Green mtn nirvana


New Member
I am having a splendid time trying different variations of spectrum use and air flow whilest letting the ladies veg to my desired timeframe, My question is i only use local water that i run thru a brita filter then allow to sit with no cap on for at least 3-4 days while they are in the water container to help leach out anything that may linger in the towns water supply(treated). I want to mist and spray some on the ladies but to be honest ive never really asked the importance of misting or spraying straight water. I have never used nute's that werent available in the sterile potting soil i use is the balanced canadian peat moss,perlite, vermiculite,dolomitic limestone,and calcitic limestone. Basically the local gardeners supply container mix. It has always worked well for me in the past. Can anyone explain or give me insight on the importance or lack there of in regards to spraying water along with reg watering, and if the basic's in this mix will need help later in flowering stages? thankyou.:peace:
Re: Green mtn nirvana.

It helps, especially with nutes cause the leaves absorb the water like the roots do. You dont have to, but it helps
Re: Green mtn nirvana.

exile you have any suggestions as to a camera or a solid way to take and keep pics without a hassle. I had been using a digital camera with a little card that i'd slide into my printer(my wife is the puter expert) to upload pics off the camera to the puter. My brother "borrowed" it months ago havent seen it since. Am interested in getting photo's going again to attain better advice from you and other friends.
Re: Green mtn nirvana.


I use town water ... no filter, no waiting no nothing. I do foliar feed with a spray bottle that makes a fine mist. I use a digital camera to capture my ladies. If you want a new camera I suggest you talk to a local, keep in mind two things

What is the quality of the images you are after?
What is my budget?

You will end up with the best image quality your budget can bare.

and last a question

are you really growing landrace skunk?
rofl, been trying to send you a private message exile, just reaized until im 50 im shit outa luck! whoa, hey uh i have a question for you pertaining to video's and picture's and how to avoid unwanted attention from scumbag's after posting or sharing online vid's or pics. I have heard horror stories from folks on youtube about ip addresses being traced or something. So much for privacy!
ok excellente! You uh ever need some t-5 lights exile say the word! I got hyrofarm bad as they come 6500k bulbs and the red 2-3 k. Let me know!
Re: Green mtn nirvana.

My skunk comes from the northern reservations of new york and vermont. It would be unfair for me to say i know for sure that it is a true landrace, however that being said this particular strain has seen lots of tlc over the last 85 years from various generations of guerilla growers. I can send pics once these ladies flower. I also have gotten my hands on a kushx something cross beautiful early flowering short beastly pungent, and of course darkest green of any of meh ladies!
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