Help me solve a watering problem

Funnels are good for putting oil in your car but I have plants I cant reach so Im gonna get a pump and a long garden watering wand. Flip a switch and water all my plants without moving them. Now I just need to figure out a way to siphon the drainage easily. I may have to just save up for dtw trays.
Funnels are good for putting oil in your car but I have plants I cant reach so Im gonna get a pump and a long garden watering wand. Flip a switch and water all my plants without moving them. Now I just need to figure out a way to siphon the drainage easily. I may have to just save up for dtw trays.
When u figure that out pm me my back begs u
Im thinking a indoor grows a damn headache


Again so interested i hate dealing with in out of tub breaking branches moving by accident in doorways and in flower they need trellice so not moving to feed is key
I have a fan an ac and a can filter theres no bud rot lol i aint even got a bud yet nothing stays wet thats why i got a dehumidifier back there ive got a complete setup nothing stays wet but soil after ten in there i foliar daily and go through 10 gallons a week sometimes with foliars and regular feeding i stopped bountea but she smdrank 4 gallons a week the 4ft. One



Its dry already lol
I guess ive been told i need to leave them alone i defol too much over feed on purpose its not bad just not in time line with my goals is wat im told in flower sit on ur hands feed in veg im a boss flower im a whiny bitch with small buds lol :)
Uhh guys, don't you think you're over complicating things for one or two plants? I use a large watering can with the sprinkler head removed and a 24" piece of garden hose taped to the spout with gorilla tape (its waterproof).
I just pick them up put in tub lol aside from dwc i dont see safe or affordable ways to feed pots with no drip trays on wood floors so i put on plates and saucers after drying best i can surmise is a garden sprayer but that may dig roots so agreed
I've been using a similar one to this, it takes D batteries.

Looks like the siphon pump I bought for $1.99 at the hardware store in the kerosene heater aisle, only mine doesn't have batteries.

I went to the nearest auto parts store and bought a cheap automatic transmission (etc.) funnel. Has a long neck (that fits into a small hole). Worked for several years - then I used it for its intended purpose, lol, and tossed into the shed due to the transmission fluid contamination, lol.
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