Jaerock's Indoor Bag Seed Soil Grow Journal Summer 2015

I had a rough night for the 11th and did not post , so ill just do a post for tonight

aug 12 lights on

dre remained 24 inches
susan remained 24 inches
pac grew 1/4 inch

watered and nutes all 3

pac is beginning to get orange hairs more and more each day .

may not have pics every night cuz room mate being a fucktard

heres some for tonight though !











Cheers friends
Aug 13 Lights on

pac has grown another 1/4 inch - total 17.5 inch
susan stayed at 24 inches
dre grew 1/2 inch all cola to top out at 24.5 inches

susan and dre both show their first orange pistil

nice trichome buildup on all 3 very noticeable under magnifier 8x however i still dont think i see heads on them yet

they looked to have packed on a fair bit of weight over the last 24 hours since the water/nutes last night.

ran outta weed earlier resisting the urge to try a sampler lol.

no pics for tonight but everything looks great

ill try n have pics tomorrow night

cheers friends

Aug 14 lights on

all 3 did not grow vertically.

the underbuds are getting quite chunky :slide:

A lot of new trichome development particularly on susan and dre
for some reason it doesnt look super frosty from afar but maybe thats just the hps light fucking with my eyes cuz i sure see a ton under 8x magnifier

also added some stakes to tie them to as they sway too much and are close to snapping when i move them around to look at and measure them.

not much else to add other than they look awesome.

heres pics











cheers friends
Aug 16 lights on

all 3 did not grow vertically
but they did pack on some nice weight particulary the lower cola and under buds

plants tops now glistening when not under hps, or at least i cant see if under the orange light
did not get pics as i was in the hospital until 10:30am
the lights schedule as of tonight will be down to: 11 on - 13 off. i know it will hurt yield but i got 2-4 weeks max to pull these off as i have to move in 6 weeks.

ill try and get pics tonight :|
cheers friends
So ive just been told my brother came here yesterday and went in the closet during lights off with a fucking cell phone light. Is it highly likely they will turn hermie or go back in veg cuz of this ? they have not had interrupted dark period their whole life until yesterday.
im told it was for 10 seconds or less . im really praying this doesnt fuck up my girls or im gonna seek vengeance.

Any input here would be appreciated folks thanks !
cheers friends
Aug 17 lights on

All 3 plants grew 1/4 inch

smell getting more and more potent every day !
also trichs easier to see without magnification

keeping an eye on all 3 very closely , as my brother apparently stole the spare key to my house and came in the closet during lights off with a cell phone light and snipped 2 buds off each plants underbuds. praying this doesnt result in a hermie. so far so good its been a day and a half since this happened.

will update pics asap:(
cheers friends
You're gonna need a lock. Once Peter Rabbit finds out there's fresh tasty lettuce in Farmer McGregor's Garden he'll keep coming back.

Oh, and btw, don't stress the bit of light from a cell phone---not an issue at all.
Tell your brother he gets no more. Put a lock on your closet door. What a douche. It's possible (small chance) that he screwed it up. Tell him not to do that ever again, or your grow ninja friends here at 420 are going to get him.

Oh dont worry guys im taking care of it , my parents had the spare key to my house they do not anymore. Oh he aint getting shit now ill flush it down the toilet before he gets a toke lol!

so far so good i turned the light off and still no balls just female parts.getting real stinky

thanks for the replies guys i hope they gonna be aiight
cheers friends
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