J Obadiah

Well-Known Member
Welcome to Obadiah's Garden!!

This year's garden is an extension and continuance of the grows I completed over the last four years (2016/17).

Premise & Philosophy:
My garden is probably different than most other gardens you'll see online because I go about things differently.
1. Experimentation - Every plant grown is used as a focus for scientific research. Decisions made concerning the plants are based either in whole or in part on this parameter. I endeavor to discover all I can about the biological, botanical and/or horticultural nature of my plants.
2. Philosophy - The growing approach I take hinges on, in my current predicament, the geographical and environmental limitations placed upon the plants, governed by where I am located. In this case, I currently grow in an environment I like to call, "high-heat/low space" or "high heat microgrow". This is so because I grow on a south-facing patio in Californias Central Valley, where temps regularly push past 100°F in Summer. (More about that later).
The following are the parameters of the current grow
  • Strain: Big Bud
  • Environment: Outdoor, Hot.
  • Type: Indica-dominant
  • Yield: High, 20oz per plant minimum
  • Situation: Smart-Pot
  • Medium: Supersoil & DWC.
  • Planted: April 2020
  • Method: Organic
  • Additions: Mychorrizae, BioLive, Aloe, Silica.
  • Pests: Spider Mites, Aphids, Slugs, and Spiders (possible, not occurring).
  • Water: Regular Tap.
  • Alterations: LST, Supercropping, and Topping.
  • Restrictions: Height (6ft), Odor (must be minimal), Space (13x6-back patio of my apartment), Light (nighttime streetlights--use a tarp to cover at night).
The girls are each about a month-and-a-half old and are doing well. The four in soil are LST'd and topped twice this far. I use a simple "bend-and-secure" method to LST them, and the one in DWC has been topped once, approximately 2ft tall.


In the above photo, you'll notice a little plant in a pot. That one is also Big Bud, but I'm attempting my very first semi-bonsai! I am securing it--for now--using paperclips, which work well so far.

The next 3 are the same plant in DWC. She had a root rot issue for about a week until I attached a second air pump and hose to provide more oxygenation of the water, worked wonders!

The following image is one that shows the bending of the stalk directly back, opening her up to more light. I will continue bending and securing until I achieve the desired shape. (Duplicate below for additional commentary)

The following image is the same plant as the first photo up top, just a different angle. She has been LSTd and is secured using garden tape and paper clips. She will be bent and topped several additional times in the upcoming weeks. IMG_20200521_095328.jpg

The kitty's name is Ariel, my little rescue. She likes to help me water by standing up on the sides of the pot, thereby bending it down so I can get the water spout under them a bit easier. Remarkable, really.

The bamboo stake shows the original height of the plant prior to her bending (3ft). She was supercropped to give her extra stability along the bend.

You can already see the baseline shape taking effect and it will soon support the bulk of the plant's biomass. A certain symmetry is sought when doing LST without a cage, for both functional and ornamental reasons.

Securing also utilizes bamboo stakes opposed to cages as space is limited.

A closer view of topping.

Thanks for stopping by. Find me on YT @ Obadiahs Garden. More to come soon! Stay tuned.


UPDATE 05/24/2020

Here are a few more photos. I wanted to update you today so you have an idea of the growth rate. I also added a pic of the littlest one I call the Science Experiment because it's my first attempt at Bonsai and I didn't do it correctly at all lolol but she's still cool.

Bonsai: See, what had HAPPENED was: I didn't initiate the original bend properly and so when I transplanted her I got messed up, but hey, live, grow, and learn, right?

Im becoming more and more proud of this plant--shes smaller than her sisters, but still filling in well.

Number 2 here is taking very well to LST and she's gonna need several toppings.

Lots of heads, good growth this morning.

I showed this one just two days ago so you can really see the growth.

Big Bud is notorious for both it's heavy yield and her ability to handle LST. In fact, when I began researching which strain to purchase, I checked based on that capacity, and Big Bud was usually listed within the top 5 for that, and I see why: she remains herbaceous for a longer time than other varieties and so can be moulded and shaped quite easily. Consider this strain when you buy seeds. (Seed source: Nirvana).

Thanks for stopping by! Stay blessed and highly favored my friends!


Good day everyone! Here's a quick photo update of what's been happening in the garden. Enjoy!!

Big Bud CBD (Plant #2). New growth is good, taking well to LST and topping has produced a good symmetry.

Plant #3: Shes doing well in terms of new growth. Starting to balance out on the shorter side.

DWC (Plant #4) is doing fantastic. She has a great structure and size manageability. Odorous and beautiful

Plant #1: She's been bent the most out of them all and it's starting to produce the desired result of a good sized, bushy plant, under 6ft.

Keep an eye out for more updates soon, and please feel free to slide your comments, questions as I really love to address and answer them, respectively.

Thanks for stopping by, stay #Blessed&HighlyFavored, and be #MightyInTheLand!


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