Leaves being drained


Active Member
Hey folks,
In week three of flower on my candy cane auto and i believe The plant is draining the leaves for nutrients. I have only been feeding at half strength but I feel it’s rather early for the leaves to be sucked for Nutes. Anyone have any thoughts on it?


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Soil? Hydro? Ph? Nutes? Looks like your actually getting some nute burn and deficiency . I'd suspect pH but need more info.
Hey. Growing in soil. Pro mix hp with a bit of sea soil in it I ph at 6 I’m using medi kit from green planet for nutes at half strength every other feeding. The spots on Te leaves and brown tips were from when I was on vacation they got a little funny while I was away humidity and heat and being over watered before I left I suspect.
You are correct. Looks normal to me. The buds are growing quite large. The plant is putting the energy into the buds.
Should I perhaps give it a little more fiod for a couple
Weeks before I cut it off? I’ve not had them drain this early before don’t want her to starve
Should I perhaps give it a little more fiod for a couple
Weeks before I cut it off? I’ve not had them drain this early before don’t want her to starve

I always give my plants half strength bloom, cal mag and mild organic fertilizer. Those plants could go for another month at least. I Harvest when I start getting too many amber trichome's.
I always give my plants half strength bloom, cal mag and mild organic fertilizer. Those plants could go for another month at least. I Harvest when I start getting too many amber trichome's.
thanks, do you mean another month on the leaves nutrients or just till harvest? Thanks for the help
thanks, do you mean another month on the leaves nutrients or just till harvest? Thanks for the help
The fan leaves will most often turn yellow, dry up and fall off during flower. Other plants keep most of their fan leaves even up to harvest.
With auto's you have to be very careful with nutrients (half dose or less). I give light doses all the way through life cycle until harvest.

Your plants could go for a month or more, depending on what you want. The longer you go the more of a narcotic effect the plant will have. I look at the plants weekly. Are the buds getting bigger? If so let them go longer unless you have too many amber trichomes.

Even if the plant dies in the pot before harvest it will still be good. So remember my motto. "Don't worry about it".
The seed co. Gives u a rough estaminet for harvesting under perfect conditions. I find the only way to b sure is with a loop checking trichomes for amber lol
The fan leaves will most often turn yellow, dry up and fall off during flower. Other plants keep most of their fan leaves even up to harvest.
With auto's you have to be very careful with nutrients (half dose or less). I give light doses all the way through life cycle until harvest.

Your plants could go for a month or more, depending on what you want. The longer you go the more of a narcotic effect the plant will have. I look at the plants weekly. Are the buds getting bigger? If so let them go longer unless you have too many amber trichomes.

Even if the plant dies in the pot before harvest it will still be good. So remember my motto. "Don't worry about it".
Haha righteous. K cool man thanks for the words of wisdom
The seed co. Gives u a rough estaminet for harvesting under perfect conditions. I find the only way to b sure is with a loop checking trichomes for amber lol
I took a look last night. Not even milky yet which is part of the reason i was worried about the leaves changing so much so soon
Understood , different strains, grow diff. Have u ever grown this strain before? If not..... Veva la difference. It could b a genetic f up as well I’d wait and see.
No. First time with strain and beeeder I do have two going 3 weeks apart and the other went into flower weeks earlier. I wouldn’t exactly call them stable genetics. Probably also be the last time I go with them. Thanks for advice. I’m going to try a little more nutes for the next week and see if I can slow it down a little
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