Grow Journal: GJCN420M-2024:00 - Wildling-00/2019


Well-Known Member
2024-02-15 / 16:20 (timing of this was totally unintended)

Just recently realized I have no active Wildling-00/2019s for the season. So figure this is as good a time as any to get cracking on these.


This is the result of my first truly successful grow, which produced an imperial buttload of seeds, as I intended. Back in 2018, I purchased an ounce of Tardis and an ounce of Sour Banana Sherbert at my favorite dispensary. I found an opportinity seed in each one, which I grew on the 2019 grow. I called them Tardis Lite and Sour Banana Sherbert Lite, since there was no way of knowing what mutts pollinated the flowers that made the seeds. I now call unknowns, or even extremely uncertains now mutts, and offspring of a pure and anything other than its own sibling, a Lite.

So anyway, the Tardis Lite ended up being female and the Sour Banana Sherbert Lite ended up being male. We then carefully collected pollen from the SBS-Lite and hand pollinated quite a number of flowers on the Tardis Lite, which gave us the mass of seeds shown above. These, being the offspring of a pair of non-sibling Lites became what I call a Wildling, my first (and an amazing stroke of luck for my first real grow as well). So these are now known as Ravenplume Wildling-00/2019 (First Wildling...I start my numbering at 0; and generated 2019.) Had a fairly decent 2020 grow with 3 plants, and if I remember right, all three were what I call guttersnipes, which are simply plants growing wild, whether known strain or not. Those have been retroactively declared Guttersnipe:00, 01, and 02. Got a Guttersnipe:03 last year, but that is for its own journal. Only had one of these on the 2021 grow, and it was a fairly small one (Bitter Sweet Pie was my other that year). Still, the 2021 W:00/2019 made a decent amount of bud (though I don't recall how much), and a single self pollinated seed that sprouted, tried to grow, and died.

2022 was the big event for Wildling-00 though. I pollinated 2 sibling seeds together, meeting what I understood as the requirement to declare a pure strain and a name and claim. And those produced Feyleaf-Generation:00/2022, which then went on to immediately give Feyleaf Lite:2023. But that, once again, it its own journal.


The objectives will differ slightly from other journals on this one. I am only doing three seeds, and of course, the first girl gets to be the primary, which will be planted in a 5 gallon bucket and become part of my main grow to be journaled in the upcoming CNX-2024:0. Second girl will get the colloidal silver solution to self pollinate and make feminized seeds. I do believe this is another path to a name and claim, as self pollinating is the ultimate go eff yourself which is required for a pure breed; a process I prefer to call noble breeding, which is a much nicer sounding way of what it is normally called. If I get a third girl, then I guess I grow her out as normal in a 5 gallon bucket as well. Any boys will get their pollen saved to be used for future acts of mad half-assed science. So here we got our three subjects drenched on their germination towel, sharing it with a few other things. Had no idea the Moonflower seeds would be so huge. Expected them to be like morning glory seeds; but I digress...

Here are the vitals as best as I can determine on these...

Name: Wildling-00/2019
Subclass: Sativa Dominant
Mother Plant: Tardis Lite:2018
Mother Plant SC: Sativa
Father Plant: Sour Banana Sherbert Lite:2018
Father Plant SC: Indica/Sativa Hybrid - 50/50


And again, the waiting begins. Next round of Wildling-00/2019 I start will be for this year's 4/20 Challenge. Decided to continue this little personal tradition despite last year's total failure. That will commence on 4/16 or 4/17, and will be its own little journal.
2024-02-17 / 07:30

Both have sprouted now.

TTS: 63 hours

And looks like it is about time to get those radishes planted. May or may not get to that today.
2024-02-19 / 07:30

And radishes are still not planted. That comes up after this post, my noonish toke and read on the porch, and shower.

So that said, the third Wildling:00 has sprouted.

TTS: 111 hours
Wrong update. Should have been in the Feyleaf journal.
2024-02-17 / 07:30

Both have sprouted now.

TTS: 63 hours

And looks like it is about time to get those radishes planted. May or may not get to that today.
TTS on that one should have been 35 hours, and the third Wildling should have been 83 hours. Not sure how I became so freaking stupid to where I even fail easy basic math.
2024-02-21 / 14:30


Back on the 21st, the first two Wildling-00 seeds got planted.


One got a Jiffy Pot and the other went into a styro cup.

The third needed a little longer to grow out and also get its tap root straightened out a bit before planting; and I think I found just the way to do it...


The sprout in the Jiffy Pot gets to grow and develop under the neat little USB mini grow lamp I found at the Salvation Army earlier in the week.


The other gets to go in the drawer to begin its life in the flowering cycle 10 to 14 days.

2024-02-22 / 10:30


Third Wildling-00 is ready.


It gets a styro cup.


And then it gets to chill out up here among the growing cluster of plants on my photo stage for now.
2024-03-02 / 10:00

The Wildling:00 that started out in flowering lighting is now off the flowering cycle and on to veg. Quite frankly, I do not think this one is going to survive to planting. It is feeling rather limp already too. Putting it close to a floro lamp for now and see if it starts reaching for the light.
2024-02-19 / 07:30

And radishes are still not planted. That comes up after this post, my noonish toke and read on the porch, and shower.

So that said, the third Wildling:00 has sprouted.

TTS: 111 hours
I didn't know radishes came from seeds! I always thought they spread like strawberry spread...coool
2023-04-24 / 16:20


So, being added now to this project is one of the candidates for my 2024 420 Challenge, which failed to sprout by 04/20. But that is not a huge surprise for this one, since it was the one started on 04/19. There was only a very small but non zero chance it could have sprouted by 04/20 / 23:59.


TTS: 5.5 Days

Of course, it does not get a sequence number yet, not until after it has been sexed. Speaking of which, guess it is time to have a closer look at my one juvenile Wildling:00 and see if it is showing its sex yet. But that is another update for another time.
2023-04-24 / 16:20


So, being added now to this project is one of the candidates for my 2024 420 Challenge, which failed to sprout by 04/20. But that is not a huge surprise for this one, since it was the one started on 04/19. There was only a very small but non zero chance it could have sprouted by 04/20 / 23:59.


TTS: 5.5 Days

Of course, it does not get a sequence number yet, not until after it has been sexed. Speaking of which, guess it is time to have a closer look at my one juvenile Wildling:00 and see if it is showing its sex yet. But that is another update for another time.

And now that the old update is done, I can get the latest update for yesterday up...
2023-04-26 / 16:20


So, 420 Challenge candidate 04/19:24 would be redesignated 04/19:24:26, but it ain't part of that project any more and is being integrated into the mail WD:00/2019 perpetual journal...


Taproot Length : 3/4" / 19.1mm
STP: 7.5 Days

It is on 14/10 lighting with its siblings from the 420 Challenge, and will be going back to veg lighting around the 7th of May, whereas the others come off on May the Fourth.


And if the last two seeds are still unsprouted by the 4th, I am going to toss them and really call it good on the WD:00s for the time being, as the 420 Trio can also fill in other "roles" in this project.
2023-04-24 / 18:00


Looks like I did have another Wildling:00 in the house. It was up in my room under what I call ILC (Intensive Lighting Care), having been struggling along with just a tiny crown and a couple tiny fan leaf layers, and had been just chasing the light, unable to support its own weight (wearing a TP tube, or a plant version of a cone of shame until it could stand on its own.


It does seem to have recovered and is no longer needing the CoS. Now hopefully if we can stop getting these goddamn freezing nights at least once or twice a week, perhaps it can finally start effing growing up.


In other news, former 420 Challenge candidate 4/16 has finally sprouted and is now part of the general perpetual W:00/2019 journal.

TTS: 11.75 Days

I'm expecting by this time Monday, it will be ready to plant in a J-Pot and be put on 14/10 flowering lighting.
2023-04-28 / 08:00


And finally, 04/17 from the 420 Challenge has sprouted.

TTS: 9.5 Days

So when planted, that will make a total of 3 for 420 Challenge, and a full 5 for the general perpetual WD:00 journal. NOW I think I am good on Wildlings...atleast :00. Should get a couple more WD:01 started soon. Nah, That comes after the big general update and headcount to see what I am still lacking here.
2023-04-29 / 12:00


04/16 : 0.5" / 12.7mm
04/17 : 0.5" / 12.7mm

StP: 04/16 - 36 Hours
StP: 04/17 - 28 Hours

So that fills out the Wildling:00/2019 lineup for now. 04/16, 04/17, and 04/19 will now share this spot together in the Rookery for their daily lighting now.
2023-05-09 / 12:00


04/16:27:29 - StP: 10 Days / Size: 2 3/4" / 69.8mm
04/17:28:29 - StP: 10 Days / Size: 3 1/4" / 82.5mm
04/19:22:26 - StP: 10 Days / Size: 2 7/8" / 73.0mm

And the three that did not sprout in time for the 420 Challenge are off flowering lighting, just in time to get daily sunshine now that the weather is perfect at last. sunny slies and 70s and 80s for the next week at the least.

Cannabis plants will still come in at night though, since they still need a few more hours light each day than they can get out there at this point. I figure come June, when the primaries go in the ground is when everything can be kept outside.
2023-06-18 / 16:20


I actually have a couple new Wildling:00/2019 babies that just sprouted today (I can't recall off the top of my head when I actually planted them, but that doesn't matter for these. Both of these are part of larger little experiments encompassing a variety of things I am growing (of which cannabis is one. Anyway, this first one is part of a testing of these cardboardish egg cartons as like micro Jiffy Pots. The primary purpost of this experiment is to see which plants can actually push their roots through the floor of their egg carton as well as how far along they can grow and develop in this extremely cramped growing environment. As of the sprouting of the Wildling:00, there are only three spots still unsprouted: Habanero pepper, White Lisbon Bunching Onion, and Romanesco Broccoli.


Once I feel they have had enough abuse, the entire egg carton will get planted in a suitable tray planter to be kept outside until harvest.


The other experiment has these subjects spending their entire lives in little 2 ounce Solo cups of dirt, to see how big they can get in another cramped and tiny growing environment.


For now, I will just designate the two as ES:240618 and SC:240618 (Egg Shell 2024/16/18 and Solo Cup 2024/06/18 respectively...duh...)
Now, at last, the general update for Wildling:00/2019

Firstly, our Subject:00 - Fawn


This is how she looked 6 days ago. She had a rough time of it recovering from the "stress" of her bucketing while also still going through reveg; though I suspect it was more the super hot weather that gave her the beatdown.

She is doing much better today.

Meanwhile, Pandorra, the only surviving subject from this year's 4/20 Challenge is happily adjusted to her planter, with her guttersnipe clover patch, sunflower, and morning glories even.

We also have SC:240618 still alive and kicking...

I will come up with just the right pet project name for this one. No rush though at this time.

This one is now 3 1/4" (8.25cm) above the lip of his cup.

Its sibling, ES:240618 did not survive, but I am willing to try again. I kinda aborted most of that project because some of the stuff going in the egg carton were needed as actual subjects for their various plantings (Dwarf Gray Sugar Peas, Romanesco Broccoli, Lemon Cucumber, and Lisbon White Bunching Onions.)

Next setup will have mostly cannabis plants, likely 6 at the most, and the other stuff may or may not get worked into the mix as well.

So now, we come to the remaining Wildling:00/2019 subjects that have survived my care; 4 in all.

First, is the styro-planted one designated 02/15:17:21, to be planted in this small planter...

I am pretty certain that is my last one I actually have in a styro cup

Still uncertain the sex of this one, but am just going to wait until it flips normally later in the year (unless I decide otherwise and flip it early on myself, after it gets a bit healthier.

And lastly, we have the trio that did not qualify as 4/20 Challenge subjects: 04/16:27:29,
04/17:28:29, 04/19:22:26

And final height measurements before they get potted...


04/16:27:29 : 6 1/8" (15.6cm)


04/17:28:29 : 7 3/4" (19.7cm)


04/19:22:26 : 8 3/4" (22.2cm)

And there we have it...

All active Wildling:00/2019 plants to date, 8 total. I do think I have enough going on that I do not need to start any more for now. Wildling:01:2023, the next and last journal to be updated though, will be another story altogether.
2024-09-14 / 09:15

NHN-Journal-0003-Wildling-00-2019-39 - Roll Call.jpg

Aside from the Tokens, I had 5 Wildling-00 plants active. All 5 were boys.

NHN-Journal-0003-Wildling-00-2019-40 - S01.jpg


NHN-Journal-0003-Wildling-00-2019-41 -S03.jpg


NHN-Journal-0003-Wildling-00-2019-42 - S05.jpg


NHN-Journal-0003-Wildling-00-2019-43 - S07.jpg



420CH-2024 - S:00 Pandorra

Pandorra is the only one being kept, after having his pollen collected. All the others have been decommissioned, with their pollen sacs saved, and their stems kept for curing and as use as morning glory/sugar pea, and green bean dancing poles.

NHN-Journal-0003-Wildling-00-2019-44 - Tokens.jpg

And lastly, our tokens, Token Zero and TK-18. Looks like TK-18 lost its baby crown. Hopefully that doesn't kill it. We will see. If it dies, then it is not being replaced until the 2xx series tokens are started post season. Token Zero got a heavy gang banging on its crown by all its brothers yesterday (including Pandorra). So now if it has flowered, and is a girl, we should see a seed pod or two up there soon. If no signs at all by end of October, then I will put it on 14/10 lighting to try to force flowering (will do that with the 0xx series tokens and the Midseason Replacements as well; then reveg them if I can after we get a definite answer.)

Sizes at time of decommissioning of the first 4...

S:01 : 26" (66cm)
S:03 : 27" (68.6cm)
S:05 : 28" (71.1cm)
S:07 : 24" (61cm)
420CH-2024 S:00 Pandorra : 21.25" (54cm)
Token Zero : 4" (10.2cm)
TK-18 : 5/8" (15.9mm)
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