: 12g
Pot: 4.5g

New product I am trying is Zone. So both reservoirs got a dose of Zone. Unfortunately most likely negates some of Floralicious Plus properties. I am definitely finding for drip just nice clean nutrients are best. Any organics just seems to clog things up.

Okay I think both sides are looking good. Definitely think my nutrient mix is keeping up with GH. But you judge for yourselves so here are pics on day 34 of flower starting with the GH side:


And my nutrient mix side:


Well there you have it picture say it all and both of those pictures puts a smile on my face. No complaints from either side.

damn lol yeah no complaints
No CO2 at all. I am constantly venting the room bring in fresh air constantly. I don't have the money for equipment to make a totally sealed environment necessary to make CO2 effective. I still don't have basic equipment to control environmental conditions well. Right now with winter I haven't had to really worry about stuff. Air coming in has a very low RH, haven't had to worry about high temps, etc. Now that warmer temperatures are on the way if I want to keep growing I will have to invest in air conditioning, dehumidifier, cool tubes, fans etc. to battle the high temperatures. We have had a warm spell were I am and temperatures were getting above 50F and my room temperatures soared to 82F in the flower room and 86F in the veg room. So you can see the problem I am going to be facing when outside air temps are above 86F. To really use CO2 effectively is expensive and since I am just growing for two people that can't grow for themselves it isn't worth the capital outlay to get the equipment necessary to use CO2. I don't really want to battle summer heat so I think if all goes well I have one more wave of purple kush and that will be it for me till fall.

I hear you there root, growing indoors is far from a cheap endeavor. It's great you are growing for peeps who can't. My mom suffers from arthritis, just had knee surgery and has other health issues. I have been preaching to her the benefits of MM, she takes several hundred dollars in scripts monthly. She is old school, I tell her ya dun have to smoke it, it can be consumed a variety of different ways. Hoping she turns around on the subject to at least give it a chance. Something that grows is better for you than something created in a lab for huge profits. Keep up the great work root, sorry for jackin your thread again...
hey roots just checking in on ya.

cheers m8!
Hey vapo-eyes ramble away. This is what these forms are about sharing information and ideas. I agree that a lot of botanicals used properly are a lot better for you than pharmaceuticals. That is why the health industry puts so much money into propaganda about how we don't know whats in them or the dose you need to take or if they are safe. We have been taking them for thousands and thousands of years with generations of evidence that they work. Hopefully your mom will try a bit and get some relief. My wifes mom has arthritis and she is interested but worries what other people might think. Thanks for the props. Im still trying to dial everything in. Having a time with spider mites. Little bastards. From now on I am just going to assume I have them and spray every week with neem in veg till about the second week of flower. Then keep a sharp eye out for them. Safer soap works great in flower so does cayenne/garlic/clove spray I just don't want to be spraying anything two weeks to harvest. This grow has Im thinking three weeks left maybe 4. So I think I am going to hit it again then just use water with some potassium carbonate to blast them and fight powdery mildew.

Hey Charon187 thanks for checking in. I know The pics aren't being updated as much. Been really busy! Will get some up tomorrow. I think I am a little embarrassed. The room is a little messy (really not good when you have bugs!) and the girls are floppen all over the place and I just haven't had time to tie them up to get some good pics.

Okay the end of this grow is in sight. Work is taking up way to much of my time these days so I apologies to everyone about the lack of updates. Work should be slowing down in the next week or two. Hopefully this weekend i can get some pictures up. The true purple kush is looking amazing! Like crystalized sugar has been sprinkled all over it. Yield will not be that great but should be one good smoke. My patient is really looking forward to it as their pain has not been allowing them to sleep. One of those things you don't want to chop it early but don't want to make them wait unnecessarily either. I think just the anticipation of smoking it making the days go by a bit better. Well hope everyone in the 420 community is doing well.

Okay grab some pics as promised. Nothing great but to see the purple kush sure puts a smile on my face.




And now for the none purple kush


Well I don't think resizing them really helped show them off. Well one day I might be able to get a camera that can take close ups. All i can say compared to the C99 and whatever else in growing that was suppose to be purple kush the purple kush is way more frosty! Even the fan leaves are covered in resin.

Thanks vapo-eyes. Purple Kush is not a heavy yielder and has big fan leaves. For those reasons it wouldn't be my first choice for a grow box but if you enjoy purple kush Im sure you could get some nice product off of it. It is a gorgeous plant to look at, nice dark green leaves and just tons of trichomes. Wish I had a better camera to show off the PK a lot better than it is here. If you can find something that has similar grow time and you can get cuttings I would grow a few just for fun.

Okay have to get use to this new layout looks nice and functional. Almost seems like switching from a PC to a Mac. Frustrating at first but hopefully will be a lot better in the end. Okay update. After a week flushed chopped them down and ended up with 3.9 pounds total.

Mites able to knock mites back enough so that was good. Smoke report from patient: "Purple Kush is amazing, great pain reliever, very potent. Crazy crystals and extremely sticky. Like all kushes very heavy good end of day smoke. Great aroma and taste. Very smooth. The other stuff is good nice clean high. Great daily med strain as it relieves my pain and lets me get on with my day. Good smell, not great crystal production especially when compared to the Kush."

Neither patient could not tell the difference between the two fertilizers used. Like I thought everything was the same. Pretty much same weight, same bud development, same aroma and taste. There was less fluctuation of pH with Nova which was nice but gubbed up the drippers. My mix was clean with no residue in the system but pH did fluctuate a bit more. I have to admit it was nice to just scoop out the Nova into the pail vs. mixing my nutrients up some times.

Still finding the waterfarms are limiting the grow. I am switching to coco so the purple kush I have going right now will be the last waterfarm and come fall I will be switching to coco.
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

I’m moving this to completed journals now.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
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