Help reducing temp


New Member
hi I have a tent woth 600w lamp that had a fan attached and also carbon filter but lately my temp is up around 29dg and struggling to get it down I have even attached a small fan on the intake for the light to try and cool it but not working
High Grovsey

29C or 84F isn't so bad. Nothing plants in pots can't handle.

How big is the tent and the fan? If the sides of the tent are sucked in tight then you need to allow more air to get in for better air flow.

What temp is the air outside the tent? If not much cooler outside than in it'll be hard to get cooler temps in the tent.

Should be cooler temps soon. At least in the northern hemisphere.

If you're not flowering you could remove the filter for now to increase air flow and change your light cycle so the light is on during the night if that gets you cooler feed air temps.

A 600 can grow some really decent plants. I've got 2 - 400s on mine atm where a 600 would be just right. Next one up is a 1000W MH and I don't have a spare $150 or so to buy a decent conversion bulb since my SunMaster crapped out on me.

Hope that helps.

OldMed gave some good advice. 29C isn't too bad, but the plants may be a little happier at lower temperatures. If your ambient temperatures (outside the tent) are quite a bit lower, you should be able to get the temperature down. Many people use 'cool tubes' and pull air through them to limit the heat output from the HPS bulbs. Unfortunately these cool tubes reduce the output a bit, so it's a tradeoff. The only other option off the top of my head would be to add a larger/another exhaust fan and possibly filter.
I currently have a cool tube light that has a inline fan attached and running a Seperate carbon filter and fan .I have ordered another fan that will push air from the outside into my tent .I'm goign to lookout for a air con unit and then I can control the temp Bette I think
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