Kbushy's Soil Grown Gifted Mystery Solo Cup Haze Seedlings & A Rockstar Clone 2020

Grass Cutter

Active Member
Hello fellow growers! Recently for my 32nd birthday I purchased my first proper grow show tent, lights and equipment. I am super excited to finally be able to grow Cannabis in a controlled environment with good equipment. I played around with outdoor growing in the past battling poor northern British Columbia coastal weather, bugs, deer, and strict parents who destroyed my plants that I would try to sneak into their greenhouse. This has been a long time coming, and because of the state of the world with the COVID-19 lock down I have a lot of time to finally dedicate myself to this project.

So what strain is it? Good question. I was told the seeds are from the the interior of BC from a grower who developed his own kind to his liking. It was given the name Teacup? I myself have never heard of it, and I can not find anything online about it. One thing I do know is that the clone I was gifted is a Healthy Rockstar cutting from a hydroponic store up the road, and HAZE was scribbled onto the red solo cups I received the mystery Teacup seedlings in.
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? More questions then answers here.

As of today my plants are 2.5 weeks old in the vegetative stage. I have been low stress training the Rockstar Clone, and today I tied down the two other plants.

So now that I am caught up on the back story, I will elaborate a little more on my grow tent and equipment. My grow tent is a three chamber 36''x24''x53''h Growneer Tent. The main chamber is 24''x 24'' x 53''. The other two chambers are smaller more better suited for seedlings, clones, and may be a small mother or vegetative chamber. My light is a full spectrum LED 600 Watt Mar Hydro TS. It has an aluminum housing with no cooling fan. My exhaust system is a 4'' topolite inline with a carbon filter, a generic fan speed controller, paired with a Growneer LCD screen temperature controller set to keep things between 68F and 80F for now. Inside I am also running two 6 inch clip fans. One for the canopy, and one to run above the Led light to help it stay cooler. To measure humidity I have a generic no name temperature/hygrometer that came with the ventilation system. My humidity says around 40-45 percent. Mid forties to low forties after a watering, but it generally stays around 40 percent.
Too keep things simple for this first run I am using a generic Miracle grow potting mix with a moisture control feature. The only nutrients I have at the moment is a all purpose Miracle grow liquid fertilizer mixed with a 18l of purified water from the store to hold things over until I purchase some good stuff, after that it will be used for my house plants. In between feeding I have been using bottled water. I do not trust tap water, and I only water once every 3 days or so, I keep a watchful eye on my soil dampness and that determines my watering.
I am yet to purchase any kind of ph tester, eventually down the road I may. As for now I am very careful, Vigilance is key! I like to watch my plants very closely for any signs of stress, nute burn, and pests.

My plants are reaching the 3 week mark on Thursday, and I am contemplating on Switching them to 12 and 12 then.
Any pro input or pointers are welcome I am stoked to be able to share my experience and learn from some seasoned growers.
Cheers happy growing.
Welcome @Kbushy! I'm glad you started a grow journal! I'll tag along, I'm a new grower myself but will happily share what knowledge and experience I have.

That being said....go get a PH tester asap. If you can, spend the extra and get a cheapo spare...its that important. Having a spare will save your butt one day. Mine took a dunk then sprouted wings, it was not fun finding a replacement in social distancing times!!

Also, I may have missed it, but do you have a EC/PPM meter? That's another handy tool for the grow.
Thanks for the heads up Rexer! I do not have ecp/pm meter I assumed I didnt need one because I am not doing hydroponics. I read Into them, and they test water quality in general, and that would be a handy tool!
While I dont use soil myself, from what I've read it's just as important for soil grows.

There's been lots of talk about measuring runoff, I dont pretend to have read lots, trying to learn hydro is hard enough lol.

That being said, from what I can tell they look pretty dang happy!!
Welcome to the community, I am same as you new to indoor, started in January, I have 2 Rockstar halfway through flower, you can check out my journal to have a look, started from seeds. You are in great company here, the learning is endless.
Good luck with the grow :peace:
So I watered my pants after I repotted them in the felt pots and I noticed that the bottoms hold water like a sponge and they just sat in the run off. Not cool. So after some brainstorming I came up with the idea to fill the bottom of my tent liner with hydroton for drainage, and airflow. Rinsed the hydroton, put it in Only a couple inches deep. Works like a charm.
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