

New Member
I am a new member to this group and may not have time to make a lot of posts. Never know, though. My interests are about the medical properties of marijuana and also in the legal aspects nationally of medical marijuana as well as recreational marijuana. I honestly believe this drug will solve many of the social problems associated with alcohol and other drugs in general. if it were legal for recreational use I think many people would choose to use it instead of alcohol and I'm certain it would be a whole lot safer to use. I've been a frequent user since 1977 and in that time have never known anyone without preexisting mental/emotional problems who become violent solely because of the herb. in fact, the opposite is most often the case. I have also used the herb for many of its medical effects and have found it to be a fine medicine with none of the side effects of other popular pharmaceuticals. You can even make durable clothing out of it. in most all ways I believe Cannabis is a good friend of mankind and not at all the problem drug it is often made out to be. Well, that is all this 68-year-old man has to say for now. I am looking forward to keeping up with 420.
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