Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

Hi Bill! Looks groovy, baby!
Can I put my soil clones into coco? Would love to try it but have no idea where to get the coco, frass and bokashi. If it ain't on Amazon.......lol
Look up, Fox Farm: Cultivation Nation Seventy Thirty Mix on the zon, and Insect Frass (I can't find Frass n' Dazzle anywhere), and Bokashi should be on there, I'd grab the one that looks most "official" instead of the ones in the clear packaging. lol
Hi Bill! Looks groovy, baby!
Can I put my soil clones into coco? Would love to try it but have no idea where to get the coco, frass and bokashi. If it ain't on Amazon.......lol
Clones in a cup of soil can go into coco , no problem.
It's a small amount of soil that won't effect it .
Bokashi is on zon, get the cheaper bag. Plus I think it's called.
Your paying for food in the expensive bag, you don't need.
Frass might be a hydro or gardening shop.
I get it from my old hydro store 4 hrs away.
Leave that with me.
Coco you can get anywhere, but zon has some too.
I'll check on frass and get back to you, Montreal right?
Hope everything is going well my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
No, no YOU rock, Bill! If it weren't for you, I'd still be using 3g fabric, pots. You opened my eyes, and continue to day-by-day!
Good morning @Darade I'm so glad your enjoying my little mix method.
Fabric pots work, but not near aswell.
Better than plastic, but just not rocket fuel like air pots/ coco.
I've got probably 140 pics now to sort label and make pictorials from.
All kinds of tips to make your life better. :thumb:
And your girls bigger.:morenutes:
I'll try to get one done tonight, as soon as I clear 80 notifications. :rolleyes:
Hope everything is going your way my friend.
Keep smiling. :cheesygrinsmiley: Now that your in the know. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
So just a little update which i wanted to share with you guys. Day 33 and the difference in these girls since the uppotting is incredible. Really pleased with how theyve bounced back since only a week ago they werent looking too good and 1 of them i was thinking of throwing. Anyways let me know what you think

Happy growing guys :slide:



Why thank you sir. I’ll just say that I can personally vouch for every word you just said. And if I don’t know all your tricks yet I hope to get them all! But since you seem to really want people to understand your method and how much you believe in it (this post makes it pretty clear, lol), I will say to those watching that since I switched to your method 100% and now have a few plants grown with it, I have the biggest yields of my life and off the charts quality. Straight up.

And I appreciate that Sensei!
That's great, thanks Jon.

Stay safe :cool:


For healthy strong plants




Northern Lights 4/28
@Herbies Seeds


Roots are healthy and filling the cup nicely
Clearly better healthier root growth


Plain myc roots are just sub par
Use the best


Stay safe :cool:

Watering Tip
Important information for proper
air exchange to your roots


@Remo Nutrients
Fantastic for your girls


Watering deforms the depression
we made when we uppotted
Repairing this trench around your girl is very important


Don't worry about being gentle
Doesn't matter at this point
Just get your thumb in there and start pushing.
Slowly rotate the pot with your other hand
Until you have gone all the way around


Don't be shy remove anything in the way
Scrape it right out
Keep a good solid ditch around the center hump


I Wet the top then fill the trench
Then let it flow in
Then fill it again walk away
Let if flush through
Repeat this process until you have some runoff
That's why it's best to wait in between
Let if get as deep as it can each time
Eventually dripping out the bottom
Run off is mandatory
Give those roots something to chase


The volume of water all at once creates a vacuum
Sucking fresh air into the pot every time
Fantastic for root growth and health


Pour water right over the center
It flows to the outside every time
Makes watering 20 or 30 coco ladies at a time a breeze
Root health is important
Give your roots the best chance there is
Bill284 Method........ Big Roots = = Big Fruits


Your roots need air to survive
Fresh air daily to flourish
Keep your roots happy
" I grow roots , I am rewarded with a beautiful plant for my efforts "
Bill284 Method + Air pots
What are you waiting for ?
Get on board while there is still room, hehe

Stay safe :cool:
Bill would that watering method work in any situation or just what your working with?
Everything I show is adaptable to your grow.
No mater what pot or medium you use mu tips will improve your grow.
Plastic pot with regular soil could use the trench technique.
It will help no matter what methods you use.
Adapt my tips to improve your grow. :thumb:
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe:cool:
Morning Bill! :cheer:
@Remo Nutrients
Fantastic for your girls
You fertilize just how you feel like, BUT wanted to mention this about Remo's stuff;
If you're going to with 2ml/L (~7.5ml/g) of MagnifiCal, remember it has 0.1% Fe on it. So if you follow with the rest of the base nutes everything in 1:1, that will fuck up Fe:Mn ratio. Ideal and veey important Manganese to Iron ratio would be 1:2
I believe thats the reason when my things started to go sideways in first place.
Both are crucial minerals for plant growth, but Mn def could halt the whole photosynthesis process.
MagnifiCal not necessarry needed in veg if you don't have any defs happening. Remo micro contains 3% Ca & 3% N, and Grow had 1% Mg so with Micro & Grow the ideal Ca:Mg ratio would stay at 3:1

Bumping up their CalMag product actually messes up the ratio if you don't respectively follow and increaseyour Mn dose (from micro). And increasing both of these will mostly affect the Nitrogen amount.

And if you have as iron CalMag as I do, then with that amount of iron the plant should die :rofl::laugh:

I know thats typo, it's supposed to be 0.1%
But shit I scratched my head when first time saw it :laughtwo:

Everything I show is adaptable to your grow.
No mater what pot or medium you use mu tips will improve your grow.
Plastic pot with regular soil could use the trench technique.
It will help no matter what methods you use.
Adapt my tips to improve your grow. :thumb:
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe:cool:
Its absolute gold bill, with me getting back into things its a blessing having the guidance and trying to put things into place. Thanks again buddy. everything is fine on this end hope your greenhouse works a treat for you after the S**t luck youve had :thumb:

Happy growing friend
Morning Bill! :cheer:

You fertilize just how you feel like, BUT wanted to mention this about Remo's stuff;
If you're going to with 2ml/L (~7.5ml/g) of MagnifiCal, remember it has 0.1% Fe on it. So if you follow with the rest of the base nutes everything in 1:1, that will fuck up Fe:Mn ratio. Ideal and veey important Manganese to Iron ratio would be 1:2
I believe thats the reason when my things started to go sideways in first place.
Both are crucial minerals for plant growth, but Mn def could halt the whole photosynthesis process.
MagnifiCal not necessarry needed in veg if you don't have any defs happening. Remo micro contains 3% Ca & 3% N, and Grow had 1% Mg so with Micro & Grow the ideal Ca:Mg ratio would stay at 3:1

Bumping up their CalMag product actually messes up the ratio if you don't respectively follow and increaseyour Mn dose (from micro). And increasing both of these will mostly affect the Nitrogen amount.

And if you have as iron CalMag as I do, then with that amount of iron the plant should die :rofl::laugh:

I know thats typo, it's supposed to be 0.1%
But shit I scratched my head when first time saw it :laughtwo:

Thanks Verb. :ciao:
So seeing as the chart I have is in gallons my mix was not exactly accurate.
What do you recommend for cal mag..ml/l micro..ml/l grow..ml/l VELOKELP..ml/l or per 10 litres if that's easier.
Hope your doing well Amigo

Stay safe :cool:
Morning Bill! :cheer:

You fertilize just how you feel like, BUT wanted to mention this about Remo's stuff;
If you're going to with 2ml/L (~7.5ml/g) of MagnifiCal, remember it has 0.1% Fe on it. So if you follow with the rest of the base nutes everything in 1:1, that will fuck up Fe:Mn ratio. Ideal and veey important Manganese to Iron ratio would be 1:2
I believe thats the reason when my things started to go sideways in first place.
Both are crucial minerals for plant growth, but Mn def could halt the whole photosynthesis process.
MagnifiCal not necessarry needed in veg if you don't have any defs happening. Remo micro contains 3% Ca & 3% N, and Grow had 1% Mg so with Micro & Grow the ideal Ca:Mg ratio would stay at 3:1

Bumping up their CalMag product actually messes up the ratio if you don't respectively follow and increaseyour Mn dose (from micro). And increasing both of these will mostly affect the Nitrogen amount.

And if you have as iron CalMag as I do, then with that amount of iron the plant should die :rofl::laugh:

I know thats typo, it's supposed to be 0.1%
But shit I scratched my head when first time saw it :laughtwo:

Isn't kelp extract a source of manganese?

Greenhouse upgrade


Heat is becoming an issue for me


6" in line fan should fit nicely here


Direct intake and discharge


It will blow directly on me for cooling
2 - 3' x 6' screened vents and a
6" inline turbo fan should help
cool the greenhouse


Air flow should improve


CSA certified power bar


Screen will help reduce pest intake


Stay safe :cool:
Bill hope
Isn't kelp extract a source of manganese?
Kelp is an excellent sauce of minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.
It does have trace elements of Manganese though.
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
Cant wait to see the finished greenhouse :cool:
Should be done by September, October the latest. :rofl:
That turbo fan is fantastic.
I have flex vent for it but just put it beside my head.
Hope I don't go deaf.;)

Stay safe :cool:
Should be done by September, October the latest. :rofl:
That turbo fan is fantastic.
I have flex vent for it but just put it beside my head.
Hope I don't go deaf.;)

Stay safe :cool:
Hahaha ye hopefully you wont need to wear ear defenders for bed :laughtwo:
Sorry I don't comment more I usually have 75 notifications to check and there is always someone with their hair on fire.

Stay safe :cool:

Pshaw! That number is small potatoes, Bill. I regularly have 150+ every single day. I currently have 292 notifications. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Look up, Fox Farm: Cultivation Nation Seventy Thirty Mix on the zon, and Insect Frass (I can't find Frass n' Dazzle anywhere), and Bokashi should be on there, I'd grab the one that looks most "official" instead of the ones in the clear packaging. lol

Indoor Farmer and Grow Daddy Canada are both online grow shops that sell bokashi and frass products. Both have websites that can easily be found through a search.
Pshaw! That number is small potatoes, Bill. I regularly have 150+ every single day. I currently have 292 notifications. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Indoor Farmer and Grow Daddy Canada are both online grow shops that sell bokashi and frass products. Both have websites that can easily be found through a search.
Best bet, if you're in Canada! :D
I however am in the states, and GDC doesn't allow region swaps, only provinces :(
I can get the Bokashi exact brand, and nearly the same price, on zon; Frass N' Dazzle is nowhere to be found! :'(
Oh, how I long to be Canadian, sadly they make it harder these days! x'D
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