Lights under the canopy?


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x4 tent with 9 little girls that I just flipped a week ago. Didn't plan on having all but now I'm stuck with them! Had 10 and fostered one out to a close friend. Still getting decent light below and showing results but is it ok to put lights under the plants to help spots below fighting for light. CFL specifically! Can't dump any off so I'm trying my best to deal with this. I know it's crowded but any idea's so I don't have too many problems down the road? So far so good but I feel I will eventually run into a problem! Worse case do I bail on a couple to save the lot or fight my way through and hope for the best?
Using 1000 hps with very good ventilation. Temps are constant at 72-74 with 50% hum. Drop to 59-61 at night with lights out! Soilless mix 70% peat 30% perl. and feeding Foxfarm nutes. (rillos)... Stealthboat, I think you have mentioned this to me in recent past about defol.? Am I correct? Not sure how to do this properly, but will read up! Lots of peeps say they don't like it. I will try anything once to see for myself before I form an opinion. Started with 5 ladies but was asked to make it 10 and then he bailed on me! Hate to foster them out, these are my girls and they need proper care. Won't do that again! Have you defol. in the past Stealthboat? This is my first grow so I'm a bit nervous but not afraid to take risks. How do they look at 1 week flower? Can I keep all with moderate success? Chronic is the strain.... Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I supplement my 400 with cfls, I don't know about a 1000. But, if I was you I'd be looking to chop anything that was not up top. Looks like most is, so look for weaker branches. All lower stuff, got to go. You have enough plants, and a light to have some awesome tops if you're selective and trim a little here and there. I like to trim, wait a day, trim, wait two days, trim. That's my way. I'd say pick four tops per plant and then chop away.

I wouldn't give up a plant, I'd run with what you have. Just do some trimming.

You may want to raise the night temps a bit, but I'll let others chime in on that since I'm a rookie.

Good luck,, I'd like to get a 1000 in my 4x4 for next winter. That's some good shit right're the man!
Using 1000 hps with very good ventilation. Temps are constant at 72-74 with 50% hum. Drop to 59-61 at night with lights out! Soilless mix 70% peat 30% perl. and feeding Foxfarm nutes. (rillos)... Stealthboat, I think you have mentioned this to me in recent past about defol.? Am I correct? Not sure how to do this properly, but will read up! Lots of peeps say they don't like it. I will try anything once to see for myself before I form an opinion. Started with 5 ladies but was asked to make it 10 and then he bailed on me! Hate to foster them out, these are my girls and they need proper care. Won't do that again! Have you defol. in the past Stealthboat? This is my first grow so I'm a bit nervous but not afraid to take risks. How do they look at 1 week flower? Can I keep all with moderate success? Chronic is the strain.... Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I do defoliate mainly because I grow white strains, and I do it all through flower. Just make sure nothing is shading any bud sights. Keeping checking every week. Anything blocking buds we are talking fan leaves if they blocking they got to go.

Ok I'd wait another 7 days then start picking away at some leaves and stuff lower on the plant. I picked off a lot of leaves during week 3 of flower on my current grow. Then I let a few plants get too dry and almost all the leaves curled up and dried out. So my plant pretty much has no leaves yet it is still doing fine overall. I think some strains can handle defol, others not so much
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