Jaerock's Indoor Bag Seed Soil Grow Journal Summer 2015

Got to get them standing up, lol...this is from the ones I grew like yours.
Aug 20 lights on :

all 3 did not grow vertically

id like an opinion on this: how much water would YOU expect to have to water these with ? Cups or Gallon is ok ill do the math :p

im asking because it seems to me that 1-1.5x a week is not enough and growth has seemed to halt. It could just be me being impatient, however it just feels like its really begun to slow down.

should i take these and run RO water through it and let it drain in my tub ? if so how much should i run through ?

i put my fingers in 1-3 inches deep and it "feels" cool.

also another issue: our power was reset at some point through the night and my light ended up being on for 40 mins longer than the normal 11 hours . what would be the "best" way to adjust for this for tonight? just tack 1 hour onto the dark period ?
my timer does not have batterys so thats why :p another valuable lesson learned.

any opinions are appreciated.

cruizer : how old are those in that pic ? how long did they take to finish from the time u went 12/12? thanks !

thanks friends , cheers!
I actually flushed all of mine today. One by one they went into the shower, lol.

That was at 10 weeks, and harvest at 12 weeks on a 12/12 schedule. I counted from day of flip and not day of first pistils. She could of went to 13 I believe after smoking the cured bud. It was still to much of a head high for my liking, to speedy. I know next time when I get one like her again. More amber! I harvested at about 70 cloudy and 30 amber. I didn't know it would still be too strong.
I actually flushed all of mine today. One by one they went into the shower, lol.

That was at 10 weeks, and harvest at 12 weeks on a 12/12 schedule. I counted from day of flip and not day of first pistils. She could of went to 13 I believe after smoking the cured bud. It was still to much of a head high for my liking, to speedy. I know next time when I get one like her again. More amber! I harvested at about 70 cloudy and 30 amber. I didn't know it would still be too strong.

hmm ok by my calculations this is week 6 of flowering for me.

any thoughts on watering ? i do not know the gallon number of my "pots" as they are not proper pots just cleaned and disinfected cat litter pails... i get the feeling that i am not watering them enough , particularly since i overwatered and they were droopy as hell.

i guess im also not taking into considering that i only vegged them less then a month from the time they sprouted and other stresses i have put on them. i am probably thinking too much into this but when i feel the soil it all feels cool. mind you i keep the temp between 75f and 85f.

over the last week or 2 i would say i have watered each roughly 1-1.5 liters TOTAL. Any thoughts at all on this ? i cant wait till my next grow and i can use real pots with appropriate drainage. the "holes" in the bottom of my pails were just done with a knife and they are more like cracks in the plastic than holes.

ghetto as hell but thats the best i could do at the time :hippy::allgood:

im actually going to go and find another similiar pail and fill it with water using a measuring cup so i know the gallons of it .

thanks in advance !


so the buckets i have are : susan- ~3 gal
Dre ~ 2-2.5 gal
pac ~ 2-2.5 gal

Also i am planning on harvesting with at least half amber trichs , as im more of a couchlock and play diablo kinda guy...
Delivery date was listed as today on my loupe but still nothing. Canada post/China post slackin.

Cheers :lot-o-toke::peace::party::ganjamon:
I have one that's been in the same 1 gallon pot for 5 months now and I've only given between 20-30 oz's of water 2-3 times a week, depends on different things as to when I water. Like the other day the humidity was 16% and when I picked them up they were light as hell. The ones I grew like yours, I was near the ocean with high humidity and I wasn't watering as much, maybe 1-2 a week.
Jaerock. I was told by a more experienced grower to wait until the soil was dry and pots were light. Then water until run off comes out the drain holes this also helps with checking my ph.

In your situation I think they have stopped growing vertically because the buds are getting dense and full. Just my 2cents but I think you're fine and your plants appear to be happy.

Keep up the good work!:tommy::allgood::rollit:
Jaerock. I was told by a more experienced grower to wait until the soil was dry and pots were light. Then water until run off comes out the drain holes this also helps with checking my ph.

In your situation I think they have stopped growing vertically because the buds are getting dense and full. Just my 2cents but I think you're fine and your plants appear to be happy.

Keep up the good work!:tommy::allgood::rollit:

oh yeah hmm i thought i might be just over thinking it , i have short term memory issues a lot so that is probably part of it. thanks for the positive reinforcement man !
I have one that's been in the same 1 gallon pot for 5 months now and I've only given between 20-30 oz's of water 2-3 times a week, depends on different things as to when I water. Like the other day the humidity was 16% and when I picked them up they were light as hell. The ones I grew like yours, I was near the ocean with high humidity and I wasn't watering as much, maybe 1-2 a week.

oh yeah i didnt think about the humidity. its pretty brutal this time of year actually i have to turn the ac on every few hours for a half hour to keep it within reason.
Aug 22 lights on

pac did not grow vertical total 18
susan did not grow vertical total 24.5 inches
dre grew 1/2 inch total: 25.25 inches

everything is looking nice i can see mushroom heads of the trichomes under 8x magnification but its very difficult to tell color. my guesstimate on pac is about 5% cloudy the rest clear.
Dre and Susan are all clear from what i can see.
Dre and susan do not have very many mushroom heads formed unlike pac.

Watered pac 8 oz of RO water only

defoliated the 2 bottom fans of dre , and 4 large fans from susan.
am going to see how susan responds before stripping dre of his large fans (leaving new fans and cola fans ofc)

smell :

pac has a real nice fruity smell to it, almost ripe smell if i had to choose a word. similar to harvested but curing tobacco
susan has a strong, sweet kind of smell with a strong hint of cat urine.
Dre has a fruity, almost "breath of the ocean" kind of smell to it , meaning , it really hits you like a fresh breeze off a large lake or ocean

pac has about 60-75% orange pistils
dre has 10-15% orange pistils
susan has 10-15% orange pistils

here is some pics they are from 11:30am aug 22 (lights off)














im pretty sure the order of those is dre-susan-pac

cheers pals
Aug 23 lights on
day 42 since 12/12 flip
No vertical growth to report
just stronger smell and some density building of the buds.
I am going to try Light Addicts' backbuilding technique for buds on pac(indica) tomorrow at lights off.

im not in a hurry to try my stuff as my vaporizer wore out recently and i need to ship it to san jose to get a free replacement.<3 Vapir 2.0

not much else to report other than the sativas really seemed to like the water+nutes

cheers friends
Aug 25 lights on
day 44

all 3 plants grew close to 1/4 inches

pac is definitely getting a more "ripe" smell to it for lack of a better word.
trichomes are also noticeabley geting large and more of them.

susan and dre are chugging along nicely , the cat urine smell is almost gone, with more of a wonderful cannabis aroma coming to the fore front.

will update pics tonight
cheers buddys!
Aug 26 lights on
day 45

no vertical growth
watered each except pac 12 oz of RO water.

applied Light Addict's backbuilding to the top 4 sections of each plant at lights off when i watered.

very excited to see it in action soon.

new diablo patch his yesterday so i did not take pics as ive been goin hard at it will try to remember tonight when i turn the lights on.

Cheers friends stay green
anyone had a bad experience where the lights end up on 2 hours longer then usual ? any way to adjust this to hopefully keep them from going back into veg ?
i did read somewhere that you can help minimize the damage by just adjusting the dark period to maintain 12+ hours or darkness.
would really like anyones opinion on this if possible .

thanks guys im worried now bout them goin back to veg state
You're fine, don't worry about it. Takes more than a couple hours to revert back to veg. Looks good, did you top(back build) one of the colas? Looks like it's fatter than the others. I did it accidentally when one of my cfl's slide down and was resting on top of the cola when i opened the closet. Pretty much cauterized the top of it and it grew wide and fat instead of skinny and tall.
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