Help! I've Droopened and I can't get up!

:thumb::cheer::thumb:Thanks STOP. I'll cover them up with a black plastic peice of garbage bag. We'll see what happens.... Do you think I should kick back the nutes to week 2s schedual?
they should be able to handill ec between 0.8- 1.2 range. when a plant drops like that its not the strentgh of nutes that dose that its caused buy over or under watering / or most common thing is room temps, humidity,and heat, if your room temp is ok and you have a fan moving over your plants ,they will grow nicely. take any dead leafs off even the ones that look dead. they are not doing anything. .happydays
Sorry, but what are "ec" conditions?
a way of checking how strong your nutes are in your water like in your reservoir . do you have something to measure your nute solution? or are you just following what it says on a feeding chart? ec is like ppm
At last check, five days ago, TDS was at 1,050 and Ph was at 6.4. I have Ph up and Ph down on hand and I'll be changing nutes tomorrow. The numbers you say I want suggest that I'm under feeding. No?

A couple pics after I covered the RW. Is this what you had in mind?

sweet with the bags.job done.take those big fan leaves off and any deade or dead looking leaves. you should never have to use ph up. never. ph down .yes .you were not under feeding .but they can take that range at that size in hydro. they will thank you for fresh wtaer and nutes and they will bounce back great with a trim. { heavy fan leaves }
Okay STOP, I'm on it!!! Screw waiting. I'll do the change now. Thanks for your help!
Okay. Nutes are changed. Res is cleaned out. Nutes are as the chart for week 4, altho I DID keep in the KLN at 2.5ml per gallon. Lower fan leaves are trimmed. RW bag is removed. Top of RW is covered in black. Feeding cycle is 3 times a day for 15 mins. light timer is set to 18/6. Ph is 5.7 TDS is 13,100 PPM. Room temps are 77-81f. Humidity 25-40 %.
Have I left anything out?? OH!! And I just
ran out of weed!!!!!! DAMN!! LOL


Thankyou, everyone, for all your help!
That's a very nice chart, STOP. What am I supposed to do with it? I have no idea what it is, other than it looks like a nutes chart for a different manufacturer. What shall I do with it?
Aaaaahhh. Got ya.

I don't know what is going on with the girls. One has shown some good improvement, but the other two are not doing well. One has thickened up quite a bit, but doesn't seem to be growing UP much at all. The other two are not doing well at all. A few leaves have died and fallen off and the colour is a very light green with dead places showing up here and there.
In the first pics, you can see the res and the light dusting of something in the bottom. Don't know what it is. It has no weight to it. Like dust/powder.

The first set of pics are from last Wednesday 12/16 - (4 days after last nute change) and shows the poor shape of 2 girls.

Okay. Forget any chronology with the pics. I'm to stupid to figure out how to lable your pics when you save them so that you can read the lables when choosing them to post. Fucking pissed off now. spent 1-1/2 hours trying to figure this shit out...... Back to the problem at hand. 1 slow growing plant. 2 dying plants. Any ideas?

Here are some pics.

Sorry, but I'm frustrated, pissed off, and in a generally bad mood. My girls are SICK.
And the here we are today. Battled a case of mites and won. Started Xmass eve and wiped the slate clean. As if it was day 1 veg. I'm now into the 3rd week of veg. Nutes are 50% of what the chart calls for. TDS and Ph are taken daily. I have the temps regulated fairly well for this time of year. Summer will be a new challenge.

Haven't seen you pop in on my journal, STOP. Stop on in!
Thankyou to everyone!!! Andy.:thanks::peace::Namaste:
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