Harvesting/Curing in a Semi Arid Climate


New Member
I've seared through about 6 pages of faqs and in the how to forums and determined that this either hasn't been asked in a while, or that it hasn't been asked. So I ask your forgiveness if these questions have been asked in the past!

I live in the southwest, and and our RH never really gets above 30% . I'm 6 weeks into flower on a bagseed Indica dominant strain, and I want to start planning ahead for my harvest.

First, what do you recommend to keep the humidity levels from going too low during harvesting/drying? We have been known to have RH down in the teens sometimes during the summer months. My grow area is right next to the hot water closet, and I can tell the difference in humidity in there it's close to 30 percent give or take 5 degrees.

Second, do you recommend, hanging to dry, if so how long? Do I move them to a room with more humidity so they don't dry too fast? Do I place bowls of water in the drying area to increase humidity on dry days?

Third, when should I transfer into Mason jars and how many times a day should I 'burp' the jars (leave the lid off).

This is just bagseed this is indica dominant,growing in soil.

If I am missing something please let me know. This is my first start to finish grow. :thanks:
Before I give you any kind of advice I have to add a disclaimer that I have never grown from seed to harvest in my life (I certainly intend to in the very near future :tokin:) so take my advice with a grain of caution.

I can't think of anything other than either buying a humidifier for the area you want to dry your harvest it, or hanging wet towels in between hanging rows of drying bud.

I hope this helped.
hi GaladrielDreams
i was reading through your grow and you had posted a link to this forum. I hope im not too late in posting this. Here are my suggestions based on my experience.
You should set up an area large enough for the plants to hang and not touch each other or the walls to prevent molding. You can use you current grow space unless of course you want to start on your next grow right away. If your humidity is really low you can buy a humidifier or a put a shallow pan of water with some perlite in it to help a bit. im near the ocean so my Rh is always like 40-50 but i never considered the RH when i was drying.
Next i cut my plants right above the soil and tied them up with clothesline and hung them upside down with all the leaves on. Some ppl cut the water leaves off and the hang branches with buds on them separately. I have read pluses and minuses for both methods but i have only dried them with the whole plant intact. It should take 1-2 weeks depending on your plant size the best way to check is that the stems should snap and break when you bend them. Trust me be patient i lost about an 1/2ounce of smokable weed because i put it in jars too soon. I was able to make bubble hash out of it but still was a bummer lesson learned.
at this point you can trim off water leaves and then trim the small leaves around the buds. save this stuff to make butter or oil. I read that you husband does not like the taste of edibles but you will get used to it im a veggie eater and i eat hemp seed a lot so i love it. my brother showed me how to cook it into olive oil and the taste is to me not as strong as the butter flavor or if you get a bigger harvest you can make bubble hash out of it but it takes quite a bit to be worth it and the bags are a little pricey.
then once in jars you can check them every couple of days to see if the buds are moist spongy again if they are then you can let them breath a bit then seal them up. Mold will be you biggest concern at this stage. i had some other stuff start to go moldy i picked off the bad spots and i rolled it up and smoked it real quick like but most ppl will say to throw it out but your call on that. So wash your hands keep your trim area scissors and mason jars clean and you should do just fine actually the low RH will help with the mold situation.

hope this helps or at least makes sense and sorry about the poor grammar :rollit:
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