Hanging distance?

Hey there, welcome, welcome! I have a 450 viparspectra, so just a little different. Double check in your manual to be sure, but mine recommended 18-24” and in general LEDs are recommended to be 18” above. Good luck and enjoy the forum! Lots of great folks with tons of knowledge. :yummy:
wow thanks that does help a lot i’ve had mine about a foot away sadly i lost my manuel awhile back :(
That’s a bummer. I think you can also look at specs on Amazon if you wanted to double check there. Definitely bump it up to at least 18”. LED’s are strong and it will give your babies light burn if too close. I keep a clothing measuring tape in my tent, so I can check the distance periodically as they get taller. :goodluck:
My experience with LEDs is that you should start them off at around 2 1/2 feet. It's not like blooming where you are trying to focus coverage and maximize intensity. They grow really well in a gentler lighting.
What I have learned is that different heights at different times is the best. Seedlings, veg stage, flower stage are the critical phases. Your light may have recommendations on these.

Many start babies with a low intensity cfl setup. LEDS can fry your children so be careful.
Usually for seeds, we recommend above 24'' since they are very fragile and don't need too much light, but when it is vegging, you can lower the light to 18~24'' :green_heart:
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