How to stay Employed using Medical Marijuana and Passing Drug Test


New Member
I thought this was worth sharing...For those of you who are employed and have a Medical Marijuana recommendation and fear of being fired for testing positive for Cannabis, here is your ticket out of trouble.

Have your Physician or doctor who prescribed your MMJ card to write you a prescription for "Marinol" 2.5 mg pills.

Marinol is FDA approved and you cannot be fired for testing positive for Cannabis this way, you just claim the Marinol and not the smoked Cannabis we all love and enjoy.

Marinol 2.5 mg is available in 6 tablet script at Costco for $33.00

That $33.00 will save your ass and your job.

Enjoy... sounds much better than having to run out a buy a proudct to trick them...You never have to worry about a surprise test..Your prescription bottle has a long shelf life.
wouldn't your mmj license exempt THC from a urine screen?

while we all think it should not a single employer thinks so, and most medical mj laws have clauses that specifically state being a med mj patient does not relieve you from the employers drug free workplace rules.
the marinol thing might just work though, they only check for the thc from cannabis and not any cbd's so it should work at least untill the drug test companies realize thats what tokers are doing to get around the tests and then they will start checking for cbd's also so they can show that you are smoking and not popping it
...... dude, this is brilliant! I've literally been searching for weeks for something like this. clever, clever.

Some tests (the more expensive ones) can tell the difference between synthetic and non synthetic THC. So if you were to take a test you would be required upfront to state you have a marinol prescription or any other prescriptions. The tester could then decide with the employers consent to give you the more expensive test. Its a possibility that you should figure into your master plan.
Some tests (the more expensive ones) can tell the difference between synthetic and non synthetic THC. So if you were to take a test you would be required upfront to state you have a marinol prescription or any other prescriptions. The tester could then decide with the employers consent to give you the more expensive test. Its a possibility that you should figure into your master plan.

I figure you go take the test and when your boss comes to tell you, we have a problem, you tested positive, you play dumb and say your sorry, but it's not what you think, and you pull a prescription out of your wallet explaining that you are prescribed:thumb: Marinol and that MUST explain the positive...Your boss would let go from there...
That is a pretty good idea lol definatly thinking in the right direction..... we have to lean to trick the man at every turn to support our habbits :tokin:
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