Jaerock's Indoor Bag Seed Soil Grow Journal Summer 2015

You're fine, don't worry about it. Takes more than a couple hours to revert back to veg. Looks good, did you top(back build) one of the colas? Looks like it's fatter than the others. I did it accidentally when one of my cfl's slide down and was resting on top of the cola when i opened the closet. Pretty much cauterized the top of it and it grew wide and fat instead of skinny and tall.

whew thank god.
well i backbuild clipped the top 4 buds including cola of each plant. that one was really taken over (dre)
susan(largest pot) seems to have really stalled out ? i can see it getting more and more trichomes but the size has remained similar for a few day now.

when i did the backbuild , i took the top 3-4 calyx+pistils

also should i just maintain the same lights on time(midnight) or should i adjust it to 2am to compensate ?
thanks for the swift reply cruizer got really bummed toady when i woke up at 115pm.
yes, only problem is i dont know when the last 2 weeks is . i gotta believe pac is on its last 2-3 weeks.

my damn 40x loupe is still not here yet going to give it to monday and if its not here ill get a ride 45 mins away to buy one in a store.

ok i will continue with turning them on at midnight.

ive also got 3 plants same strain(i think) as susan or dre. very fast grower and this time i am going to veg indefinitely and attempt my hand at cloning .

i topped 2 and left one alone.

all 3 have shown their first pistils this week

they are 7-11 inches tall

cheers cruizer thanks for the positive reinforcement :thanks:

Aug 28
day 47 of flower(flip to 12/12)

watered pac 12 oz of RO water today as the pot felt very light.

i can now clearly see that on dre ( fattest cola) appears to be 2 seperate buds that make of the cola (twin towers) if i look at the same level the plants at i can clearly see its 2 seperate buds.

the aroma is getting more pleasing each day that passes.
really hoping to loupe gets here today so i can see pac up close and figure out when to harvest it.

kept light schedule on track so turned on at midnight and off at 11am.I decided not to float the off time back 2 hours to compensate for the 2 hours extra the light was on yesterday.

everything is looking good
my 3 females i have vegging have all shown pistils as well as one indica I'm guessing that has not shown.
going to attempt my hand at cloning in 1-2 weeks if the branches get large enough just so i can get the process down pat for when i move as my next setup i want to put 2 new ones into flower every 2-3 weeks to keep a constant supply.
the 3 females already have larger branches then the 3 in flower ever did.
the one i topped has really taken off the last 2 days it is getting mega bushy with branches.

cheers friends


i just looked closely at all 3 and it appears the bud sites that i started backbuilding are getting fatter. it could just be me but they definitely look to have more horizontal mass:thumb:
Aug 29
day 48

all 3 plants grew roughly 1/4th of an inch vertically ( since day 45)

my 40x loupe with LED lights that could serve as runway lights finally arrived yesterday however as i wear very thick glasses i seem to have a hard time telling colors... it looks to my bad eyes like pac is ~60% cloudy 3-5% amber and ~35% amber

susan and dre appear to be fully clear trichomes with the odd cloudy one here or there and no amber that i could see.

everything is looking great

also the 4 seeds i have planted in veg (for cloning attempts ) all came from the same bag as the 3 in flower and as of today i have a 100% female ratio . it appears i have 2 indica and 2 sativa (im guessing)

this leads me to believe the stress i put on my original plants would be why i only had 4 females (3 in the end) out of 20 that reached 6+ inches tall and 4 leaf sets.

whew i sure am glad these 3 made it
anyways enough rambling , will try to ask my dad if he can help me take trich pics tonight as i shake bad as im sure is noticeable in my previous pics.

i am going to guess that it will be pacs' time within the next 7-14 days. i am expecting to have to water her around tuesday and possibly pull her close to the weekend.
Tonight i am also beginning 10 on / 14 off

all in all i am quite happy and getting very anxious and excited.

cheers friends
Aug 31 lights on
Day 50

no vertical growth

found one 90%+ cloudy trich bud on pac and cut her off as a sampler . will be drying it 5+ days and curing in mason jar until my new vaporizer gets here in 2 weeks since i cant really tell how good the bud is till i vape it :volcano-smiley:

very concerned about the heat and very high humidity today and supposed to be the rest of this week will have to put forth extra effort to a/c during peak hours (very expensive) to keep it cool and out of the mold zone.

also picked up a moisture meter today

cheers friends
Sept 1 lights off

all 3 grew ~ 1/4 inch vertical.

after closer and a more steady look( i have bad shakes) i do believe i see about 5-10% amber heads on pac and ~30% cloudy on the sativas.

pac has got to be the most dank strong cannabis smell ive ever smelled. it is absolutely intoxicating how fine that girl smells.
it really took over today . was not there last night and when i woke up to turn the lights off i took a close, deep inhale and just WOW:Namaste::cheer: absolutely fantastic it STINKS !

will try to update pics tonight

my females in veg are abslolutely flourishing and are almost ready for cloning if i can find root hormone as most stores have taken it off the shelves with winter approaching .
if i cant find any i am afraid i will have to pull them as i need to move out soon when the place gets sold( they also need to walk ppl thru )

cheers all
Honestly, a cutting should root with out the hormones. IMHO root gel and such are for hard to root plants. Hydro stores have made a killing on the stuff. MJ is not hard to root. I took three cuttings off one outdoor plant earlier this year. I was just training/topping her. Since I have a hard time wasting cuttings, I simply stuck them in the soil in the pot. Nothing else but kept them moist and all three rooted. I ended up keeping one and using her to make seeds. I had a male I took a cutting from and stuck it in a cup of plain water. It started making root nodes after a couple weeks, but didn't root because light was present. Heck, you can root a single fan leaf.

EDIT: Let me add that the rooting products do help to increase the speed a cutting will root, as well as increase your chance of success by protecting the cut from infection.
sept 2 lights off
day 52

about 80% of pistils on pac have turned orange.
about 40-50% for the sativas.

much more smell

watered dre 15 oz RO water. Dre has been using a lot of water lately but i have to say it is really packing on the size. i mean it is getting HUGE girth wise.will update pics asap but dre is definitely the superstar of this grow.

waiting to water pac and susan until most likely tomorrow.

sept 3 lights on
day 53

not much to report
noticed some of the sugar leaves on the cola of susan are beginning to yellow and brown.
everything look well for the most part.
stopping nutes and using only RO as i need to get these off within 10-14 days. House is scheduled to be looked at on the 18th.
pac has been without nutes for 2+ weeks and dre+susan have not had any in about 4-5 days maybe more.

heres updated pics










included in one of the oranger pics is the plants i have vegging. they are all 3 females(killed a sickly looking one). from the same seed bag as dre and susan.
did defoliation last night on them taking everyhting but hte top 2 fans and branches.

cheers friends
Cool nice to see them getting nice and fat. Did you defoliate at all during your grow ?

Good job jae

i defoliated 1-2 times during veg and on day 21 and 45 of flower and around day 50 i removed some dying cola leaves tips off susan.

you can also see on the smaller vegging plants (pic 2) that i did a defol of all fans minus the top 2 at the time and left all branches
sept 4 lights on
day 54

no growth other then swelling buds.
took a bit to sit down with them and check them out under the loupe.
pac= 90% cloudy 10% amber (at most)
dre = 20% clear 80% cloudy
susan = 30% clear 70% cloudy

pac is about 75% orange pistils
dre about 20% orange pistils
susan is closer to 40% orange pistils.

this is also the 6th "night" of 14 hours dark

all 3 are showing very large calyx's covered in frosty looking trichs particularly near the bottom of the buds they are really swelling fast.
also took note the smell is much more overpowering

i am anticipating cutting pac very soon probably this weekend, so i can get a good dry and cure on them before my new vaporizer gets here and as the trichs are almost where i was planning on pulling it im going to go ahead and do so very soon.

susan+pac still showing wet in a few places on the meter so going to hold off on watering susan. most likely will not water pac as i am going to yank it soon.

all in all extremely excited :thumb::Namaste:
cheers friends
Wooo getting close now!!! Just curious is there a reason you don't low stress train them to take advantage of all the light you have ? I bet the smell is amazing. Mine are finally putting out scent
What's your take on when to harvest? I've read any where from 50% clouded - 50% clear / 50 % cloudy 50 % Amber. My plan was when about 30 % turn Amber but I would love you're opinion on when to harvest
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