Grow Journal: GJCN420M-2023:00 - Feyleaf-2023 - My First Name & Claim

2024-02-23 / 14:00


The Feyleaf and Feyleaf Lite that started out on 14/10 flower cycle lighting are now off and are now on the veg cycle, wake up to bedtime... which should be soon(tm)

Also, Feyleaf S:20 is also off 14/10 and on wake up to bedtime.



And now I know to watch this space the most for further developments.

Sadly, I also had a couple casualties


If I remember right, these were the first Feyleaf and Feyleaf Lite pair to start out on 14/10. I have no idea what killed the Feyleaf, but the Lite had a tumble off its shelf last night, and the impact did it in, I am sure. That was all because of my stupidity and clumsiness when trying to rearrange everything that was huddled under that particular lamp.

So I am now starting two of each as replacements.


In other news, I am engaging in another little experiment. I figured that after she reveges, that will still be a perfectly good bud that makes up her crown, and should possibly even be cured by then.


I figure why not see if I can get the little flower knocked up as well? So, I took the bag of collected pollen and pollen sacs from Wildling-01/S:01/2023 and simply put the entire thing over her.


It is hard to tell if she got dusted, really. But, she does look a little dirty now.

2024-02-29 / 08:00

The first replacement Feyleaf is now sprouted. I thought one of the Feyleaf Lites had as well, but after a second peek, saw no sign of the taproot, though the shell is a bit split at the seam. Probably tomorrow then.

TTS: 56 hours

Biggest realization recently through all of these projects is that throughout most of the grow, journals are largely just little notes of starts, sprouts, and plantings and casualties; real boring stuff punctuated with bursts of interesting happenings and off topic babblings? Oh well, it is what it is.

And NOW the first Feyleaf Lite from the most recent starts has sprouted.

TTS: 62 hours

2024-03-01 / 02:00

12 hours later, the second replacement Feyleaf and both replacement Feyleaf Lites have sprouted.

TTS: 74 hours


I will be planting both of the Feyleafs later today, which to me is still tomorrow because today remains today until after the sleep cycle.
2024-03-04 / 16:20

All four (2x Feyleaf and 2x Feyleaf Lite) are ready for planting.

1 of each of course goes on flowering lighting (14D/10L) from 22:00 to 12:00 for 10 days.

The others go on normal veg lighting.
2024-03-07 / 15:30

The Feyleaf formerly designated S:20 is now S:01 for this project. It's been in a Jiffy Pot resting atop a Not-a-Pringles cannister under a LED lamp for a while, after having been moved from the window.

It indeed looks like it has flowered at some point in the past 10 days since it came off of 14/10 lighting, and it is a boy. This is of course, a good thing, as I need one to breed with whatever the second Feyleaf girl will be in order to make Generation:01 Feyleafs.

It has since been planted, J-Pot and all into a 1 gallon planter as it does the reveg and tries to get healthy again. The top leaves got too close to the light and ended up scorched, so I snipped those. Now hopefully we have some warm days coming up so he can get some quality porch time during the day.
2024-03-08 / 15:00


The Feyleaf G:00 currently designated S:22 is really in need of a planting.

It has been lingering super stunted, but otherwise looking healthy and even ready for Flowering lighting for sexing.


As mentioned previously, the J-Pot was disintegrating, and now the bottom of it is really blown out. So, I have a 1 gallon planter ready to receive it.


After I see some notable growth and development, I will get it started on 14D/10L flowering lighting for 10 days.

2024-03-14 / 12:00


The Feyleaf and Feyleaf Lite that were on flowering lighting from planting on 03/04 are now on veg lighting and are enjoying some nice healthy sunshine on the porch today, along with a couple other Feyleafs and Feyleaf Lites liks these.

2024-04-29 / 00:00

No pictures, don't need them for this little update.

Just started 2 each additional Feyleaf and Feyleaf Lite seeds.
2024-04-30 / 15:00


Both seeds from 04-29 have sprouted, and will be designated Alpha and Bravo when they get planted and get their markers.

TTS: 39 Hours
Time: 23:00


And both Feyleaf Lites from yesterday are also sprouted.

TTS: 47 Hours
2024-05-01 / 16:20


Feyleaf G:00 04/29:Alpha and 04/29:Bravo are planted and are on flowering lighting until 05/11

Tap Root Length

A: 1/2" / 12.70mm
B: 3/8" / 09.53mm

STP: +32 Hours

2024-05-02 / 12:00


Feyleaf Lite 04/29:Alpha and 04/29:Bravo are planted and are on flowering lighting until 05/11

Tap Root Length

A: 3/8" / 9.53mm
B: 1/4" / 6.35mm

STP: +52 Hours

2024-05-11 / 00:00

Starting a Feyleaf Generation:00 to replace the one that died during its 14/10 flowering period for reasons unknown.
2024-05-11 / 12:00


Feyleaf-G:00 04/29:Bravo as well as Feyleaf Lite 4/29 Alpha and Bravo are now off flowering lighting and are for the time being, designated 04/29:30:05/01-B for Feyleaf and 04/29:05/01:02-A and B for the Lites until the time comes when they earn their actual sequence numbers.


04/29:30:05/01-B: 5 3/8" / 85.7mm

Feyleaf Lite

04/29:05/01:02-A: 2 1/4" / 57.1mm
04/29:05/01:02-B: 2 3/4" / 69.8mm

SPT: +11 Days
2024-05-12 / 23:00


The replacement Feyleaf Generation:00/2022 has sprouted.

TTS: 47 Hours
2024-05-14 / 12:00


The replacement Feyleaf Generation:00 is now planted in a small J-Pot and will also start 14/10 lighting at 22:00 tonight.

SPT: 37 Hours
2024-05-15 / 18:45

Oops. Forgot to put the the new one to bed last night at 22:00. Oh well, I doubt the extra day is going to make a difference, other than it now slated for 14/10 from tonight until the 25th instead of last night until the 24th.
2024-05-25 / 12:00


So, back on 05/25, that replacement Feyleaf came off of flowering lighting, and Jiffy Pot and all, is now spending its life in one of these nifty little planters from Dollar Tree, and is designated 05/11:12:14

SPT: 12.5 Days
Size (from lip of planter): 2.25" (57.1mm)

I really don't have a big major plan for this one. I am thinking it will be pretty much a desktop plant kept in veg most of the time, but then may get eventually treated with that colloidal silver stuff, and then her feminized pollen being used to feminize the Birthday Spanking Pair:0-Generation:00/2023 that also was started, sprouted, and planted the same days as the Feyleaf. And the BDSP will in turn get the treatment as well and cross pollinate her Feyleaf neighbor for a new Feyleaf Lite (got a further idea to make them proper Wildlings which then become the basis for two entirely new name and claims.)

CN-Neighbor Kids - Feyleaf-BDSP-PR0-00.jpg

I figured that when treating select flowers with the CS stuff, that feminized pollen can then be used to pollinate other plants, making their offspring feminized as well. If this works out, it is going to trigger a whole bunch of new little feminizing and cloning projects. Oh yes, oh yes.

CN-Neighbor Kids - Feyleaf-BDSP-PR0-01.jpg

Now to go repeat this pretty much on the Birthday Cake journal (which has far more info coming in its long overdue update than the Feyleaf journal.)
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